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Service Oakwynd Custom Characters 1-75, gear, full DZ clears, 1.5 and 2.0 epics, flagging services (1 Viewer)


Caveat Emptor: UNVERIFIED
Jun 6, 2024
Rating - 100%
5   0   0
Buyer Requirements
📌 no requirements
Looking for literally anything in the game that you cant accomplish within a reasonable time, or trouble finding groups/guild support ? I can assist on every step of the way and having your character/army be ready for anything.

- I can create custom characters with any specifications you have in mind including:
- Levels / AA
- Gear ex) all anguish+, mix of anguish/demi, DK ring clickies for the raid, etc
- Flagging for characters (anguish signets, Demi access, DK access (including fetters), FC / Ashengate faction, etc...)
- This can be done on your existing account or new accounts so you don't have to worry about email, password changes, currency issues (playing in the US and you bought a Brazilian currency account, your security question/email, etc...)
- Perfect for expanding your box crew with the exact specifications you have in mind, rather then scouring EC tunnel looking for a bargain character that you have to sink a ton of time and effort!

- Full DZ clears including Anguish, Demi, DK, FC and Ashengate - we hand you loot master and you select what character gets the items

- full completion of prequest, 1.5's, and 2.0's epics for any class (yes even druid and rogue)

I have the army and man power to get anything you need in game. I've already sold dozens of custom characters, dz's, and completed all 2.0s, with a positive reputation in game, this is the first post i've done on EC tunnel for these services.

Have any questions? Feel free to reach out with any inquiries or pricing information, thanks!
Refund Policy
🛎️ No refund
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I cant get feedback to work, so just leaving it here. Thank you for a great Demi run. (Except for Mayong dropping two 2Hers) Great service, very smooth run. Will definitely hit you up again soon.

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