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Suspicious Should this feedback for FreEQ2PlaySalesServices be removed? (1 Viewer)

Should this feedback for FreEQ2PlaySalesServices be removed?

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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 94%
46   3   1
Username(s) of the accused
Diamond Krono
⚖️ This is an official feedback dispute, sponsored by the Ducat shop. After 7 days the votes will be tallied and the most popular judgement upheld. Official feedback rules are found here. 🧑‍⚖️

@FreEQ2PlaySalesServices is disputing feedback left by Diamond Krono. Here is a link to the feedback. Note that this link may not work for non-moderators due to the user's privacy settings.

It reads:
"A failed transaction with this user led to him admitting fault. Going forward he made the poor decision to maliciously target my account over long periods of time out of anger. I cannot recommend dealing with this trader. -Diamond Krono"

If you are a moderator or staff please do not vote or comment.
EVIDENCE and PROOF that @Diamond Krono is just being malicious and has NEVER had a single transaction with me!

p.s.-- I'd love for @Diamond Krono to provide this imaginary transaction proof, because I screen shot and save everything!

Furthermore, I sent over a description of the events that has been happening as of late, but here it goes for everyone to read.

1) I have had 73 POSITIVE feedback given for transactions with people who I have actually done transactions with; this is just getting ridiculous! And the only negative transaction I have received is from @Diamond Krono , a competitor on the Krono forums who is IGNORED and ABUSING the negative feedback over a transaction that NEVER happened. @Diamond Krono STILL has NOT shown ANY evidence of this FALSIFIED transaction! Please @Redbot can you chime in here with something/anything! Thanks in advance!

2) @Diamond Krono is on my IGNORE LIST and has been since the first malicious conversation he ever started with me, there should NEVER be the ability for someone who is IGNORED to give any sort of feedback, esp with VERIFIED PREMIUM USERS and other competitors!

3) This malicious spamming of negative feedback started yesterday 4/3/2022 when I posted a SUGGESTION to remove REPLY to forum threads auto-bumping and overriding our 3x Daily Bumps. I did this so that EVERYONE that uses this forum website could use their 3x Daily Bump limit appropriately and have more front page time with "What's New" Forum thread. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If you refer to the SUGGESTION thread I created yesterday, you will see the @Drognir also was also involved in the thread I created yesterday; look for yourself.

Here is a link to the the 3x BUMPS being IMPLENTED, but it did NOT include other sellers bumping each others thread to get auto-bumped on the "What's New" forum... hence, the SUGGESTION... as of yesterday, @Redbot removed the "What's New" thread and people have enjoyed being on the "New Posts" for longer utilizing their 3x Daily Bumps appropriately!

4) I have NEVER bought any Krono from the website, I've only sold Krono, and I'm a small time seller, unlike @Diamond Krono , but I'm not sure why he's been doing this!

Please make this stop happening @Redbot .... thank you!
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I have still yet to see evidence of this FALSE transaction from @Diamond Krono ! As I said, I have records of all my transactions that I've ever done and @Redbot and the staff can sift through all my conversations to verify this NEVER happened!
@FreEQ2PlaySalesServices I'm not exactly sure who you are since this is a new name...

First off, @Redbot opens these types of disputes up publicly to let the community help handle them via voting, not so he can put the hammer down and fix it to one party or the other's liking. IE, you're proving your case to everyone, not just the mods now.

Second, DK's negative feedback reads as if this is negative feedback about x2 separate things. The first one is some failed transaction you had with DK which yes I agree, proof of this failed transaction should be posted, but you're challenging HIS feedback, not the other way around. Second, is he's stating you've been harassing him / targetting him since. This means DK would also have to provide proof of that.

Basically, you are in a current limbo state waiting until DK provides proof of the feedback. If he does, that feedback stays (given the community agrees), if he is unable to, we'll have to go into further debate, hence why these take 7 days to complete.

IE; that negative feedback is there to stay for a week. It shouldn't affect business that much as we're still in the discovery phase.

EDIT; Also though, if it makes you feel any better, this is the first time I feel I've had to wait to cast my vote upon further knowledge is unveiled.

