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90 Iksar SK 5860AA+ FV 20/20 expan (1 Viewer)

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Jan 24, 2014
Rating - 100%
93   0   0
Hello, I am looking to sell my lvl 90 Iksar SK on FV server. He has 50k hp 5.7k ac completely unbuffed. Has epic 2.0, current spells and skills maxed and ready to go. Account has 28 days gold at the date of posting.

Looking for $150 via PayPal Gift OR p99 plat offers. 20/20 expansions

You may contact me here via PM or add me on skype at Brad4007.

I have 100% feedback on epicnpc (4) and 100% feedback on PA (14) as well so purchase with confidence.

Thank you for your interest!

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