60 ench - $145
full insidious: robe / helm / shoes / bracer / sleeves / legs / gloves, inlaid jade hoop (high elf clicky illusion and nice ring), ext range 3 bracer, jboots, DE mask pre-nerf
for epic has:
hand of the maestro
prince head
HS / OS keyed, nearly all kunark spells including the good ones like group C2, VoG, 60 charm, highest mez, slow, etc.
Account has a 60 mage on it too
full insidious: robe / helm / shoes / bracer / sleeves / legs / gloves, inlaid jade hoop (high elf clicky illusion and nice ring), ext range 3 bracer, jboots, DE mask pre-nerf
for epic has:
hand of the maestro
prince head
HS / OS keyed, nearly all kunark spells including the good ones like group C2, VoG, 60 charm, highest mez, slow, etc.
Account has a 60 mage on it too