Oh, and man, throwing out 73 Positive feedback compared to DK's 1000+ isn't doing you any favors. When you're a reputable seller your name speaks for itself above the reputation, and now that some of us aren't entirely sure who you are...
Here's my proof and evidence that @Diamond Krono has NEVER done a single transaction with me
That's saying he's never had a single thread open here. We're waiting on DK's rebuttal, that's it.

Look, I know DK, and DK knows me. He also knows I'm an honest, non-biased figure within these forums. I look at the evidence in front of me and make a decision, regardless of who it's in favor of or not. I think most people on these forums do the same.

1. DK fails to provide proof of any of this, it was emotional feedback and shouldn't have been left and gets removed. We're right back to this whole thing being a personal dispute between you two.
2. DK provides proof of something that might justify that feedback and said feedback stays. Then we're right back to this whole thing being a personal dispute between you two.

This isn't exactly high-stakes controversy here man. It's just gonna take time to get the communities thoughts on it.
Second, DK's negative feedback reads as if this is negative feedback about x2 separate things. The first one is some failed transaction you had with DK which yes I agree, proof of this failed transaction should be posted, but you're challenging HIS feedback, not the other way around. Second, is he's stating you've been harassing him / targetting him since. This means DK would also have to provide proof of that.

Oh, and man, throwing out 73 Positive feedback compared to DK's 1000+ isn't doing you any favors. When you're a reputable seller your name speaks for itself above the reputation, and now that some of us aren't entirely sure who you are...
@bractos45 the first, I posted proof it NEVER happened; the second, if he were to post ANYTHING, it would be HIM sending me malicious conversations; hence, why I ignored him to begin with. That said, I even went as far when he had HIS dispute awhile back to vote in favor of him, yes to drop to remove it and give supporting reasons why, even though my experience with him had been different!

Furthermore, I guess this goes to show, just because I'm a small-time reputable seller (73 positive transactions is still good for a small guy like me) doesn't mean that I'm any less reputable than a larger volume seller like @Diamond Krono, he's still human and make mistakes, yet again!
I'm really not sure how to further explain this.

You are accusing DK of leaving false feedback for a failed transaction, and harassment.
You are saying publicly, that what he said is a lie.
YOU post a screenshot saying there are no sales threads within ECT between you two. Any logical thinking person would think, ok, where did this failed transaction DK is accusing you of take place?
We're right back to having to wait for DK to post his response.


1. DK fails to provide proof of any of this, it was emotional feedback (or a flat out mistake or w/e) and shouldn't have been left and gets removed. We're right back to this whole thing being a personal dispute between you two.
2. DK provides proof of something that might justify that feedback and said feedback stays. Then we're right back to this whole thing being a personal dispute between you two.
It is against policy to let feedback stand and go to trial if it does not fall within the guidelines of the policy.
The policy is what upholds this site, and is to be followed intently.
Moderators know more than you and I, they have the information from both parties at their disposal.

So to answer your question, yes, it absolutely does fall within the guidelines. I believe the moderators have better judgment than you do at this point.
I had attempted a transaction with FreEq2PlaySalesServices. His post read that he was online and ready to do business. After ensuing the krono, for one reason or another he decided not to sell krono to me, agreeing that he was at fault. From this point on, he has a grudge against my account.

His allegations that an attempted trade never took place, are unfortunately another false attempt to trick the community. He knows full well that we had.
This was after he bumped over the top of me, then claimed to have "Just sold the krono" right after a bump.


If your wondering why he has red feedback here, it is because the forum is designed to keep feedback current, even inside older conversations.


I have relayed to multiple staff members over the last few months, that there has been repeated issues regarding this person.

One example: They have repeatedly bumped on my post over months intentionally. So often that I actually had to contact moderators and let them know what was going on, so often they asked to WATCH it in real time. and guess what?

FreEq2PlaySalesServices was then WARNED BY STAFF to cease the following.

