• You've discovered EC Tunnel 💵🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 a marketplace for EverQuest players, not farmers or dealers. This site is ad-free and there are no selling fees, because we're 100% funded by our awesome community 😇 If you're looking to buy someone's beloved main character 🧙‍♂️ you'll find it here. Join up and say hello! 👋




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50₾ Ducats
Premium Access

Premium Access

One year of "Premium" access for you or a friend. Allows verification and more.
50₾ Ducats
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Bold Username

Don't be shy, be bold
25₾ Ducats
Username Colors

Username Colors

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200₾ Ducats
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Italic Username

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25₾ Ducats
User Title Change

User Title Change

No degree required
100₾ Ducats
Thread Styles

Thread Styles

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500₾ Ducats
Custom Verified Icon

Custom Verified Icon

Tired of that green badge? Select a custom username icon.
250₾ Ducats
Dispute Feedback

Dispute Feedback

If you think you received unjust feedback, you may dispute it
50₾ Ducats
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Recover Conversation

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50₾ Ducats
API Access

API Access

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250₾ Ducats