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Accounts Project 1999 WTS Project 1999 Platinum/Items/Accounts (1 Viewer)

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Aye great seller. He just forget to give an positive feedback after an successful trade (Free bump)
hey hey emailed ya and tried to send a message via aim. looking to purchase a good amount of pps! let me know via my email response ! thanks. or message me on this account.
Does anyone know if this is still active? I am also looking to sell an account. Please PM me for more details.
Honestly doubt it is, can anyone confirm contact? The guy hasn't bumped the thread in almost 2 years. If no one can confirm maybe redbot can stop the thread or whatever so that it stops popping up?
He got banned ... All people that purchased from him were also tracked down and banned, so yea... dunno why people are bumping this every week.
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