1. Stop copying other members; here is the result this morning as I had a doctors appointment


2. Cease the repeated abuse of the bump system against a single party; this warning from moderators ALSO went ignored by the account in question. After being for warned, here is what FreEq2PlaySalesServices thinks of our moderators policy's.

https://streamable.com/zt5rir <-- Click here

I NEVER once retaliated, I even asked if there was something else that could be done rather than to leave feedback. I don't have time to play games on our site, and I certainly don't want to waste anyone elses. I will make this as short as possible as to not waste anyone else's time.

I was told directly by mods that "Yes, I believe you are being harassed" Moderators can also see all the timing of each individual bump. Rest assured, there are countless stacks of them.

I don't believe the bumps in general need to be modified in anyway, if someone bumps 5 seconds after me a few times, or for a week I really don't care. It becomes an issue when an account is solely targeted maliciously, ongoing for months. If that was anyone else who makes trades here on ectunnel, I would stick my head out for them.

Anyone who has come across me, or dealt with my personally knows where I am coming from. I spend a lot of my excess time assisting other members of ectunnel to enhance their experiences. Nobody here should have to undergo any type of personal attack, especially one that is ongoing and ongoing.
I'm really not sure how to further explain this.

You are accusing DK of leaving false feedback for a failed transaction, and harassment.
You are saying publicly, that what he said is a lie.
YOU post a screenshot saying there are no sales threads within ECT between you two. Any logical thinking person would think, ok, where did this failed transaction DK is accusing you of take place?
We're right back to having to wait for DK to post his response.

1. DK fails to provide proof of any of this, it was emotional feedback and shouldn't have been left and gets removed. We're right back to this whole thing being a personal dispute between you two.
2. DK provides proof of something that might justify that feedback and said feedback stays. Then we're right back to this whole thing being a personal dispute between you two.
Yes @Redbot is aware of the 3 or 4 times I've had to contact the admin team to REMOVE his malicious negative feedbacks. That's the harassment piece, valid! The false feedback, I literally JUST posted a response from @Redbot stating that I have NEVER had any transactions with @Diamond Krono . And yes, I am an honest trader on this site. I enjoy the small time gig, though I'm not a big time seller.

And yes, because I've never been on any other site, only ECTunnel, period. Therefore, my screenshot stands and my statement as a small seller on this website ONLY stands.

1. I don't know why there is any personal dispute to begin with, my thread looks different than his and I am ALWAYS adjusting my prices and thread post to be competitive. @Diamond Krono has the same price and the same look ALL THE TIME. Not a knock there, just an observation.
2. "same as above"...
It is against policy to let feedback stand and go to trial if it does not fall within the guidelines of the policy.
The policy is what upholds this site, and is to be followed intently.
Moderators know more than you and I, they have the information from both parties at their disposal.

So to answer your question, yes, it absolutely does fall within the guidelines. I believe the moderators have better judgment than you do at this point.
I had attempted a transaction with FreEq2PlaySalesServices. His post read that he was online and ready to do business. After ensuing the krono, for one reason or another he decided not to sell krono to me, agreeing that he was at fault. From this point on, he has a grudge against my account.

His allegations that an attempted trade never took place, are unfortunately another false attempt to trick the community. He knows full well that we had.
This was a while back after he bumped over the top of me, then claimed to have "Just sold the krono" right after a bump.

View attachment 33513
If your wondering why he has red feedback here, it is because the forum is designed to keep feedback current, even inside older conversations.


I have relayed to multiple staff members over the last few months, that there has been repeated issues regarding this person.

One example: They have repeatedly bumped on my post over months intentionally. So often that I actually had to contact moderators and let them know what was going on, so often they asked to WATCH it in real time. and guess what?

FreEq2PlaySalesServices was then WARNED BY STAFF to cease the following.

1. Stop copying other members; here is the result this morning as I had a doctors appointment

View attachment 33508

2. Cease the repeated abuse of the bump system against a single party; this warning from moderators ALSO went ignored by the account in question. After being for warned, here is what FreEq2PlaySalesServices thinks of our moderators policy's.

https://streamable.com/zt5rir <-- Copy and paste into your browser

I NEVER once retaliated, I even asked if there was something else that could be done rather than to leave feedback. I don't have time to play games on our site, and I certainly don't want to waste anyone elses. I will make this as short as possible as to not waste anyone else's time.

