On Mangler...
Looking to form an ongoing relationship with a 3+ group goon squad / clique / whatever. Can be a heavy boxer for all I care, so long as it's competent.
Yes this is normally a "guild" thing but I have too many alts and some of you like money, so let's talk.
Current crap is 1.5/2.0 epic fights. Going forward, who knows, but that's why I say "ongoing"....
Looking to form an ongoing relationship with a 3+ group goon squad / clique / whatever. Can be a heavy boxer for all I care, so long as it's competent.
Yes this is normally a "guild" thing but I have too many alts and some of you like money, so let's talk.
Current crap is 1.5/2.0 epic fights. Going forward, who knows, but that's why I say "ongoing"....