Yeah I myself don't understand with his good feedback, why he would go and just rob me blind like that, it went down just like I mentioned. I go first, give item with promise of receiving payment after, hand item over, ask for payment, logs off Skype, returns 5 hours later, tells me that I tried to scam him and that he didn't want to say anything but that I ruined his red guide account, removes me from contacts, never responds again. He could of given back the item or sent payment but none has occurred, as of this moment, I consider this scammed. Sadly there's nothing that can be done really, he's gong to cash in a good $130 and laugh his ass off, even sadder is the fact that he still has buyers just because their transactions have gone smooth. I just hope that when he runs out of plat and is going to disappear, he doesn't hit up his regulars with the scam. Sadly I took the hit for people to realize and might hve saved others out there of a lot of money, you've been warned.