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Dispute Should this feedback rondo197620 left for coldbane be removed? (1 Viewer)

Should this feedback rondo197620 left for coldbane be removed?

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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 93.6%
43   3   1
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Link to transaction thread
⚖️ This is an official feedback dispute, sponsored by the Ducat shop. After 7 days the votes will be tallied and the most popular judgement upheld. Official feedback rules are found here. 🧑‍⚖️

@coldbane is disputing feedback left by @rondo197620
Here is a link to the feedback. Note that this link may not work for non-moderators due to the user's privacy settings.

It reads:
rondo197620 said:
"Sent to wrong person in game did not verify first then refused to compensate."
"Bought 3 krono paid in full. I sent a message first time around with a typo in the name. I immediately corrected the mistake. Seller did not check the log nor did he send in game tell to verify the right person would recieve. When asked to give the 3 krono as he was paid he refused to then even tried to deny doing anything wrong. I would Take extreme caution with this seller as he has no honor or scruples."

If you are a moderator or staff please do not vote or comment.
Next time, make sure you type the name correctly. Krono sellers move quick, and I’ve never seen one send an in-game message first before sending. Hard lesson to learn, but coldbane shouldn’t be screwed out of another x3 Kronos because of your typo.

Voted to remove.

Or at the least, put it as a neutral. But a negative for your mistake? Come on…
Always ensure you type your character's name correctly before instructing the supplier to send the payment. Take responsibility for any mistakes and accept the $30.00 mistake. It's important to note that the supplier is not at fault for not using in-game communication, which can be risky.

A complete removal of the feedback is necessary, and there is no situation where a neutral feedback is appropriate. It's worth mentioning that this particular customer has also resorted to using PayPal for a chargeback.

The red feedback should in my opinion remain on the customer's account while Coldbanes' negative feedback should be retracted. Chargebacks on PayPal carry significant consequences and should not be taken lightly. I consistently send Krono within 15-20 seconds of receiving the in-game character's name. It's clear that the issue does not lie with the supplier.

~Diamond 💍
Ya i was asking for a meet part way because both made mistakes but he just wouldnt do anything.
Essentially was a typo in the name i sent one letter off. i immediately caught it and resent a new message saying name wrong this is correct spelling of name. Message was within 1 min from original. 10 mins later actually almost 15 he sends the KR to the wrong account in game. I asked him why he didnt verify or anything especially since i corrected it so fast. I personally double check anything like that when i buy and sell. He would not admit he should of double checked at all. I was asking to meet part way atleast 1 krono which shouldnt be to bad considering he got the money i sent. He refused that and said because i mispelled it wasnt his problem and he didnt care and none was on him. Being real rude and a dick about the whole thing over 3 krono to me that is silly.
And if you all decide to remove the feedback from him that is your choice BUT i would suggest it only fair that the retaliation feedback he left on me after my feedback should be removed as well if that is the path chosen as that would be the only fair thing.
Charge back? What charge back? If i had a charge back please show me the money becuase the man/woman has my money sent for the krono i walked away from the whole deal and let him keep the money as i have better things to do.
Krono he could have refreshed the message thread or even looked again when i receive message here i get popups and i always recheck information that should be done on here and in anything done in life always recheck info. Not one time did i not take responsibility for my mistake. But to say a buyer should never double check information before a transaction is bad business. If i did that in my RL business i would be broke. And on here i have made a mistake as seller and rectified it. I am sorry but the Buyer bias stance is wrong krono. I get it seems like a club but ask 10 people anywhere off here if they recheck info before transactions all 10 will say yes. But cold did not. And to be rude on top of that becuase he was undoubtably rude in itself can be a mark.
Last message sorry. Have RL work but perfect scenario. VENMO the app on it happens alot people send money to the wrong person over and over. Is it the persons fault who received the errant funds? no they just opened the app. Just like in game the person who got the krono got free ones. Not there fault. But on venmo there are several verify or double check ways for a person sending money to make sure it is going to the right person. And it is encouraged to be used, such as scan the personal code, or add as friend and message to verify it is the person you are intending to send to as something could be misspelled on accident etc. Those methods are in place as with tens of thousands of other sides and businesses to try to fix wrong transactions before they even happen. This is a staple of logic and reality. Cold is no different neither am i This is why i double check everything in a transaction it is also why i caught the name spelling so quick becuase i always double check. It is your site. But to say a buyer does no wrong when they failed to double check a transaction in protection of themselves and the client is illogical and dangerous in many ways to clients. Business is about the clients not the sellers that is business and these guys lets be real are business's.
I’ve made this mistake before. My own fault. Even replied with correct name as you did. Once they get that message and have the name copied it’s game over.

