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WTB High End Warrior (1 Viewer)

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Caveat Emptor: UNVERIFIED
Sep 19, 2008
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Hey everyone,

I'm looking for a high end warrior, preferably 23k hp / 4k ac unbuffed or more. 1200 AA minimum. Should be flagged for AG/FC, Solteris, and MMM/Crystallos group at least.

Must be transferable instantly!

Also must have original information, Birthdate used to register the station account (most important and absolutely vital :) )

I'll want to see a magelo, talk on the phone before the transaction, and also view in-game.

I can drop quite a bit of cash via PayPal only! (I'm Verified PayPal member since 2004 with 27 verified transactions, I've been a highly respected member of some other communities on the interwebs but just found this site so though I would branch out :p )

Anyways, if you have something that fits my description send me a PM with a magelo and asking price and we can get to it.

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