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Infraction for 8675309: Shitz (1 Viewer)


What is a macro??
Mar 21, 2006
Rating - 100%
24   0   0
Post: Phinigel - 60 Warrior for sale
User: 8675309
Infraction: Shitz
Points: 1000

Administrative Note:

Message to User:

Original Post:
60 warrior ogre on phinigel, no cc attached, sqa set. Krono upped account.
-warrior has well over 90 Aternate Advance points
-emperor keyed as well as vex thal keyed
-extremely impressive loot which I can screenshot to you or let you inspect in game

gorgeous warrior OO here. Please private message me if you need more info
please make an offer when you PM me as I don't really have a set price in mind.

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