Here is my warrior - pieced together from a few here on RG - I don't have many clickies, so nothing really added in the buffs section. This ini works great
Warrior targets himself and /mac kissassist Tank if the warrior is just tanking
Warrior targets himself and /mac kissassist Pullertank if the warrior is tanking and pulling
All other toons target the warrior and /mac kissassist assist
I use autocleric with my cleric - but everything else is kiss 9
Warrior 9 INI
Code:[General] KissAssistVer=9.06 Role=Tank CampRadius=65 CampRadiusExceed=400 ReturnToCamp=0 ChaseAssist=0 ChaseDistance=25 MedOn=1 MedStart=70 MedCombat=0 LootOn=1 RezAcceptOn=1 AcceptInvitesOn=1 GroupWatchOn=0 EQBCOn=1 MiscGem=8 IRCOn=0 HoTTOn=0 CampfireOn=0 CastingInterruptOn=0 Ifson=1 [SpellSet] LoadSpellSet=0 SpellSetName=KissAssist [Buffs] BuffsOn=1 ChecKBuffsTimer=20 RebuffOn=1 Buffs1=Champion's Aura|Aura IgnoreBuffs2=Visage of the Girplan|Dual|Girplan Fortitude IgnoreBuffs3=Illusion: Girplan|Remove Buffs4=Huntsman's Ethereal Quiver|Summon|Ethereal Arrow|150 IgnoreBuffs5=Blood Drinker's Coating Buffs6=Null Buffs7=Penitence Buffs8=NULL Buffs9=NULL Buffs10=NULL Buffs11=NULL Buffs12=NULL Buffs13=NULL Buffs14=NULL Buffs15=NULL Buffs16=NULL Buffs17=NULL Buffs18=NULL Buffs19=NULL Buffs20=NULL PowerSource=NULL Buffs2=NULL Buffs3=NULL Buffs4=NULL Buffs5=NULL [Melee] AssistAt=100 MeleeOn=1 FaceMobOn=1 MeleeDistance=75 StickHow=loose AutoFireOn=0 UseMQ2Melee=1 [AE] AEOn=1 AERadius=50 AE1=Roar of Challenge|2|Mob AE2=Stormstrike Blades|2|Mob AE3=Area Taunt|4|Mob AE4=Flash of Anger|2|Mob AE5=No Time To Bleed|2|Mob AE6=Last Stand Discipline Rk. II|3|Mob [DPS] DPSOn=1 DPSSkip=1 DPSInterval=2 DPS1=Blast of Anger|99 DPS2=Cyclone Roar Rk. II|98 DPS3=Banestrike|99 DPS4=NULL DPS5=NULL DPS6=NULL DPS7=NULL DPS8=NULL DPS9=NULL DPS10=NULL DPS11=NULL DPS12=NULL DPS13=NULL DPS14=NULL DPS15=NULL DebuffAllOn=0 [Aggro] AggroOn=1 Aggro1=Taunt|100|<|Mob Aggro2=Warlord's Grasp|100|<|Mob Aggro3=Rage of the Forsaken|100|<|Mob Aggro4=Blast of Anger|100|<|Mob Aggro5=Ageless Enmity|100|<|Mob Aggro6=Tormenting Shout|100|<|Mob Aggro7=Unflinching Attention|100|<|Mob [Heals] Help=Format Spell|% to heal at i.e. Devout Light Rk. II|50 HealsOn=1 Heals1=NULL Heals2=Warlord's Resurgence|70 Heals3=Resplendent Glory|60 Heals4=Warlord's Bravery|40 Heals5=Flash of Anger|20|Tap Heals6=Imperator's Command|End|95 Heals7=Breather|End|15 XTarHeal=1 HealGroupPetsOn=0 [Cures] CuresOn=0 Cures1=NULL Cures2=NULL Cures3=NULL Cures4=NULL Cures5=NULL [Burn] BurnText=Decepticons Attack BiurnAllNamed=1 Burn1=NULL Burn2=NULL Burn3=NULL Burn4=NULL Burn5=NULL Burn6=NULL Burn7=NULL Burn8=NULL Burn9=NULL Burn10=NULL Burn11=NULL Burn12=NULL Burn13=NULL Burn14=NULL Burn15=NULL BurnAllNamed=0 UseTribute=0 [Pull] PullWith=Armsman's Bow|Ethereal Arrow MaxRadius=600 MaxZRange=85 PullWait=0 PullRoleToggle=0 ChainPull=0 ChainPullHP=90 ChainPullPause=30|2 PullLevel=0|0 PullPath=NULL [AFKTools] AFKHelp=AFKGMAction=0 Off, 1 Pause Macro, 2 End Macro, 3 Unload MQ2, 4 Quit Game AFKToolsOn=1 AFKGMAction=4 AFKPCRadius=150 CampOnDeath=0 ClickBacktoCamp=0 [Merc] Help=To use: Turn off Auto Assist in Manage Mercenary Window MercOn=1 MercAssistAt=97
Holy stuffs
Code:[MQ2Melee] StickCMD=loose aggro=1 bash=1 callchallenge=1 commanding=20 defense=0 disarm=1 enrage=1 facing=1 fieldarm=0 gutpunch=1 infuriate=1 battleleap=1 kick=0 kneestrike=1 elbowstrike=0 throatjab=0 melee=1 opportunisticstrike=0 plugin=1 provokeend=1 provokeonce=0 provoke0=2002 provoke1=43021 provoke2=688 provoke3=43033 provoke5=3646 provoke6=10367 provoke7=43024 provoke8=43039 provoke9=3213 resume=75 stickbreak=1 stickrange=75 taunt=1 forage=1 holyflag0=1 holyflag1=1 holyflag2=1 holyflag3=1 holyflag4=1 holyflag5=1 holyflag6=1 holyflag7=1 holyflag8=1 holyflag9=1 holyflag10=1 holyflag11=1 holyflag12=1 holyflag13=1 holyflag14=1 holyflag15=1 holyflag16=1 holyflag17=1 holyflag18=1 holyflag19=1 holyflag20=1 holyflag21=1 holyflag22=1 holyflag23=1 downflag0=1 holyshit0=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[War Stomp]}) /alt act 691 holyshit1=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Brace for Impact]} && ${Target.Named} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>2) /alt act 1686 holyshit2=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Flash of Anger Rk. II]}) /disc Flash of Anger Rk. II holyshit3=/if (${Me.Combat} && !${Me.ActiveDisc.Name.Equal[Last Stand Discipline Rk. II]} && !