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Cazic PL service, and more. (1 Viewer)

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May 2, 2011
Rating - 100%
65   0   0
Server(s): Cazic

Will MQ2 be used? Yes
What plugins will be used by the Power Level Team? Standard, no active
What plugins will be used by the PL'ee? Same as above, or none by request.
Price and Specifics: See below
Payment Methods Available: Verified Paypal sent as Gift
Instant Messenger ID's: PM here

Power Leveling Service:

Level 01-65 = $60.00 - 1-2 days - Can group with level 95's at 65
Level 65-80 = $50.00 - 3-4 days
Level 80-85 = $50.00 - 3-4 days
Level 85-90 = $70.00 - 4-5 days
Level 90-95 = $90.00 - 4-5+ days


If less than 1000 current AA's = 4aa's per $1.00
If between 1000 and 2500 AA's = 3aa's per $1.00
Above 2500 AA's = 2aa's per $1.00

Other Services

J5 Merc = $25.00 - Takes a day

PLAT = $7.00 per 100,000 Very limited supply currently.

Other services coming soon. Currently only doing other services on request. Will have pricing shortly for many other services.
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