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Krono!!! $10 Back in Stock. Can Fill Large orders. (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
Rating - 96.9%
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Krono $10 Each. Get them before they are gone! Buy from a trusted seller.

PM me about PLing on Povar.

All payment through Paypal via gift/Friends and Family only. Thank you for your business and have a great day! ALSO!!! Please when you put in your payment to Paypal please add a note saying your Toon name and server for better service Thanks!
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Re: KRONO $8 each.

Not a customer, but I will vouch for beastdaddy. Also this is probably the last time you'll see $8 krono, since they'll be in high demand after april.
Re: KRONO $8 each.

Have Plat for $25 a million on Drinal,Xegony,Povar,Bert,Emarr and Rathe. Limited quantities on the plat. Also Have a Centurio Belt and Magister Wrap for 100 Bucks each.
Re: KRONO $8 each.

Rathe on the back, Povar on the belt. I can transfer these items if needed so long as you cover the xfer.
Re: KRONO $8 each.

Sent you a PM for Krono.

- - - Updated - - -

Smooth transaction, completed very quickly! Thank you beastdaddy for feeding my old Evercrack addiction. ;)
Re: KRONO $8 each.

Almost time for me to restock. Still have Krono,Plat,and the Centurio Belt/Magister Wrap. $80 bucks on the belt and wrap. And if it needs to be transfered off the server they are on you cover that cost.
Re: KRONO $8 each.

got krono from BD, from time i said hey i need some krono's to the time i had them was 5 minutes, this dude is fast and the real deal
Re: KRONO $8 each.

Just a reminder on the First of April. Krono are going back up in price to $10 each get them now. Not an April Fools joke get them now.
Re: Pre Easter SALE!!! Krono $9 1-19 and $8 for 20+!!

BUMP! Running a Pre-Easter sale!
Re: Pre Easter SALE!!! Krono $9 1-19 and $8 for 20+!!

Krono on Sale till Saturday only. Back to 12 each after that. I Will do 1 lot of 40 for 300 Also save ya 20 bucks =).
Re: Krono!!! $10 Each 1-19 $9 Each for 20+

got me another 15 krono's from the daddy of all beasts, super fast delivery and awesome dude to bs with as well
Re: Krono!!! $10 Each 1-19 $9 Each for 20+

got more krono's this morning, can say i am a still very satisfied customer
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