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Items Project Lazarus [Emu - Project Lazarus] - Anything (1 Viewer)

May 7, 2018
Rating - 100%
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I have a STOCKPILE on Lazarus to sell. Some accounts already leveled up, some strategies that let me level new accounts very quickly, and the capacity to raid-gear characters for you.

If there's a droppable item you want--I have it.
If there's a non-droppable item you want--I have B-C-D-E-F teams of raiders waiting to run Tacvi, or Anguish, or Dreadspire, or Seb, etc. just to TA you when the specific thing you want drops.
Need a character flagged for something? Done.
Need BiC already completed? Sure, no problem!
Plat? AA? I got it.
Manastones, Crates, Poison Vials, DC, GC? I'll drop them off today.

Shoot me an offer and we'll talk.

New Service:
Max Level Character--
-> Brand new emu account.
-> Any class
-> Max level
-> Tell me how many AAs you need
-> Tell me gear tier you need (Tacvi, Anguish, Dreadspire, etc.)
-> Tell me specific "things" you need: Manastone, Poison Vial, Tradeskills for Radix, Epic 2.0 (will require Anguish flagging), etc.

We'll talk timeline. We'll talk price.

Bulk Orders Available.
Refund Policy
🛎️ No refunds
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