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Accounts Firiona Vie WTS Multiple Clean HIGH-END Toons on FV! ⚡ Contact for pricing! 🔥 Lvl 125, Max AA, Top-Tier Gear, Augs, Prog, Epic 2.0, Skills, Paragons, and More (1 Viewer)

Reach Gaming

Reaching for Greatness
Mar 19, 2018
Rating - 100%
390   0   0
115 - 125
Registered Country
United States
🛐 🟢 Yes, I'm the original creator.
Total Past Users
👪 🟢 Just me!
📧 🟢 No email address has ever been verified on the account.
📞 🟢 No, there is no phone number linked to the account.
Credit Card
💳 🟢 No credit card has ever been used on the account.
Secret Question/Answer
🙊 🟢 No secret question has been set.
Buyer Requirements
📌 Contact us. New member? Not verified? We can work something out.
This list shows what I have ready for you. Don't see the class you want ready? We can put a rush order on any class you'd like, go ahead and send me a PM. I also recommend you check back every few days to see the updated list.

Last Update to list: 7/18/2023

Bard - 1*Beastlord - 1*Berzerker - 1*Cleric - 1Druid - 1Enchanter - 1Magician - 1Monk - 1
Necromancer - 1Paladin - 1Ranger - 1Rogue - 1*Shadowknight - 1*Shaman - 1Warrior - 1Wizard - 1
* Means toon is currently being worked on. You can always place your order to guarantee your toon.

These accounts will be 100% yours and never touched by anybody but me, which means you never have to worry about somebody coming back and stealing your work away from you. It will be YOUR secret question, YOUR e-mail, and 100% YOUR account. These toons are ready to jump instantly into raids and end-game, and have had a ton of work put into them! There is still a ton to explore and do with your new toon(s), but we take out thousands of hours of the more tedious work and deliver a top-notch product to you.

The details for our top-tier toons:
  • Level - 125
  • AAs – Maxed
  • Expansion: Laurion's Song
  • Gear – T3 LoS gear as well as a few pieces of high-end raid gear
  • Augs - Each toon comes fully decked out in high-end augs. This includes type 3, type 5, type 7 & type 13.
  • Epic - Each toon will have their epic 2.0. Clerics include 1.0.
  • Languages – All 23 Maxed - languages are important on FV!
  • Utility Proficiency – Completed
  • Combat Proficiency - Completed
  • Weapon Proficiency - Completed
  • Spell Skills – Maxed
  • Spells / Tomes - Levels 1-125 are on the toon - rank 1 minimum. All spells from Ring of Scale through Night of Shadows will be at least rank 2. Rank 3 is available upon request.
  • Adventurer's Stone - Quest complete - gives ability to use Translocators in Guild Lobby and other locations.
  • Bags – All bag slots will be 20-40 slot bags.
Paragon Progression (Missions) – Heroic AA’s & Clickies
Each of the following Tradeskills will be 54/350:
  • Baking
  • Brewing
  • Blacksmithing
  • Fletching
  • Pottery
  • Jewelry Making
  • Tailoring
Various other skills we max for you:
  • Alcohol Tolerance
  • Swimming
  • Tracking
  • Hide / Sneak
  • Feign Death (If class has it)
  • Forage
Added flavor from me to you:
  • Each toon will have a variety of clickies that are useful to the class. This includes 3 of the BEST no-drop clickies from NoS, including a lifesteal clicky and damage absorption clicky.
  • Each toon will have maxed Faction: The Primal Spirits
  • Each toon will have a mount.
  • Each toon comes Krono subbed; GOLD and ready to play.
Optional Add Ons:
PM me to discuss pricing; we have toons available ranging from $150 - $500 and can work within your budget and customize to your liking.
Refund Policy
🛎️ Contact us.
Last edited:
Level: 115
AA Count: Max
Expansion: ToV
Class: All
Creator: I am the original creator.
Email: No verified email.
Phone #: No phone number.
CC: No CC used.
Secret Question/Answer: None.

Current stock - ready to go.

Still in progress (Toons are still leveling or getting AA's maxxed but can be ready quickly if purchased)

Private Message me to discuss further!


I like to go the extra mile with your characters, so each toon will have the following skills ready to go.

Alcohol Tolerance - Max
Baking - 54 /
Begging - Max
Bind Wound - Max
Brewing - 54 /
Blacksmithing 54 /
Pottery 54 /
Swimming - Max
Tailoring - 54 /
Tracking - Max
Hide - Max
Sneak - Max
Forage - Max

The goods:
Gear - Each toon will have minimum T3 ToV Gear, full set, and at LEAST one piece of ToV raid gear. Each toon comes fully augged out in high-end augs.
Epic - Each toon will have epic 2.0.
Languages - Max
Spell Skills - Max
Spells / Abilities - Levels 1-115 are on the toon, rank 1 minimum. All spells from the past 2-3 expansions will be at least rank 2; some will have rank 3 for select spells!
Explorer - It will be majority of the way done.
Clickies - Each toon has a variety of useful clickies, from lifesteal to PoK ports to invis!

ToV Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Luminous Restless Ice)
TBL Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Jann's Veil / Lamp)
RoS Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Emperor Familiar)
EoK Paragon - Each toon will have this (Forgotten Gemstone)
Can you deliver char to the nameless ?
Level: 115
AA Count: Max
Expansion: ToV
Class: All
Creator: I am the original creator.
Email: No verified email.
Phone #: No phone number.
CC: No CC used.
Secret Question/Answer: None.

Current stock - ready to go.

Still in progress (Toons are still leveling or getting AA's maxxed but can be ready quickly if purchased)

Private Message me to discuss further!


I like to go the extra mile with your characters, so each toon will have the following skills ready to go.

