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Items Live (normal server) WTS RARE ITEMS! ILLUSIONS, PETS, MOUNTS, SUITS, ETC! (1 Viewer)

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Jan 16, 2022
Rating - 100%
88   0   0
I am open to offers but will ignore/delete messages that I deem are a waste of my time.

Pick up on Xegony, delivery may be available for bulk orders.

Wrapped Visage of a Shissar Priest: 4 krono
Wrapped Visage of the Tae Ew Lizardman: 5 krono
Wrapped Visage of a Paineel Skeleton Guard: 8 krono
Wrapped Visage of an Enchanter Armor Guardian: 3 krono
Wrapped Visage of the Rivervale Deputy: 10 krono
Wrapped Guise of the Gilded Gnomework: 8 krono
Wrapped Helm of the Fourth Gate Guardian: 12 krono
Wrapped Visage of the Faydark Forest Guardian: 3 krono

Adoptable Resplendent Owlbear Saddle: 2 krono
Adoptable Regal Tree Squirrel: 2 krono
Adoptable Dwarven War Worg: 2 krono
Adoptable Armored Bloodtusk: 2 krono
Adoptable Qeynosian Strider: 2 krono
Adoptable Mischevous Mottled Mutt: 3 krono
Adoptable Runic Steed: 3 krono

Adoptable Metamorph Watchwolf: 3 krono
Adoptable Metamorph Grimling Skeleton: 1 krono
Adoptable Arctic Wurm: 3 krono
Adoptable Crumbling Gargoyle Familiar: 3 krono
Adoptable Lambent Golem: 1 krono
Adoptable Viridian Ghost: 2 krono
Adoptable War Crow: 5 krono

Wrapped All-Seeing Skull: 5 krono
Wrapped Ak`Anon Bubble Lamp: 2 krono
Wrapped Army of Light Barricade: 2 krono
Wrapped Banner of Clan Crushbone: 5 krono
Wrapped Banner: Sanctus Seru: 5 krono
Wrapped Brain in a Jar: 2 krono
Wrapped Brazier: The Everburning Ruby: 3 krono
Wrapped Coat of Arms: Qeynos: 2 krono
Wrapped Dwarven Ice Statue: 1 krono
Wrapped Emperor Ganak Throne: 5 krono
Wrapped King Gragnar's Throne: 1 krono
Wrapped Library Wall Sconce: 3 krono
Wrapped Mounted Snake Head: 5 krono
Wrapped Mounted Tiger Head: 5 krono
Wrapped Oceanographer's Globe: 5 krono
Wrapped Ogrish Spit: 3 krono
Wrapped Painting: Kithicor: Forest: 5 krono
Wrapped Painting Stonebrunt Mountains: 1 krono
Wrapped Runnyeye Adventurer's Head: 5 krono
Wrapped Gunthak's Beltch: 3 krono
Wrapped Statue of Toskirakk: 3 krono
Wrapped Statue: Sanctus Seru: 5 krono
Wrapped Statue of Aten Ha Ra: 5 krono
Wrapped Sculpted Vah Shir Effigy: 5 krono

Prize: Ornate Flying Carpet: 5 krono
Prize: Nightmare Saddle: 2 krono

Suit of Wither and Decay plate: 3 krono
Suit of Wither and Decay chain: 2 krono
Suit of Wither and Decay leather: 2 krono
Suit of Wither and Decay cloth: 2 krono
Suit of Arx Mentis plate: 3 krono
Suit of Dark Elf plate: 1 krono each
Suit of Bixie plate: 2 krono each
Suit of Damsel of Decay plate: 2 krono
Suit of Damsel of Decay chain: 2 krono
Sinister Steamwork Plate Wrist Ornament: 3 krono

Sigil of Thokk: offer
Royal Antonican Weapon Ornament Pack: offer


Updated: 9/11/23
Refund Policy
🛎️ None
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