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High End Raider Retiring - WTS 6 Box group (1 Viewer)

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Sep 6, 2020
Rating - 100%
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🛐 🟢 Yes, I'm the original creator.
Total Past Users
👪 🟢 Just me!
📧 🔵 I can tell buyer the original (not just current) email, but cannot give access
📞 🟢 No, there is no phone number linked to the account.
Credit Card
💳 🟡 Yes, but I can't tell you the original card information.
Secret Question/Answer
🙊 🔵 Yes, and I can supply the answer.
Buyer Requirements
📌 Paypal - F&F, verified, no new acounts
Retiring from EQ and want no reason to return - All accounts are listed for best offers - prefer to sale the known RAF combo together

All accounts are originally created and owned by me - cannot provide original credit card information but can provide last 4 of last credit card used and the billing address associated

Zerker #1 and Shaman are RAF with the potential of Zerker #2 and the bard but cannot guarantee and really hard to tell with Max AA/Lvl


Zerker #1 - $1k or $1200 with RAF shaman OBO
  1. Max AA/Max Hero AA/Dissident 6/Most Rk3 spells/Jann and Garnak clickies
  2. Fully Nugget geared including all 3 weapons(minus evolving items)
  3. Max evolved ear/shoulder/boots/hands/ring - all 18/19s filled including all 4 enhancement augs and top ToV/TBL augs
  4. Has Venenium/Sheild of immaculate light/skull of null/grelleth seal
  5. Has AP with 112/150 heroics - 3 TSes maxed with all others 310+ and max trophies
  6. Easily able to make it into any end game raiding guild Top 5 on magelo by hdex/atk when updated
  7. All achievements from EOK through TOV complete minus 2 raid achieves that are cosmetic only
  8. RAF to Shaman account
Shaman ($300 obo)
  1. 40.6k AA just missing TS and DoT focus AAs
  2. 17/70 and 15/35 Hero AAs
  3. Raid Healing focus(neck) with almost enough coin for a nugget
  4. rez staff/2.0
  5. Very good start to type 5s and 7/8s
  6. RAF to Zerker #1
  7. 115 cleric on account as well in T3 ToV gear - not much progress but most healing AAs done
Shadowknight SOLD
  1. 352k HP/8800 AC with 41.5k AAs
  2. Raid T1 geared with the exception of nugget 1 hander/TBL bow and 2 hander
  3. 38/70 and 21/35 Hero AAs
  4. All aug slots filled just not BIS
  5. Jann/Garnak familiar
  6. Has tanked all ToV named

Zerker #2 SOLD
  1. Max AA
  2. Nuggest weapon with the rest T1 raid geared minus T3 ToV rings
  3. Dissident 6
  4. Fully augged with ToV type 5s and at least up to TBL 7/8s
  5. 2.0/Garnak/Jann/Blood drinkers coating
  6. 29/70 and 20/35 Hero AAs
  7. Jann/Garnak clickies
Bard($300 OBO) SOLD
  1. Max AA
  2. Fully augged with ToV type 5s and at least up to TBL 7/8s
  3. ToV T3 geared minus TBL raid daggers/big bags
  4. 2.0/Raper of somber notes/slow clickie/lots of other illusions and clickies as well
  5. 51/70 and 27/35 Hero AAs
  6. Has Artisan Prize with all TSes 300+ and fully evolved trophies minus fletching
  7. Jann/Garnak clickies
  8. Daybringer server first title
Mage($200 OBO)
  1. 26.6k AAs - DPS casting and pet attack AAs max
  2. T1 arms/pet ear rest ToV T3 group/big bags
  3. Good start on augs just never got to fully completing his - includes anniversary charm aug and Image of Innoruuk raid aug
  4. TBL Challenger done and has curio/ToV proc augs
  5. ToV Hunter/Paragon/Challenger done for luminous aug
  6. Bifold and garnak veil with some other clickies
Refund Policy
🛎️ No refunds plz
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