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Idea Upgrading the site, what should we add? (1 Viewer)

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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 94%
46   3   1
We're going to be upgrading the site to fix some broken crap (i.e. our Ducat shop) and while doing so I'd like to add a feature that people want. If there's anything else you guys would like, or an idea to make this site less of an eyesore let me know.
How would you add an streamer section without it being a beacon for bannings from DPG?

Since DPG currently has an issue with multi-boxing, we wouldn't highlight any streamers from our community. It would just be a quick way for users to find generic EverQuest streams.

That said, this option has 0 votes so not even worth considering right now.
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I personally voted for wow but think it should be a temp thing as well. I don’t see it lasting much past the first month or two of TBC, and then each other expansion.
We're going to be upgrading the site to fix some broken crap (i.e. our Ducat shop) and while doing so I'd like to add a feature that people want. If there's anything else you guys would like, or an idea to make this site less of an eyesore let me know.

I've got a good idea. How about auto delete any thread older than a week unless the thread creator bumps it. It's kind of annoying seeing random people bump 3 month old threads of things that most likely aren't even being sold anymore.

Also with D2 Resurrected on the horizon, it might be worth adding a section for that.
any ETA for the fixes?
no ETA yet!

I've got a good idea. How about auto delete any thread older than a week unless the thread creator bumps it. It's kind of annoying seeing random people bump 3 month old threads of things that most likely aren't even being sold anymore.

Also with D2 Resurrected on the horizon, it might be worth adding a section for that.

We lock older threads, but I agree that we need to do something about necro threads being bumped. It's very annoying!
no ETA yet!

We lock older threads, but I agree that we need to do something about necro threads being bumped. It's very annoying!
It is recommended to increase the hidden function of threads. Because when I'm out, I don't want to really close it, but leave temporarily.
Yeah I want a special area where we can post jokes, humor, rants, memes, etc a place where your moderators wont hit us for spam if we try to actually have a good timeon ECTUNNEL.com because they dont get the jokes. Especially when the real world is so fucked up. We need some levity!

Last I checked this is a site where a bunch of people sell random shit in a game. Why the fuck are some people taking it so serious? Lighten the fuck up. I keep saying fuck just in case you are opposed to cursing because guess what I can say whatever the fuck I want buddy. Get curse word filters here if you cant handle it. Its supposed to be fun Teichou! Did you forget that?

And I am serious this is a good idea. You said you wanted personality here Redbot. Give us a place to express ourselves artistically and creatively using the written word to entertain our fellow adventurers. A place where we are safe to say whatever the fuck we want for fun and a mod who doesnt get the joke wont show up and ruin all the fun.

Also we may need curse word filters if some people dont want to see foul language from our more perverse members. Or maybe we can hire some online cam person who can teach them when they see the word to read it as a PG version of itself. (does that joke work? I feel like it would be a good bit visually) Isnt this site 18+? I am pretty sure its 30+ tbh.... Why is anyone opposed to cursing? Its fucking fun!
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@Redbot Any updates on these fixes/enhancements?

Could we get a member-specific icon on private messages to help identify people that you've dealt with in the past? Maybe a 🌟 to indicate that we've feedbacked each other before?
@Redbot Any updates on these fixes/enhancements?

Could we get a member-specific icon on private messages to help identify people that you've dealt with in the past? Maybe a 🌟 to indicate that we've feedbacked each other before?
Holy crap this would be amazing. We can tie this to any feedback we get from a member? that way we know we have dealt with them.
I think this feedback system is put in place to represent successful transactions on a user to user basis and to prevent feedback boosting. Which this is great but we can do 500 successful transactions amongst 120 different people but only gain up to 120 feedback adjustments and that's if all 120 take the time to leave feedback. I would suggest a 60 day period or longer but once this time limit is reached if the user did not leave feedback then positive feedback will be submitted. Only problem I think would be verifying or validating a transaction taking place. Some type of feedback automation would be awesome, at times I just have too much going on and it slips my mind, I'm sure others are guilty of this as well.
Is there a feature to watch for a title of a thread or prefix of a thread to be created? for example if I wanted to get proactively alerted to any new thread being created on the Mischief server and have an e-mail sent to me with details. Is that a feature?
I try to recommend that buyers get verified whenever possible (since it's so quick and easy) but since I'm premium/verified the link isn't readily available to me. Can a Premium tab stay at the top of the page after we've subscribed?

