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Recent content by AccountSeller

  1. A

    60 epic cleric - willing to trade characters/plat

    60 cleric with epic, preferred plat or money.
  2. A

    WTS 60 Cleric - 30 Druid for PLAT

    Wts level 60 Dark Elf Cleric, Not very known, havnt played in a while. Have epic, and a few pieces of no drop gear comes with a level 30 druid Trak key, Seb Key, HS key, OT Hammer, JBoots, Wanting to trade the account for plat.
  3. A

    WTS 55 Epic Cleric -- Fully Geared

    Cleared it.
  4. A

    WTS/WTT/WTB - EQ Project 1999 PVE & PVP, Plat/Items/Accounts and more!

    Well i bought from platlord a few months back, and wasnt banned in the recent RMT wave, i think platlord is secure and anyone who says otherwise i think went through somebody else at some point.
  5. A

    WTS 55 Epic Cleric -- Fully Geared

    Pm for more details.
  6. A

    WTS 54 Epic Cleric

    Send pm for more information.
  7. A

    WTS 45 Epic Cleric..

    Fully geared, send pms for more details
  8. A

    WTB Fungi Tunic and Other Monk Gear.

    WTB Fungi Tunic And assorted monk gear. PM Me
  9. A

    WTB 200 dollars worth of plat

    PM Me