- Level
- 125
- Race
- Dark Elf
- Class
- SK/Cleric
- Registered Country
- Creator
- 🛐 🟡 No, I'm not the original creator.
- Total Past Users
- 👪 🔵 Two
- 📧 🟡 I cannot supply the original email address.
- 📞 🟢 No, there is no phone number linked to the account.
- Credit Card
- 💳 🟢 No credit card has ever been used on the account.
- Secret Question/Answer
- 🙊 🔵 Yes, and I can supply the answer.
~~Max into 125 SK. Dark Elf. 31/31 Expan. Has 2.0 Epic. 53k AAs. All bags 40+ slots. Fully t2 and t3 Outer Brood geared full solid aug set slot 7 and 5s, bags full of goodies. Extra 2Handers in bags as well. Great tank but really needing a bard in my crew now so moving him along. On Povar with ability to transfer. Also on account is a 125 Cleric on Bristlebane. 491k HP/431k Mana unbuffed. 50k AAs. All bags 40+ slots. Bags full of goodies. Both characters have Alt Currency as well.
$275 Obo or Possible trade for a similarly equipped Bard.~~
SK Raidloot
Cleric Raidloot
$275 Obo or Possible trade for a similarly equipped Bard.~~
SK Raidloot
SK (125 ShadowKnight)
Cleric Raidloot
Cleric (125 Cleric)
- Refund Policy
- 🛎️ None once transaction is complete.
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