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WTS Ogre War in 20's with 45K in gear (1 Viewer)

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Jan 30, 2014
Rating - 100%
23   0   0
Account is sold! Thank you for everyone that expressed interest!

Selling a Ogre war in his 20's on P1999 BLUE

Fully geared head to toe, 45k worth of well chosen gear (real market value not inflated wiki prices)
Has Jboots
You get EMU, Email, server Login, SMS not set
Not Pl'd, manually grinded, skills up to date. Ready to log in and play!
Unknown, not a guild twink

He has a multitude of weapons, both aggroe and dps. Fully armored, head to toe and not with junk. It's also almost all items that are very easy movers. Worth the price just to strip, could use the character as a trader that can always move.

$100 paypal gift

PM me with questions!

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