I was told directly by mods that "Yes, I believe you are being harassed" Moderators can also see all the timing of each individual bump. Rest assured, there are countless stacks of them.

I don't believe the bumps in general need to be modified in anyway, if someone bumps 5 seconds after me a few times, or for a week I really don't care. It becomes an issue when an account is solely targeted maliciously, ongoing for months. If that was anyone else who makes trades here on ectunnel, I would stick my head out for them.

Anyone who has come across me, or dealt with my personally knows where I am coming from. I spend a lot of my excess time assisting other members of ectunnel to enhance their experiences. Nobody here should have to undergo any type of personal attack, especially one that is ongoing and ongoing.
1. my response that I sold them is warranted. it happens. It was not a bad transaction and that literally happened 18 days ago... for being such a reputable seller, you're just now throwing a stink about it? *scratches head* Again, I did nothing wrong with that response!
2. I have said it before and I'll say it again, I'm a small time seller and learning things as I go with my forum thread post, but most important, I'm CONSTANTLY evolving it, look at my CURRENT thread post.
3. COPYING is NOT against the rules! You should take it as a compliment that I like the way you do things and I am trying to learn, again that's NOT anger, that's appreciation. Take it how you will.
4. I can use my bumps 3x Daily and I am ALWAYS bumping usually when (1) when I wake up in the morning (2) adjusting my prices to be better than my competition, we're ALL competing for sales here, not just you! (3) typically, once I sell my krono, I go offline and move on, which happens fast because I don't sell in large volume
5. I have NEVER received a warning about repeated abuse of the bump system against a single party. He literally asked me a question, I gave him an answer, it got deleted from my thread. And I have official warnings at all. I follow the rules and that is exactly what my answer said as well.
6. I have never harassed anyone on this website and have no intention of doing so, again, the only malicious conversations are from @Diamond Krono; hence why he was on IGNORE.
Are you saying that the post above has been doctored? The staff can see all previous posts you know correct?
So now your saying that a transaction was attempted? Are you recanting your original claim?
After you are warned by staff, and continue your assault, I have no choice but to follow the recommendation and leave you red feedback.
And after countless days of malicious negative feedback that the STAFF HAS REMOVED EVERYTIME, I had no choice to but to bring it to the public and make sure they know you're just being a bully here!

I was even refunded my 50 Ducats purchasing this DISPUTE because this was the RIGHT THING TO DO!
1. Ok so, now you are admitting a transaction DID INFACT take place.
2. "COPYING is NOT against the rules!" There are threads about it, and redbot also warned you NOT TO DO SO which you gave a THUMBS UP to.
3. "can use my bumps 3x Daily and I am ALWAYS bumping usually when (1) when I wake up in the morning (2) adjusting my prices to be better than my competition, we're ALL competing for sales here, not just you! (3) typically, once I sell my krono, I go offline and move on, which happens fast because I don't sell in large volume"

So what your saying is your bump this morning after 10 hours was completely random, yet within 2 minutes of my post? ....
The video speaks for itself man. Nobody is bullying you. Your playing the victim.

If it looks like a potato, it is a potato. This is most certainly proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Claiming ignorance after being warned by a moderator ( less than 24 hours in advance mind you ) is not a valid option.
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You: "I'd love for @Diamond Krono to provide this imaginary transaction proof, because I screen shot and save everything!"
You after I provide evidence: "my response that I sold them is warranted. it happens. It was not a bad transaction"
@FreEQ2PlaySalesServices Not exactly sure why you flagged my posts as suspicious for asking some pretty standard questions / posting some pretty standard advice....


3. COPYING is NOT against the rules! You should take it as a compliment that I like the way you do things and I am trying to learn, again that's NOT anger, that's appreciation. Take it how you will.

That is a terrible, terrible business strategy. What you call a compliment, we call stealing in the business world. The whole "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" doesn't apply when money is involved.

