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Accounts Live (normal server) WTS 125 Berserker - F2P Deluxe (Price Lowered) (1 Viewer)

Jan 8, 2022
Rating - 100%
8   0   0
Registered Country
United States
🛐 🟢 Yes, I'm the original creator.
Total Past Users
👪 🟢 Just me!
📧 🟢 No email address has ever been verified on the account.
📞 🟢 No, there is no phone number linked to the account.
Credit Card
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Buyer Requirements
📌 Payment made through Paypal. Account information will be shared upon transfer.
125 Berserker F2P account with LS neck and NOS Cloak plus LS ores. All LS T1 gear with prestige gear, Zerk T3 LS Axe and augs in bags if you go gold.

Asking $400 obo

-- 66,002 AA (Max) with 250 banked
--476K hp and 326k end (group buff)
-- 3169 group buffed hdex
--All master achieves TBL to LS
-- Hunter achieves EOK to LS
--All Rank 3 DPS discs
--Notable Clickies: Jann's Veil, Epic 2.0, Drunkard's Stein, Sprit Drinker's Coating, Zueria Slide, Ancient Cloak of Flames, Unified Phoenix Feather, LS mount and familiar, Darkwater Warmonger Coat (Zerk DPS chest)
--Special AA's: Hero's Fortitude 89/98, Hero's Resolution 49/49, Hero's Vitality 91/98, Banestrike 4/4, DoN 4/5

**Chart is 100 mobs with NO burns

Name % Total Damage DPS SDPS Sec # Hits Max Hit Best Second # Bane Av Hit Av Crit Av Lucky % Crit % Lucky Special Class
MyBERDPS 18.12 1,291,275,830 986,459 748,132 1,309 9,072 3,548,893 7,533,004 0 142,336 188,830 196,765 69.36 34.34 Berserker
Refund Policy
🛎️ No returns. All sales are final.
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