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Infraction for odurs: Scammer (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 93.9%
45   3   1
Might be someone else then the original odurs? I came in contact weeks ago and he had several posts and feedback.

He then contacted me via PM and I went for it blindfully. Then I saw he only had one post and no feedback.
Might be someone else then the original odurs? I came in contact weeks ago and he had several posts and feedback.

He then contacted me via PM and I went for it blindfully. Then I saw he only had one post and no feedback.

I wondered about the feedback as well and I also noticed the 2 in the e-mail, which weren't there the first time I bought from him...like I said, several things felt off about the deal this way around, which is why I didn't transfer anything...

If it's someone else, what happened to his account here, since the feedback was gone?

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