Live and learn. Check and check again, then again these days!

Oh and I vote remove colds negative.
I agree with walking away why i let him keep the funds and walk away. Wasnt worth the rudeness or aggravation anymore from it. But i left feedback mostly on his actions and attitude. Then he retaliated because of my feedback and left a negative one on me. That one should be addressed as well. Also please read

Definition feedback
helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product, etc. The company uses customer feedback to improve its products. He asked for some feedback from his boss.

I am highly confused with this thread. As my feedback was factual i stated my error what i did to correct then i stated my disatisfaction as to his performance also factual. My question is why have feedback on your site when factual things are posted based on MY experience and the only thing stated as rememdy was to other users to use caution based on the situation i encountered as a consumer. Feed back is for the consumers not sellers. I am sorry but to allow takedown of factually stated feedback because the person the feedback is against doesnt like it and get this CAN PAY to have it removed defeats the entire purpose of the feedback option. Yes he should be able to add a rebuttal using his own facts if available so others may judge if they should even head the feedback but to totally allow feedback to be erased through funds and a poll which by the way has been 90% other business sellers on here is just wow. I am so glad no other merchant site on the net is allowed to even llegally do that. Had they the ability to do so every vendor would be in heaven. So admin answer this please since you are litterally bias here. Was my Feedback not factual? Did i state my mistake? Yes that is apparent. Did the seller verify correct spelling before sending 10 mins after the 2 messages were sent? Fact he did not. (Your feelings in that question whether it is a inconvenience to the seller to check is moot.) In any country or land on this planet and any court the fact something is hard to do or “inconvenient” is inconsequential. Courts will still declare negligence of responsibility( please dont say thats untrue as i will gladly post case law from multiple courts to show this. In conclusion. I stated all facts and facts pertaining to MY experience with the vendor and now my experience being factual and mine to share regardless if you think its fair is a travesty. And Krono please stop misstating facts there was no chargeback he over a week later has the money i sent and i walked away from the ordeal. And please post all the facts. Like his rudeness and personal insults to me. Please refrain from posting half a story and partial facts to benefit the seller your taking up for.
Also people realize even after being insulted and even asking him to work with me to a mutual satisfactory conclusion all i got was rudeness. I ate the $30 loss over a week ago and moved on after leaving my factual feedback. Also Coldbane left negative feedback in retaliation to mine. Which is fine because yes i made the spelling error and that was his experience. But Krono and admin indicated that i need to pay for his retaliatory feedback to be removed or to mutually agree to both take down( which i messaged coldbane to do just that as this is sillly and not worth the annoyance. But i uterally refuse to pay to have a negative feedback removed that is synonymous to the feedback i left. If you remove one both need to be removed they are both linked as to leave his feedback in place is screaming to the consumers in your community that they better not leave feedback that is negative or sellers will just return the favor. Leaving consumers to not express their own experience. Like i said in a message to you im willing to mutually agree to take down ( reason i am being punished for expressing my experience in a factual way) which is not reasonable or fair and im ready to move on from this but not be punished through a retaliation post.

Feedback iption should be removed from this site in my opinion it is useless as anyone can PAY to get it removed espeicially if a verified patron to the site.
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I agree with walking away why i let him keep the funds and walk away. Wasnt worth the rudeness or aggravation anymore from it. But i left feedback mostly on his actions and attitude. Then he retaliated because of my feedback and left a negative one on me. That one should be addressed as well.
You'll need to purchase a trial in the ducat section to initiate having the feedback removed. The only other way is if both parties decide to remove from each other mutually.
A complete removal of the feedback is necessary, and there is no situation where a neutral feedback is appropriate. It's worth mentioning that this particular customer has also resorted to using PayPal for a chargeback.

Didn't see the part about the chargeback. Just read the negative left by Cold.

And did we dismiss the rule about feedback based on emotions, or whatever that was? I still have that in the back of my head when taking negative feedback disputes into account. (Never liked the rule so... here's hoping) But, before I saw the chargeback, I figured this is one of those, "yeah that's annoying, but what can you do? Leave a review under neutral if you want so others can learn from your mistakes" kind of things. 9 times out of 10, that just leads to mutual removal of both feedbacks so it sorts itself out. If there's no more "emotional feedback" then these disputes become much easier to solve.
Didn't see the part about the chargeback. Just read the negative left by Cold.

