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Recent content by SatisfactionGuaranteed

  1. S

    WTS 105 BST on Silver Vet Accnt

    Selling a 105 Beastlord on a silver account with vet AAs. There's also a 97 SK on Rathe/Prexus on same account and toons spread across the servers. The Bst has 15k AA, raid gear, alot of stuff you can claim in /claim, "Legend of Norrath" title, Visage of Queen Pyrilonis, Visage of chardok...
  2. S

    WTS Golden Sage's Earring, Crush, Skycutter, Skywrack, Blade of Defense, Di`Zok Bow

    WTS EoK chase loot Golden Sage's Earring - http://items.eqresource.com/items.php?id=148901 Crush - http://items.eqresource.com/items.php?id=148961 Skycutter - http://items.eqresource.com/items.php?id=148945 Skywrack - http://items.eqresource.com/items.php?id=148955 Blade of Defense -...
  3. S

    WTB Crush

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