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Implemented spam posting to bump (1 Viewer)

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The First Men
Staff member
Jun 15, 2011
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Using spam posting to bump a thread is an issue we are having with some users.

Because this is something that can be so dynamic it will be up to the mods if it is spam or not.

* Using any kind of reply spam to bump a thread in any way is prohibited. The final call on what is spam bumping is up to the mod team.

I am not a word smith like @Redbot is. So, I am open to better ways to word this and what not.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Teichou is proposing that replying to any thread with the intention of increasing its visibility should be against the rules.

If this suggestion hits 5 upvotes, we'll move it to a poll.
Using spam posting to bump a thread is an issue we are having with some users.

Because this is something that can be so dynamic it will be up to the mods if it is spam or not.

* Using any kind of reply spam to bump a thread in any way is prohibited. The final call on what is spam bumping is up to the mod team.
I agree with Teichou that there may be an issue with front page bumping.

Dynamic implies that variables are involved, many of which may be difficult to understand if you don't have the same experience as the other party.

Leaving the judgment up to a human to decide whether or not a thread reply is legitimate, or warrants the front page bump function to activate is unrealistic and time consuming. I hope this is not a serious consideration.


Halt the front page bump feature from activating due to a thread reply. Implement the front page bump feature for an actual thread bump to replace the lost function.


Remove human error stabilizing trader morale.
Nobody has an opportunity to be upset if they are already forced to work within the constraints of the site.


Anywhere site restrictive boundaries can be implemented, if they would assist in avoiding unnecessary time sinks, disagreements, or the lowering of trader morale, they should be.
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I agree with Teichou that there may be an issue with front page bumping.

Dynamic implies that variables are involved, many of which may be difficult to understand if you don't have the same experience as the other party.

Leaving the judgment up to a human to decide whether or not a thread reply is legitimate, or warrants the front page bump function to activate is unrealistic and time consuming. I hope this is not a serious consideration.


Halt the front page bump feature from activating due to a thread reply. Implement the front page bump feature for an actual thread bump to replace the lost function.


Remove human error stabilizing trader morale.
Nobody has an opportunity to be upset if they are already forced to work within the constraints of the site.


Anywhere site restrictive boundaries can be implemented, if they would assist in avoiding unnecessary time sinks, disagreements, or the lowering of trader morale, they should be.

I told you yesterday that I dont care about your fix.
This UI isn't the best, but you need to click the upvote button (top right of the thread) for your support of this suggestion.
This sounds like a very smart idea teichou
Anything that doesn't involve human intervention is a great idea imo. I really don't think any reply to a thread should bump the front page if that is what is being abused. I personally don't pay attention to it, but if it's an issue for some and can be fixed without to much grease with no downside, why not make the people happy.
Anything that doesn't involve human intervention is a great idea imo. I really don't think any reply to a thread should bump the front page if that is what is being abused. I personally don't pay attention to it, but if it's an issue for some and can be fixed without to much grease with no downside, why not make the people happy.
untill chatgpt can help mod....I want to have hands on with some things.

Dear Lord, I am so sick of certain people (I bet you there is only a couple of bad eggs) who are always trying to find ways around stuff. Why dont they go get a real life? One where their body actually works like God intended and they are physically and mentally healthy. Where the demons don't possess them utterly and diabolically. One where they can actually work out, and go for long walks in the sun, and possibly even say hi to some lady folk every once in a while if they can work up the courage, maybe even get married! Does not that sound lovely? Instead of trying to manipulate our forum and market place here and the in-game market places of the various servers, and even in the real world on the various market places that they deem profitable to do so, making it unfair so they have an advantage and to their own sole benefit...

We need more human intervention in all aspects of our lives not less! Anyone pushing automation almost always does so in order to benefit themselves while others must lose from this mindset. They usually do it under the guise of trying to help everyone else or 'for the greater good'. When based on the actual end result they are actually aiming for it is clearly not. We dont need to automate our entire damn lives for Heavens sake. Why would we ever even want to? Is it not a sense of community and the communication that we get to do and have with other living, breathing people that makes this place worth coming to and coming back to in the first place? Why have we lost sight of this? We need MORE human interaction and intervention online and in the real world! Not Less!

Hell is going to be one hell of a place for some of these folk. If they arent already in some warped hell of their own making in this world. I bet you they are though... And they are so lost. They want power. They love money. The love of money is the root of all evil. Their greed IS their downfall. Seeking and having power over others always leads to corruption in the end. Typical narcisist self absorbed "I am better than you," mentality and it sickens me.

You arent better than anyone though. You are actually the worst of us. Because you dont really care about anyone else. Not really at all. But you are really good at telling lies, stealing, dividing others, making up your own rules, moving the goal line, and manipulating everything you are involved in to your own benefit in the big picture, and pretending to care when you don't at all. One day everyone will see the truth. All lies spoken in the darkness will have their truths be told in the light. I am waiting for that day. When the blind finally see. I have faith it is coming sooner rather than later. I hope you are ready for your reward when this happens. I pray for this everyday and I know our prayers to Heavenly Father are the most powerful thing we have and most powerful action we can do. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, King of Kings, Amen!
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Locking this thread as the poll is up.

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