Alcohol Tolerance - Max
Baking - 54 /
Begging - Max
Bind Wound - Max
Brewing - 54 /
Blacksmithing 54 /
Pottery 54 /
Swimming - Max
Tailoring - 54 /
Tracking - Max
Hide - Max
Sneak - Max
Forage - Max

The goods:
Gear - Each toon will have minimum T3 CoV Gear, full set, and at LEAST one piece of raid gear. Each toon comes fully augged out in high-end augs.
Epic - Each toon will have epic 2.0.
Languages - Max
Spell Skills - Max
Spells / Abilities - Levels 1-115 are on the toon, rank 1 minimum. All spells from the past 2-3 expansions will be at least rank 2; some will have rank 3 for select spells!
Explorer - It will be majority of the way done.
Clickies - Each toon has a variety of useful clickies, from lifesteal to PoK ports to invis!

Progression, giving 4 of the best items in the game and various Heroic AAs:
ToV Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Luminous Restless Ice)
TBL Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Jann's Veil / Lamp)
RoS Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Emperor Familiar)
EoK Paragon - Each toon will have this (Forgotten Gemstone)

These accounts will be 100% yours and never touched by anybody but me, which means you never have to worry about somebody coming back and stealing your work away from you. It will be YOUR secret question, YOUR e-mail, and 100% YOUR account. These toons are ready to jump right into raids and end-game, and have had a ton of work put into them!
I'm looking for a,
HIGH-END Toon ! ⚡

do you have any warriors with artisan prize, all chase loot/ToV earring? and progression from COTF - COV? need heroic fort/vit around 60s+

When I first came across this thread I was hoping there was a Shaman available. What I didn't understand is that Reach Gaming is setup to provide you the class you want at Level 115 but with 3 different levels of missions, EPICs and gear. What was delivered to me was beyond expectation and shows the value in doing something the right way. I was kept up to date though the process and I will be doing business again with them. Look no further than right here for the best results and value.
I wanted to put another positive feedback comment for Reach Gaming. The first character was so great that I did a second one. Once again expectations were exceeded with the quality of the work and the unexpected augments added to the armor. If you want someone who takes pride in their work and provides a quality product look no farther than Reach Gaming.
Currently being worked on: (updated 3/25/22)

BerzerkerBard - x2WarriorBeastlord

Current stock - ready to go:

These accounts will be 100% yours and never touched by anybody but me, which means you never have to worry about somebody coming back and stealing your work away from you. It will be YOUR secret question, YOUR e-mail, and 100% YOUR account. These toons are ready to jump instantly into raids and end-game, and have had a ton of work put into them! There is still a ton to explore and do with your new toon(s), but we take out thousands of hours of the more tedious work and deliver a top-notch product to you.

The goods:
Level - 120
AAs - Max
Gear - Each toon will have minimum T3 CoV Gear, full set, and at LEAST two pieces of raid gear (you can often choose which ones). Each toon comes fully augged out in high-end augs. This means type 3, type 5, type 7, and type 13.
Epic - Each toon will have epic 1.5 and epic 2.0.
Languages - Max - languages are important on FV!
Main Defensive/Offensive Skills - Max
Spell Skills - Max
Spells / Abilities - Levels 1-120 are on the toon, rank 1 minimum. All spells from Ring of Scale through Terror of Luclin will be at least rank 2; some will have rank 3 for select spells!
MPG Trials Completed - Increases your base resists.
Adventurer's Stone - Quest complete, giving ability to use Translocators in Guild Lobby and other locations.
Mercenary - T5 Mercenary quests completed, giving you access to the most powerful mercenaries available.
Bags - Full inventory of bags, 20 slot MINIMUM, all the way up to 40 slots.
Clickies - Each toon has a variety of useful clickies important to their class, from lifesteal to PoK ports to invis!
Mount - No toon is complete without one; at least one cool mount included with each toon.
Subscription - Your toon comes Subscribed with Krono - Gold and ready to go.

I like to go the extra mile with your characters, so each toon will also have the following skills ready to go.

Baking - 54 /
Brewing - 54 /
Blacksmithing 54 /
Pottery 54 /
Tailoring - 54 /

Alcohol Tolerance - Max
Begging - Max
Swimming - Max
Tracking - Max
Hide - Max
Sneak - Max
Forage - Max

Progression, giving 5 of the best items in the game and various powerful Heroic AAs:
ToV Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Luminous Restless Ice)
TBL Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Jann's Veil/ Lamp)
RoS Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Emperor Ganak Familiar)
EoK Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Forgotten Gemstone, upgrades to Nathsar Diamond)
CoV Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Ice Bound Ulthork Familiar)
TOL Paragon - Each toon will have this. (Personal Hemic Source)

View examples of my work here.

If your class is a Cleric, Druid, Shaman, or Paladin, don't forget your in-combat rez clickie! We can add this on any toon that can use. (Staff of Forbidden Rites)

PM me to discuss pricing; we have toons available ranging from $150 - $500 and can work within your budget and customize to your liking.
I'm looking for a high end Shadowknight, or Paladin maybe. How much would you charge. Thanks, I also have sosme accounts would you consider a trade and money?
Hello, I am interested in a 120 Shaman and 120 BST. Level and AAs are priority over gear, but would like ToL Group Gear if possible. What would the price be for those 2 and how long do you think it would take to get them? Thank you.
Just a quick note the shaman is looking so far with the mission but a quick observation the EoK paragon is missing one mission Heros of Kor-Sha Laboratory not sure it was overlooked. Also do you still have your fully stocked pally and if so how much I might be interested in it to purchase on the first of the month
One last thing I have a lvl 120 SK max aa’s minus heroic etc, epic 2.0 with EoK - NoS paragons completed how much to bring the SK up to the same aa’s, Gear and spells that you did for the shaman

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