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Recent content by huntn4it

  1. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    All sold out. Thanks to everyone for the expeditious trades. I am still selling a few pieces of equipment and might end up with a few more kronos before I'm gone for good, but for now consider this thread closed. -huntn4it
  2. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    I'm back for the night, 10 kronos remaining.
  3. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    AFK 1 hour, back at 4:30 EST.
  4. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    10 Kronos left in stock currently. I'm available and online!
  5. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    Good morning, I am available from now until approximately 5PM EST.
  6. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    I am heading out for the evening. I will post in this thread tomorrow when I log in again - thanks! -huntn4it
  7. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    34 Kronos remaining.
  8. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    I am back and available for a couple more hours tonight. I will reply to this thread when I close up shop for the night!
  9. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    AFK for 45 minutes (from 1045 EST, 945 CST 845 MST 745 PST until 1130 EST, 1030 CST, 930 MST, 830 PST). I'll see you in 45 minutes!
  10. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    Thanks to everyone in this thread and in PMs and on Discord. I still have Kronos available at the price listed above. Feel free to PM me or post in this thread if you are interested! Respectfully, huntn4it
  11. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    I am in the process of requesting verification. I have sold 30 Krono so far since posting my thread (not sure if the users would be interested in vouching for me or not here). I'll post a reply when the verification comes through. Thanks for your interest. huntn4it
  12. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    I am online from now until approximately 11pm EST, 10pm CST, 9pm MST, 8pm PST. I am also on the ECTunnel Discord if you would like to voice-chat with me prior to sending payment. Additionally, I have subscribed to the ECTunnel "Premium" subscription service to prove that I am a legitimate...
  13. huntn4it

    WTS Krono $7.50 each, $7.00 ea. for bulk purchase

    Update: Sold out. I might have a few more available after I sell my last few items, but for now consider this thread closed. Good afternoon ECTunnel, I am quitting EverQuest and have over 85 Kronos for sale at a great price. I am asking $7.50 per Krono, discounted to $7.25 per Krono for a...