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95 Magician - 7200 AA ish! EM 11, VOA Geared, Alaran 75++ (1 Viewer)

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Sep 3, 2012
Rating - 100%
61   0   0
There is NO name registered on the account, so new owner can easily register the account to him :)

Secret question answer is also possible to change in live chat, as the currently secret question answer does not make any sense.

Can show in game before transaction, talk on phone, skype or whatever for you to feel secure.

Im selling because I actually play on the Project1999 Blue server, and do not have time to play on both servers...

Asking USD 200, which is a bargain for this powerfull Magician :)
No Credit Card on file atm.

You may add new subscription, change contry of residence, add your name as account owner, change secret question/answer etc through live chat or SOE email support
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