Plat is all gone, Thanks for the great Buyer.
I have one more character to liquidate then I should have some more plat to sell off.
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Just finished liquidating another character.
I've got 35k Plat for sale @ $1.25 per 1k
Also have a lvl 40 troll shaman for sale, I value him at 25k. he has Cannabilize 2 already and 50 alchemy skill.
Discount: If you buy the shaman and 35k i'll reduce the value of the shaman to 20k.
The account comes with a seperate EMU, Gmail account and P99 credentials.
I'll be online for the next 3 hours if you want this tonight.
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Plat is gone again. I still have the Shaman for sale if anyone is interested.
I have one more character to liquidate then I should have some more plat to sell off.
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Just finished liquidating another character.
I've got 35k Plat for sale @ $1.25 per 1k
Also have a lvl 40 troll shaman for sale, I value him at 25k. he has Cannabilize 2 already and 50 alchemy skill.
Discount: If you buy the shaman and 35k i'll reduce the value of the shaman to 20k.
The account comes with a seperate EMU, Gmail account and P99 credentials.
I'll be online for the next 3 hours if you want this tonight.
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- - - Updated - - -
Plat is gone again. I still have the Shaman for sale if anyone is interested.
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