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Infraction for adamthehobo: Scammer (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 94.1%
47   3   1
Post: Project 1999 - WTS a bunch of high lvl chars and twinks
User: adamthehobo
Infraction: Scammer
Points: 1000

Administrative Note:

Message to User:

Original Post:
Selling everything.. ive got a fresh 45+ druid i recently made fully twinked with new velious gear and more. Comes with 10k+ in the bank. Have emu/email and sms not set.

2 mages - One of them is level 54 and the other is level 51 -52. With 20+k of random gear / jboots and all spells. Have logins and emu with sms not set.

Twinked monk level 40+ all emu info logins and email sms not set

Mid level epic rogue

I have a clean rep on all characters and good rep on here. I really would like to get rid of it all at once. Taking best offer but only asking 240 for everything.

will also include access to a 49-50 cleric with 90% rez

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