4. I can use my bumps 3x Daily and I am ALWAYS bumping usually when (1) when I wake up in the morning (2) adjusting my prices to be better than my competition, we're ALL competing for sales here, not just you! (3) typically, once I sell my krono, I go offline and move on, which happens fast because I don't sell in large volume

If it seems your number (2) is always happening right as DK bumps his thread. (Bro, if it's happening so often he can pull his phone out and get a video of it within 1 minute, it doesn't look great) This isn't ALL competition, this is targetting one specific trader who you've clearly had issues with before.

Now the big one...

The transaction that you said never took place... What it appears is, DK is tired of your consistent bumping / slight undercutting of his prices, so he offered to do what any bigger name does, buy you out.
You immediately knew that he wasn't purchasing these Krono for personal use, but to resell and turn a profit. (we're ALL competing for sales here, right?) This made you mad, so it's much easier to just say you sold all of the available Kronos. IE, this is a failed transaction and I'd be pissed too. If you're going to offer prices that low, you should be willing to sell to anyone, even your competitors. Hell, I've sold accounts to people that I knew were going to turn around and sell them, that's a part of the business. (Also I know this isn't standard business practice for DK, because I've sold plenty of Krono here for a ridiculous price cut, I get rid of them, and then I'm out of his way again)
1. Ok so, now you are admitting a transaction took place.
2. "COPYING is NOT against the rules!" There are threads about it, and redbot also warned you NOT TO DO SO which you gave a THUMBS UP to.
3. "can use my bumps 3x Daily and I am ALWAYS bumping usually when (1) when I wake up in the morning (2) adjusting my prices to be better than my competition, we're ALL competing for sales here, not just you! (3) typically, once I sell my krono, I go offline and move on, which happens fast because I don't sell in large volume"

So what your saying is your bump this morning after 10 hours was completely random, yet within 2 minutes of my post? ....

If it looks like a potato, it is a potato. This is most certainly proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Claiming ignorance after being told by a moderator is not a valid option.
1. A transaction never happened, you literally sent me a message, I replied that I sold them. NO MONEY EXCHANGED HANDS WHATSOEVER.

TRANSACTION definition: noun 1. an instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.

2. I literally have had something different EVERY SINGLE THREAD, in fact, repeating myself, I literally have constantly improved, adapted, changed it as I continue to navigate selling on the forums; if you look at EVERYONE's POST IN KRONOS, we all by definition are COPYING LOL...

COPYING definition: noun 1. a thing made to be similar or identical to another

3. YES, completely random, I typically post around 0415 hours, when I wake just before I start working out. Unfortunately, I broke my foot rolling down a flight of stairs recently and I have been sleeping in until 0600 hours-ish... therefore, I woke up and posted when I got up.

4. SAME COULD BE SAID OF YOU, If you are being malicious, have been malicious in the past, and STILL being malicious, then you are being malicious PERIOD.

I did not claim ignorance, I abided by the rules and continued to sell and improve my threads... please tell me how MY thread looks anything like YOUR thread... Thanks!

FREE2PLAY THREAD https://ectunnel.com/community/threads/8-99-each-krono-✅online-now-_24-7-✅instant_reply_delivery-✅paypal_friends_n_family.93137/

DIAMOND KRONO THREAD https://ectunnel.com/community/threads/💎krono-9-90💎🔴-1-ranked-seller🔴💎online-now-💎1100-perfect-feedback💎paypal-cashapp-venmo-zelle-crypto💎.92989/

AGAIN, it may have taken time to LEARN how to USE the forums, but it wasn't and has NEVER been about you, other than you were a good example for the rest of us!
Also slight caveat here...

You keep referencing to yourself as a "New Seller", however, your first feedback was in 2020, but your account was created in 2015. DK's account was created in 2019, with his first feedback (I'm assuming, I don't want to scroll through 1k feedbacks) landing in 2019.

Technically, you've been here longer than him by a landslide, however, he's been actively selling about a year before you began. I wouldn't call you a "New Seller".
@FreEQ2PlaySalesServices Not exactly sure why you flagged my posts as suspicious for asking some pretty standard questions / posting some pretty standard advice....


