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WTB Live (normal server) Toon Training needed - 125 Ench - crowd control (1 Viewer)

Nov 22, 2018
Rating - 100%
12   0   0
Seller Requirements
📌 Must be able to verify that you have a solid 125 toon of same class and ability to maximize solo or group outcomes. Ideally able to train betwen 8-11pm EST
I have need of skilled expertise who can single handedely deal with high level mobs, to teach me the ways.
Tell me your target $$fee to show me the ways.
I need to figure out a method of dealing with high level mobs, soloing if possible, and crowd control.
I have a lvl 125 Ench, and seem to struggle with anything more than one light blue con..

Also seeking training for SK, War, Sham ++

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