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Nice Starter Puzzle and Dragons Account (bastet)(android(US)) (1 Viewer)

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Apr 7, 2013
Rating - 100%
9   0   0
I'm looking for $125 for the account. I will email you the data files you need for this. It is for android only and on the US app.

275 inventory (more than $30 worth of gems in space alone)

Bastet max evo and 2 awakenings level 95
Phoenix Knight Homura level 14
Echidna level 63 skill level 3
Omega Blue Skydragon Nirai Kanai (#773)
Hera-Is x2
Ice Dragon Niflheim
Siegfried, the blue champion level 21
Siren level 47 max skill
Cu Chulainn, The green lancer
Robin level 24
Dragon Knight level 64
Omega Holy Skydragon Shangri-La (#775)
Solar Deity Apollo
Verche, the knight of the sky
King Shynee
Chaos Dragon Knight level 44
Witch of the knight Lilith
BAO Batman+batarang level 49
Vampire Lord level 60
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