That is a terrible, terrible business strategy. What you call a compliment, we call stealing in the business world. The whole "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" doesn't apply when money is involved.

If it seems your number (2) is always happening right as DK bumps his thread. (Bro, if it's happening so often he can pull his phone out and get a video of it within 1 minute, it doesn't look great) This isn't ALL competition, this is targetting one specific trader who you've clearly had issues with before.

Now the big one...

The transaction that you said never took place... What it appears is, DK is tired of your consistent bumping / slight undercutting of his prices, so he offered to do what any bigger name does, buy you out.
You immediately knew that he wasn't purchasing these Krono for personal use, but to resell and turn a profit. (we're ALL competing for sales here, right?) This made you mad, so it's much easier to just say you sold all of the available Kronos. IE, this is a failed transaction and I'd be pissed too. If you're going to offer prices that low, you should be willing to sell to anyone, even your competitors. Hell, I've sold accounts to people that I knew were going to turn around and sell them, that's a part of the business. (Also I know this isn't standard business practice for DK, because I've sold plenty of Krono here for a ridiculous price cut, I get rid of them, and then I'm out of his way again)

@bracto , I'm not sure what you mean by flagged here?

I'm retired Army, in a business sense, we called it acquiring, though really it was just a baseline for me to learn from and change and adapt... period. If you look at the KRONO thread, it literally is the same message regurgitated on EVERYONE's post, not just mine!

Yes, I HAD bad experience with @Diamond Krono in a conversation and that can also be verified by @Redbot ; however, I didn't let me back from BEING a decent human being and STILL ensuring that HE did NOT receive RED feedback from an anonymous poster which he both LIKED my message AND sent me a PERSONAL MESSAGE thanking me and apologizing for his previous behavior, so in MY EYES, we were past that! PERIOD. This stuff here is just mind blowing.

I literally don't sell more than 10 at a time, it's all I ever carry and advertise once I get that many. I'm NOT a big-time player, but the PRICE was right, and someone else bought them! END OF STORY.
@bracto , I'm not sure what you mean by flagged here?

I'm retired Army, in a business sense, we called it acquiring, though really it was just a baseline for me to learn from and change and adapt... period. If you look at the KRONO thread, it literally is the same message regurgitated on EVERYONE's post, not just mine!

Yes, I HAD bad experience with @Diamond Krono in a conversation and that can also be verified by @Redbot ; however, I didn't let me back from BEING a decent human being and STILL ensuring that HE did NOT receive RED feedback from an anonymous poster which he both LIKED my message AND sent me a PERSONAL MESSAGE thanking me and apologizing for his previous behavior, so in MY EYES, we were past that! PERIOD. This stuff here is just mind blowing.

I literally don't sell more than 10 at a time, it's all I ever carry and advertise once I get that many. I'm NOT a big-time player, but the PRICE was right, and someone else bought them! END OF STORY.
This coming from the same person who just the other day said I was not doing sales, and abusing the front page, because feedback was not transacted between the two parties right?


If I go by your logic, your bumping on me and not making sales? Does explain why you bump on me but your thread always reads OFFLINE.
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Also slight caveat here...

You keep referencing to yourself as a "New Seller", however, your first feedback was in 2020, but your account was created in 2015. DK's account was created in 2019, with his first feedback (I'm assuming, I don't want to scroll through 1k feedbacks) landing in 2019.

Technically, you've been here longer than him by a landslide, however, he's been actively selling about a year before you began. I wouldn't call you a "New Seller".

Yes, I made an account back in the day when I did NOT sell Krono (hence 2015), but I wasn't even playing Everquest until about 4 years ago after a 10-year break, I made this account because I couldn't afford to play @ 18/month at the time. I never bought any Krono. That said, once I retired from the Army, I was able to start playing a little more often and able to build up Krono personally, I decided to try my hand at selling them, not much, but 10 at a time; I am new to advertising and selling Krono on this website as of 2020, you are correct and I am STILL in 2022 improving my sales thread PERIOD.
This coming from the same person who just the other day said I was not doing sales, and abusing the front page, because feedback was not transacted between them right?

