To any potential buyers. Be careful when dealing with people who are not verified. Especially if you are going to make a big purchase or anything over like 50 bucks. It also a warning sign when someone wants to sell a large amount of something that they could just sell in smaller amounts (for more money even). In my opinion this has all the signs of possibly being a scam. Otherwise why not list them as an amount per with a set minimum and then offer a bulk discount for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, all the way up to 60.
I can understand you might not want to deal with a bunch of people and deliveries but that's also just BS in my opinion it takes a few mins to do a deal and make a delivery.
This member also told me in a PM that he has a verified account (which he now is going back on).
This is all shady.
I am sick of seeing people get burned.
If this is all legit then great but there are too many red flags.