Just for clarrification cause alot of people are wondering how this is done or even how this was possible.
I Powerlevel toons to sale and unless its a special request the toons i offer have clean names, no credit card on file and no secret question on hand, this was accomplished because when SOE was offering VOA to be purchased (NERFED) though SC it was bought via paypal which is untrackackable.
there is not one buyer of any of my accounts that will ever say other wise, this being said once u purchase an account from me be it known u stick ur name sq cc on file dont come running back to me cause there no way that i will take an account not knowing the essential information.
Only a few of these accounts exsist and they dont last long, with this being said i am offering 9 specialized toon creation with clean accounts PL and all PM me if interested.
I Powerlevel toons to sale and unless its a special request the toons i offer have clean names, no credit card on file and no secret question on hand, this was accomplished because when SOE was offering VOA to be purchased (NERFED) though SC it was bought via paypal which is untrackackable.
there is not one buyer of any of my accounts that will ever say other wise, this being said once u purchase an account from me be it known u stick ur name sq cc on file dont come running back to me cause there no way that i will take an account not knowing the essential information.
Only a few of these accounts exsist and they dont last long, with this being said i am offering 9 specialized toon creation with clean accounts PL and all PM me if interested.