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Platinum Most Servers. (1 Viewer)

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Feb 12, 2011
Rating - 96.9%
62   2   0
Cheapest Platinum Around $3 per 100k $25 per million. Can provide Platinum on Most Live Non-Progression servers! Get it before its gone liquidating my 14 years of hoarding.

Have 300k plat available for sale on Fippy (progression Server) ... 3$/10k make offers on larger amounts will be going fast.
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I don't know how to leave feedback, but let me tell you something.. the thing you need to know about BD is that he is HONEST. How rare is that? (Rare). Thanks BD, you have a fan.
Nothing but good things to say about beastdaddy sent the paypal payment and within minutes I had a parcel definitely worth doing business with him again
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