And did we dismiss the rule about feedback based on emotions, or whatever that was? I still have that in the back of my head when taking negative feedback disputes into account. (Never liked the rule so... here's hoping) But, before I saw the chargeback, I figured this is one of those, "yeah that's annoying, but what can you do? Leave a review under neutral if you want so others can learn from your mistakes" kind of things. 9 times out of 10, that just leads to mutual removal of both feedbacks so it sorts itself out. If there's no more "emotional feedback" then these disputes become much easier to solve.
Completely agree with Bractos.

Supplier stated that a chargeback via PayPal had been initiated from the customer. "He requested a refund for an unauthorized transaction." Aka Chargeback.

Based on these reasons, I recommend that Coldbanes' feedback be removed completely, and the feedback from customers be upheld. I want to emphasize once more that it is crucial to address your concerns with moderators here before resorting to public action. Dealing with PayPal disputes can be highly risky in specific situations ESPECIALLY for a supplier that possibly makes a living here

This is especially true if we consider a scenario where a customer may have made a typo, wrongly accused the supplier, and inadvertently put the supplier's livelihood, and potentially their family's well-being, in jeopardy. It's a complex situation, but that's my perspective on it.
you wont find justice here trust me, just walk away and move on. I wouldnt be surprised if the seller never even sent the krono when he realized the buyer sent the wrong name first. thats prob why it took him 10-15 minutes to "send" it. he was probably thinking to himself i can get a free 3 krono if i pretend i sent it to the wrong person.

IMO they both fucked up, but the buyer barely fucked up. If he truly corrected himself that quickly wihtin 1 minute, and he didnt get it for 10-15 minutes no excuse seller should have double checked thats insanity. You dont read a name then guess the spelling 12 minutes later. you check how to fucking spell the name and then you notice he sent another message.

Delete both their negative feedback and give them both neutral feedback. most of these sellers on here are bias towards other sellers and want the seller to always win so that when they fuck up ultimately you scratch my back i scratch yours.. dont listen to what they say either mostly scum of the earth.
you wont find justice here trust me, just walk away and move on. I wouldnt be surprised if the seller never even sent the krono when he realized the buyer sent the wrong name first. thats prob why it took him 10-15 minutes to "send" it. he was probably thinking to himself i can get a free 3 krono if i pretend i sent it to the wrong person.

IMO they both fucked up, but the buyer barely fucked up. If he truly corrected himself that quickly wihtin 1 minute, and he didnt get it for 10-15 minutes no excuse seller should have double checked thats insanity. You dont read a name then guess the spelling 12 minutes later. you check how to fucking spell the name and then you notice he sent another message.

Delete both their negative feedback and give them both neutral feedback. most of these sellers on here are bias towards other sellers and want the seller to always win so that when they fuck up ultimately you scratch my back i scratch yours.. dont listen to what they say either mostly scum of the earth.
I've purchased thousands of krono from Coldbane, and it's clear that he's not concerned about just three krono. I cannot in any way suggest that Coldbane would abscond with $30.00. To claim that "both parties made mistakes" begs the question: where is the concrete evidence that Coldbane made a mistake? The only factual evidence we have points to an error on the part of the buyer.
I've purchased thousands of krono from Coldbane, and it's clear that he's not concerned about just three krono. I cannot in any way suggest that Coldbane would abscond with $30.00. To claim that "both parties made mistakes" begs the question: where is the concrete evidence that Coldbane made a mistake? The only factual evidence we have points to an error on the part of the buyer.
IMO they both fucked up, but the buyer barely fucked up. If he truly corrected himself that quickly wihtin 1 minute, and he didnt get it for 10-15 minutes no excuse seller should have double checked thats insanity. You dont read a name then guess the spelling 12 minutes later. you check how to fucking spell the name and then you notice he sent another message.
alright so it appears he sent the krono thats cool you debunked my "crazy possible scenario". How about the "factual" part that the seller said? is the seller accurate that it took 10-15 minutes to send and he corrected himself within 1 minute?
When multiple orders are processed at the same time, the screenshot is usually sent back to ETC after the order is mailed.When multiple orders are processed at the same time, the screenshot is usually sent back to ETC after the order is mailed.
When payment is received, the name will be copied, logged into the designated server, and mailed directly. If there is no order later, a screenshot will be taken and sent to ETC. This process will not be fast, and it is impossible to refresh the mailbox all the time.
the buyer said this in the very beginning " i immediately caught it and resent a new message saying name wrong this is correct spelling of name. Message was within 1 min from original. 10 mins later actually almost 15 he sends the KR to the wrong account in game. "
If it was a lie and it was within say 5 minutes as you state, i suppose thats enough time with a name not so complicated to not double check. I personally double even triple check all my transfers but i usually deal with 50-125 krono at a time. 3 is a pretty petty amount.