View attachment 33517

If I go by your logic, your bumping on me and not making sales? Does explain why you bump on me but it always says OFFLINE.
WHAT LOL!? Did you even think this through? It makes no sense! You literally posted PEOPLE that actually GAVE you feedback.... the website posts I used as examples in my SUGGESTION were NOT even on this feedback LOL nor the time LOL
That's great.

Former 11b1p1v here. Medically retired then moved into the Private Sector doing things in places. (No one cares about your military service). Now I work as a consultant for businesses while simultaneously going to school for Architecture. The "tactically acquiring" thing was funny in basic. Now it's just called stealing.
Anyhow, I've posted evidence and DK posted reinforcing evidence that a SALES TRANSACTION never happened. PERIOD. The only thing he can prove is that I was out of stock, if I had Krono and he was willing to buy them, I absolutely don't mind him making profit on my posted prices. Hence why I try to stay lower than the posted prices on the forum to shed mine quickly. Have a great day everyone!
That's great.

Former 11b1p1V here. Medically retired then moved into the Private Sector doing things in places. Now I work as a consultant for businesses while simultaneously going to school for Architecture. The "tactically acquiring" thing was funny in basic. Now it's just called stealing.
I was also 11B and I did have an MEB to 42A, but got to stay in. HOOAH! That said, I retired @ 20 years but did not need to get another job; that said, it's not stealing LOL, though it may be frowned upon, hence why I used it as a baseline and have CONSTANTLY improved it to what it is today! That said, THANK YOU FOR YOU SERVICE AS WELL! TRULY!

And just an example of businesses that have also used similar logos in the Private Sector...


And another link to another great seller... Check out his forum thread post! And I have no beef with him AT ALL! So I still don't understand this malicious behavior from @Diamond Krono from a sales transaction that NEVER TOOK PLACE from 6 weeks ago!

I don't plan on doing the crazy personalizing that @Diamond Krono has done (my hats to you sir for that!) but I do try to be upfront with everything I am offering, period. And I have come a long way to seeing that happen.
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For the record, I would like my feedback removed as FreEQ2PlaySales AKA Kronosales has been caught in a lie.

"Diamond Krono has maliciously spammed another VERIFIED PREMIUM MEMBER competitor with negative feedback about a transaction that never happened!"​

The transaction as been proven to have happened.

To everyone's time who was wasted this day, I apologize.
LITERALLY, called @Redbot and sent several disputes to have MINE removed before I let people know that you were being malicious the last 2 days with 3+ negative feedbacks AFTER they were removed and AFTER @Redbot ASKED US TO STOP IT

HECK! I even paid for this to take it public and was promptly REFUNDED the cost because I have not done anything wrong. PERIOD
Freeplayservices is correct, this feedback is against our policy.

Feedback covers transactions and failed transactions, neither of which occured. A site where competitors leave negative feedback for one another out of anger isn't helpful.

No dispute thread needed, removing feedback.
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Yet redbot just posted this, these are your bump timing in accordance with mine.

6 minutes,
1 minutes
5 minutes,
3 hours,
20 minutes ,
within seconds,
12 minutes,
10 minutes,
11 hrs,
2 min,
6 min,

That means that is how long after I bump, that you bump. Nobody is fooled by you playing the victim.
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I think it's clear you two are harassing one another.

Unfortunately, we don't have a user harassment policy unless it includes something illegal. If you guys want a policy that stops harassment feel free to drop into the suggestions forum.
Redbot: "Feedback covers transactions and failed transactions, neither of which occured."

Anyone who wants a video of the failed transaction can send me a PM.

For whatever reason Redbot does not want this to go to feedback, I completely understand that he has to do his job in a manner that maybe traders don't understand, which includes me. I support his decision 100%.

But please do not call into question my integrity. There is a failed transaction attempted, which I noted above. If anyone wants to view it I am more than happy to show video evidence of it.

From what I gather the reasoning is that there are technically no rules against bumping, and it is too difficult for moderators to spend the time determining whether or not the transaction is why the harassment bumping occurred.

Though it was deemed 100% that I am being bump harassed by this one person over a period of time via redbots statements.

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