Looking to buy a Druid and Ranger both with epics.
Druid: Gear dont matter much but would like to have Gloves of Earthcrafting and there Epic. (gloves are not a huge thing just would be nice)
Paying - 50-100$ Depending on Gear / Spells
Ranger: Gear Dont Matter but must have Epic.
Paying 50-100$ Depending on Gear / Spells
Will Offer 10$ more if no SQA /Blank Accounts
Druid: Gear dont matter much but would like to have Gloves of Earthcrafting and there Epic. (gloves are not a huge thing just would be nice)
Paying - 50-100$ Depending on Gear / Spells
Ranger: Gear Dont Matter but must have Epic.
Paying 50-100$ Depending on Gear / Spells
Will Offer 10$ more if no SQA /Blank Accounts