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any hope of saving money from charge back? (1 Viewer)

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Apr 7, 2013
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so, i sold some stuff to scentedsunshine on june 2nd and just now got the charge back from email [email protected] they sent it as a gift etc. is there ANYTHING i can say in the case to keep my money or is this a done deal and paypal will automatically lock the funds and debit my account?
I have very limited experience with chargebacks on PayPal thankfully. Your best bet in future is to document everything. Screenshots of the trade transaction should suffice as proof. But, again, my experience is very minimal. Good luck.
Unfortunately for buyers, virtual items are not protected under paypal's buyer protection policy. You can still dispute it, but more than likely you won't get your money back.
I think he's saying the other guy is disputing it, though being marked as a gift, I don't know how you can dispute it. Nothing was 'exchanged' to argue against.
he did a charge back through his credit card. so he used his credit card as the funding source and he called the credit card company claiming fraud. so now they charge back on paypal giving me a negative balance. and yes, i was the seller here.
with virtual sales you gotta document EVERYTHING. ip, screenshots of agreements, names... everything. its the only way to protect yourself as a seller in these cases.
You can't protect yourself as a seller, unless you accept WU/Cash/Check only, and receive receipt of funds before releasing the virtual item.
Yeah Cookie. It looks like you're right. I will only be accepting WU now. Sad that a couple people's shitty behavior will make it difficult on everybody else.
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