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WTS 85 any class, 4-5kAAs geared. (1 Viewer)

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Apr 13, 2005
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I have 10 accounts spare that i created pre november 6th 2013 - i am original owner for all of them

Between 12th march and 26th march you will have the ability to make a level 85 character of your choosing for free on them. No once per IP restrictions. These toons will come with a full compliment of HoT T1 equivalent armour, all their AAs upto and including Underfoot, 2x 24 slot bags, a fast mount and a J1 merc 18/20 expansions

The accounts are a mix of silver and free accounts, some with random chars, some with some SC and LoN cards unclaimed.

Perfect if you wanna start a new box army and cba to level or gear them to a decent level

$20 per account
Bump - 5 of these left - could probably get a hold of more if needed.

These are pre november 2013 accounts, some may have station cash etc on them. Mostly blank accounts
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