a way to block others from seeing YOUR posts.. Ignoring someone is completely useless when that person can still see your comments and reply/make comments that you just dont get to see to defend yourself from...
I've got a great idea. How about we make it so that new posts in a thread do not bump it and that only when the thread creator bumps a thread will it actually be bumped.
Update coming after a few more tests, thanks for your patience everyone.

I've got a good idea. How about auto delete any thread older than a week unless the thread creator bumps it. It's kind of annoying seeing random people bump 3 month old threads of things that most likely aren't even being sold anymore.
Idea taken. We'll change the auto-locking feature to 7 days.

Fix the add feedback button. New members cannot find it as you have to scroll up and it is in the correct position above, but not below.
Very confusing.
Idea taken, new button will be added.

There's also a weird issue where leaving feedback from a message sends it twice. It doesn't count twice though. Just a quirk.
Fixed in next update (I think)

Is there a feature to watch for a title of a thread or prefix of a thread to be created? for example if I wanted to get proactively alerted to any new thread being created on the Mischief server and have an e-mail sent to me with details. Is that a feature?
We have RSS feeds for each forum, so you could create this trigger fairly easily with a script. If that's too much work, services like ifttt.com have done all the work for you, just add their RSS applet.

I try to recommend that buyers get verified whenever possible (since it's so quick and easy) but since I'm premium/verified the link isn't readily available to me. Can a Premium tab stay at the top of the page after we've subscribed?

I appreciate that, would you prefer an affiliate program?

I've got a great idea. How about we make it so that new posts in a thread do not bump it and that only when the thread creator bumps a thread will it actually be bumped.

That's harder to accomplish than it sounds, unfortunately. I'd like the same thing, I just don't have the time.

A way to filter WTS account posts by server, class, level, etc.

This is already in place, if you're on desktop look at the filters on right (on mobile, below):
"Prefix" holds the server filters.
https://ectunnel.com/community/help/usergroups/ <--- Under this link, at the bottom there is a "You can sign up for premium here"

These words need to be a different color and larger than the rest of the page. I always refer new customers to it, and sometimes they cannot find the button to click, and or will not engage simply because they do not want to read everything, they just want to verify and get on with the sale. This will also increase revenue I am quite certain.

Just a suggestion

https://ectunnel.com/community/help/usergroups/ <--- Under this link, at the bottom there is a "You can sign up for premium here"

These words need to be a different color and larger than the rest of the page. I always refer new customers to it, and sometimes they cannot find the button to click, and or will not engage simply because they do not want to read everything, they just want to verify and get on with the sale. This will also increase revenue I am quite certain.

Just a suggestion

Thanks, updated
Is there a way to hide posts? If so it would be great if derived from what ecanon was saying you could auto-hide
posts after a week of them being marked as sold with perhaps a - SOLD on the end of the post. This way it would
still show up on my threads for people but at the same point in time you'd only see fresh posts unless the person
made the post themselves. Not sure if this is possible to configure/code but its understandable why certain people
like to keep their sold posts up from my perspective, although I worry about cluttering things up by leaving them there.
Is there a way to hide posts? If so it would be great if derived from what ecanon was saying you could auto-hide
posts after a week of them being marked as sold with perhaps a - SOLD on the end of the post. This way it would
still show up on my threads for people but at the same point in time you'd only see fresh posts unless the person
made the post themselves. Not sure if this is possible to configure/code but its understandable why certain people
like to keep their sold posts up from my perspective, although I worry about cluttering things up by leaving them there.

We just began locking threads after they haven't had a reply or bump for 14 days, which will hopefully keep them out of sight.

The author may unlock them when they're ready to sell again.
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