${Me.Buff[Defensive Proficiency].ID}) /alt act 687 holyshit4=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[No Time to Bleed Rk. II]} && ${Target.Named} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>2) /disc No Time to Bleed Rk. II holyshit5=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>1 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Roar of Challenge Rk. II]}) /disc Roar of Challenge Rk. II holyshit6=/if (${Me.Combat} && !${Me.TargetOfTarget.CleanName.Equal[${Me.CleanName}]} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>3 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Area Taunt]}) /alt act 110 holyshit7=/if (${Me.Combat} && !${Melee.DiscID} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Last Stand Discipline Rk. II]} && ${Target.Named} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>3) /disc Last Stand Discipline Rk. II holyshit8=/if (${Me.Combat} && !${Melee.DiscID} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Last Stand Discipline Rk. II]} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Armor of Darkened Runes Rk. II]} && ${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Equal[No Effect]} && ${Target.Named} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>3) /disc Armor of Darkened Runes Rk. II holyshit9=/if (${Me.Combat} && !${Me.ActiveDisc.Name.Equal[Last Stand Discipline Rk. II]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundament: Third Spire of the Warlord]} && ${Target.Named} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>3) /alt act 1402 holyshit10=/if (${Me.Combat} && !${Me.ActiveDisc.Name.Equal[Last Stand Discipline Rk. II]} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Last Stand Discipline Rk. II]} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Stout Defense Rk. II]} && ${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Equal[No Effect]} && ${Target.Named} || ${SpawnCount[npc radius 30]}>4) /disc Stout Defense Rk. II holyshit11=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Banestrike]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<99) /alt act 15073 holyshit12=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<40 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Warlord's Bravery]}) /alt act 804 holyshit12=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<37 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Warlord's Tenacity]}) /alt act 300 holyshit13=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<35 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Fortitude Discipline]} && ${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Equal[No Effect]}) /disc Fortitude Discipline holyshit14=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Determined Reprisal Rk. II]}) /disc Determined Reprisal Rk. II holyshit15=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<50 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Resplendent Glory]}) /alt act 130 holyshit16=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<60 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Warlord's Resurgence]}) /alt act 911 holyshit17=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<70 && ${Cast.Ready[Castaway Breastplate of Havok]}) /cast item "Castaway Breastplate of Havok" holyshit18=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctEndurance}<6 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Seventh Wind Rk. II]}) /disc Seventh Wind Rk. II holyshit19=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Imperator's Precision]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt act 2013 holyshit20=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Imperator's Command]} && !${Target.Named}) /alt act 2011 holyshit21=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Cyclone Roar Rk. II]} && ${Melee.AggroMode}) /disc Cyclone Roar Rk. II holyshit22=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Blade Guardian]}) /alt act 967 holyshit23=/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Dichotomic Shield]}) /disc 49000 downshitif=${If[${Zone.ID}!=344 && ${Zone.ID}!=345 && ${Zone.ID}!=219 && ${Zone.ID}!=463 && ${Zone.ID}!=202 && ${Zone.ID}!=151 && !${Me.Moving} && ${Zone.ID}!=203 && !${Me.Invis},1,0]} downshit0=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}<21 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Breather Rk. II]} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Equal[No Effect]}) /disc Breather Rk. II
This is not your warrior its Karmanation's KA8.5 file
Which is not able to run in KA9 at all.
This is the root issue in this forum, when a real user post some issue.
No developer will try to help or debug, and there is always someone like you will always try fool others and try hide the truth.
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