Perhaps im wrong in this specific scenario. but i still stand that most people here are pure trash. maybe you arent i dont know anything about you coldbane. I'm just going with what i see before me
IF the buyer lied about the time for you to send them, then he probably also lied about the time it took himself to correct the name. meaning coldbane under this scenario should definitely have feedback removed.
Money and krono are not the point. Buyers don't care, and I don't care either, even negative reviews. The focus of the question is how to avoid and handle this incident and similar incidents in the future. I have encountered similar incidents three times. The first time, he also said that it was mailed by mistake(he is older player changed character name in game ., but I had already mailed it, Then Paypal refunded 45 US dollars through the same operation. The second time was pure fraud and the loss was 45 krono. This is the third time. Of course, I know that this customer is not a scammer, but why is it the seller who loses in the end? I personally think it's unfair. Refund, loss of goods, and a negative review.
yeah sounds like you got pretty wronged here coldbane, was the payment sent as a gift? i dont see an address on the SS so leads me to believe it was a gift, which are very hard to chargeback but not impossible as ive also lost money in the past from BS not my fault as well. if it was a gift im very surprised paypal spent their time looking into 30$. ive lost 500+ multiple times taking gifts as payments and paypal allowing a chargeback when I was 100% innocent.
Let's ignore the typo for a moment and go with your logic Everquestmadesimple....

Why is it up to Coldbane to provide proof of what Rondo claims?

This is one of the most annoying trends I see on these threads; someone claims something, then it's up to the other to provide proof of it. If there was proof of his instant correction / 10 - 15 minute send time, Rondo would have already uploaded it. Quit trying to stir the pot dude. Anyone reading this can immediately see that Rondo was fishy. The question that we can't tell, is whether he intentionally did so or not. Although a chargeback on $30.... that's not a great look for anyone.

And back to the typo at hand, even if he did make an instant correction; this is in no way Coldbanes fault. Hell, I'm not sure how you have a typo during this, like, I triple / quadruple check / alt tab in and out of the game to make sure my character is correct when buying krono. That's my responsibility, not the sellers.

Like seriously, imagine you were in front of two people. One person points a finger and makes a claim about the second person. You turn towards the second person and ask them to provide proof to dismiss the first persons claim? That's insane.

EDIT: Least I'm brave enough to let the edits be known...
Yeah I agree with the majority here. I've dealt with scenarios like this countless times. To be honest though, anytime anyone has gotten the name wrong when I've sent the krono, they usually just admit their fault and re-order. The only time I've encountered someone not doing that and owning it as their mistake is if they are trying to scam to begin with. Aka, they'll file a chargeback after your refuse to give them more krono or pay them their money back. This is no fault of Coldbane in any way shape or form. He did everything correctly to the standard of this community. I don't think anyone except a new comer trying to scam someone is going to be risking their reputation over 3 krono or $30. Coldbane isn't new and he has over 270 feedback and probably double that in transactions since feedback only counts as 1 per customer. Out of all of that he has 1 negative review which it looks like is this current one.

Rondo isn't necessarily a newcomer, the account is 3 year aged. But he definitely doesn't have near as much feedback or transactions, and seems to be more of a buyer than a seller. When you weigh those factors, and primarily the evidence provided, it all weighs heavily in Coldbane's favor. To me it's just basic common sense. But they do say common sense isn't so common these days. As far as the chargeback goes, I feel if you are in the wrong and you issue a chargeback you should be banned from the community. He's basically scamming Coldbane out of money. Whether or not he got the product is up for debate. But like people said, who's to say Rondo didn't create that character with the wrong name to begin with?

This just screams scam. Good luck Coldbane.
stage 3 brain rot yikes
Thanks for derailing this semi-civil conversation before you had to butt in.

P.S. The seller is 100% not at fault. When someone sends me their char name / server after payment, I don't read any more messages until I send the krono. That's how you get sidetracked and make mistakes.

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