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50 Shaman (Sky keys) Kunark Ready! **SOLD** (1 Viewer)

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Jan 24, 2014
Rating - 100%
104   0   0
Hello there, as title states I am selling a 50 Shaman on Lockjaw. Shaman will come fully geared and ready to raid with Plane of Sky island keys. Gear consists of a mix of tradeable, planes, and sky loot. It has a full spell book and includes Jboot MQ to sell or to use for another toon. Upon purchase, any and all information will be given to secure the account to the buyer; this includes SQ/SA, last 4 digits of CC used, ect. Name, Zip, and Handle have not been set.

I am looking for $75

NOTICE: Paypal payment/Trade: If you do not have higher feedback than me, you will be going first OR you will provide payment for a reputable and safe middle-man service. I apologize, but you MUST have feedback here or able to provide and prove positive credentials elsewhere. Your positive credentials elsewhere do not count toward having higher feedback than me on this site, you will still be going first if you can only provide credentials elsewhere. If you have lower feedback than me, and do not want to provide payment for a reputable and safe middle-man service, I will require Western Union payment and distribute account information only after receiving said payment.
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