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Idea Geofencing ECTunnel, Establishing Vendor Home IP, External linking, Verification for foreign nationals, (1 Viewer)


Oct 17, 2012
Rating - 100%
763   0   0
Users of ECT deserve to have a reasonable level of security when transacting on the site.

I'm proposing we:
  • Georestrict ECTunnel from any traffic originating from specific countries for non-whitelisted (established) users. No new vendor accounts available from those countries.
  • Require a clear home IP to be established for any vendor account. IP must be logged into every X0 days. If you don't want to be honest with the admins about who you are, why are you here? If you can't do it? Sorry, you can't sell here.
  • Linking to an external site to remove a buyer from the pool of ECT users = Ban. Not a warning, but a ban. This includes thinly veiled usernames, message links, etc
  • Remove Verification from foreign nationals altogether. Verification does nothing and we might want to reconsider its validity. MarryMe got me for >$1K in the end and it's not like the authorities of his country would ever have cared that he scammed an American.

If you agree and would like to see this considered, hit the up arrow on the right →→→→→→→→→→→→
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@Redbot We've achieved six upvotes on this faster than any other suggestion thread!

The checkmark next to foreigners gives buyers a false sense of security when there is ZERO recourse if things go awry. Oh no, you got banned and then popped up with another proxy and another member of your team verified.
I have thought about this for a bit of time. I think the main issue is that being verified while residing in certain parts of the world gives buyers a false sense of security.

For example, being verified while residing in the United States allows for legal avenues against that person. We have seen several users contact local police to help pressure the person to make it right. But a verified user who resides in China for example we have no way to take legal action or even the threat of it because China will not take any action against that person.

I think at the very least we should not allow users who don't reside in countries we have no legal recourse to become verified users.

I just think its a dangerous false sense of security for people when dealing with "verified" users from these no legal resource countries.
If we were to geofence based on rate of scams, we'd remove verification from all WV / RI residents long before China.

I'd like to hear buyer's opinions, since this is a suggestion that concerns them.
To be fair, I have transacted as a buyer and seller with the Chinese. That's where I've been scammed the most- with chargeback Krono on both sides. We have absolutely no recourse with foreign nationals, as Klesko said. That checkmark is a complete lie because nothing is done about sellers misrepresenting their country.
So I ask you: What recourse do you propose we have for foreigners that lie and go rogue? Because I asked what the punishment for lying about country was in the other thread and the only punishment has been to update the flags.
You're leaving all of us exposed to scams with no hope of recourse. They can still pay for premium but to say that their identification is verified is not correct and offers false security to all users of this site.

I've also transacted as a seller to the specific RI idiots that you're talking about. I can at least block them on PayPal. The Chinese guys pop up with [email protected] or stolen paypals.
Also, for anybody reading: How much money have you lost on ECTunnel?

I believe that I've dealt with more scams than any other user and am out hundreds of Krono as a result. Mostly because of MarryMe since his group pulled off such a good scam.... and then probably resold them under one of their other accounts using a new proxy. Very appreciated.
I am also encountering issues with scams, and customers have been voicing their complaints.

I believe that customers who have only made a few purchases on the site may not fully understand how it operates to provide informed comments on the matter. Realistically, only the top traders regularly view and engage with important threads like this one. It may be a big ask to suggest customers should chime in.
Users of ECT deserve to have a reasonable level of security when transacting on the site.

I'm proposing we:
  • Georestrict ECTunnel from any traffic originating from specific countries for non-whitelisted (established) users. No new vendor accounts available from those countries.
  • Require a clear home IP to be established for any vendor account. IP must be logged into every X0 days. If you don't want to be honest with the admins about who you are, why are you here? If you can't do it? Sorry, you can't sell here.
  • Linking to an external site to remove a buyer from the pool of ECT users = Ban. Not a warning, but a ban. This includes thinly veiled usernames, message links, etc
  • Remove Verification from foreign nationals altogether. Verification does nothing and we might want to reconsider its validity. MarryMe got me for >$1K in the end and it's not like the authorities of his country would ever have cared that he scammed an American.

If you agree and would like to see this considered, hit the up arrow on the right →→→→→→→→→→→→

I wholeheartedly agree with your post.

In particular, verification should not be allowed for foreign nationals. From my point of view, the idea of verification is to show users that there can be serious repercussions if a verified user decided to start scamming. A U.S. citizen being doxxed is immensely more detrimental to their life than it would be to someone across the globe. There is no ability to take legal action and the threat of having their information posted is not really a threat.

Let these users pay for premium only and have their reputation do the talking.

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