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Chase Rare RoF Raid Stat Items (1 Viewer)

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Feb 12, 2011
Rating - 96.9%
62   2   0
Selling an array of the new Chase items have almost all that are out between me and a couple buddies. Goin rate is 12 Krono per item with Shields and Weapons running more. Please contact me here. Don't Miss out now that the nerf is in place. Could be awhile before you see more!!!
Was no helm. down from 40ish items between me and my buddies to already 26 items left don't hesitate I will reply in order of PM's recieved in the am round 8am cst ish need sleep farmed out.
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Glad no one here bought anything I sold a few things and reinvested money to more chase items that are now deleted somehow I heard they are deleting items that were just exploited. IE By running the exact mission that had an exact set of mobs up and dropped every time. And reading the way a response to a petition was worded on the forums if you didn't just farm that specific instance you were getting items. Makes me glad I was killing all elders in the instances I did cuz the items I bought are gone but the ones I farmed myself are there.
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