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Recent content by sridan22

  1. sridan22

    Report Purchased account ganged back

    I will return the extra you put in the refund minus the amount that PayPal charged. If that is ok with you, reply to me or send private message.
  2. sridan22

    Report Purchased account ganged back

    I received his refund today.
  3. sridan22

    Report Purchased account ganged back

    I replied to his response, but let's see when it will happen. Nothing counts until there is an action... see how long it takes.
  4. sridan22

    Report Purchased account ganged back

    Can we suspend his post until further notification? Make sure no one falls for it... In addition, I think I shall tell the cleric name and server in the forum so that no one will try to buy this account ?(However, character name and server can be changed but the account name cannot be.) Then...
  5. sridan22

    Report  Purchased account ganged back

    https://ectunnel.com/community/threads/wts-110-accounts-cleric-rogue-chanter.75671/ I purchased 2 account from him 1/ CLE - Ganged back by paypal account "[email protected]" 2/ ENC/Rog - is still with me with no issue so far. Cle is ganed back by an email that was listed in the verified...
  6. sridan22

    WTB 10 Kronos @ $80

    Hello, Paypal FNF please. I will reply to you as soon as I receive the PM. Thank you.