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Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

-This plugin allows you to take full advantage of the wonderful beep command in game.

Music Mode:
/advbeep [note] [length] [octave]
Normal Mode:
/advbeep [frequency] [length]
Possible notes: c, csharp, d, dsharp, e, f, fsharp, g, gsharp, a, asharp, b

-Automatically set clipping plane, saved to ini, depending on zone.

/clip set | set <min> <max> | del | show
/clip <min> <max>
/clip show - displays clipping plane min/max for current zone
/clip set - sets the currently saved (or default) clip min/max for current zone
/clip set 100 500 - sets the clip to min 100 max 500 for current zone, and saves to ini
/clip del - deletes the saved clip settings for current zone from the ini
/clip 200 1000 - Temporarily sets current clip to min 200 max 1000 (does not save to ini)

-This plugin can be used to automatically keep or destroy items as they appear on the mouse cursor

  /autodestroy	- Object held on the mouse cursor will be added to the
			    INI file's [AutoDestroy] section
  /autodestroy auto - Toggles automatic destruction of items listed in the
			    [AutoDestroy] section of the INI file as they appear
			    on the mouse cursor
  /autokeep	   - Object held on the mouse cursor will be added to the
			    INI file's [AutoKeep] section
  /autokeep auto    - Toggles automatic keeping of items listed in the
			    [AutoKeep] section of the INI file as they appear on
			    the mouse cursor
  /handlecursor     - Keep or destroy the item on the cursor, depending on
			    which section of the INI file it appears in

- INI driven autoforaging

/startforage - commence autoforaging.
/stopforage - stop autoforaging.
/keepitem {item} - add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-keep.
/destroyitem {item} - add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-destroy.

-Will automatically accept you into a group/raid based off of the names added into a INI file. If these names invite you, your toon will auto join the group/raid.

/plugin mq2autogroup
*INI code* 

-Takes Rez and Loots Corpse

/autorez accept [on|off]
-- (on) you get a rez box you will take it after 2 seconds. clicking spawn if needed.
/autorez spawn [on|off]
-- (on) you will immediately click the spawn to bind after death.
/autorez loot [on|off]
-- not finished -- if on loot items from corpse after clicking rez.

-Auto-activate various skills

/autoskills help - lists options
INI file will be auto-created, MQ2AutoSkills_Charname_server.ini 
Syntax is simply Skill=on/off and MeleeRange=distance 
Currently suported skills: 
Backstab, Bash, Begging, Disarm, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, 
Frenzy, Evade, Forage, Feign Death, Intimidation, Kick, Mend, Pick Pockets, 
Round Kick, Sense Traps, Slam, Taunt, Tiger Claw 
/attack off on mob ENRAGE/infuriate is also supported, treated as the "ENRAGE" and
    "infuriate" skills in the INI. 
Known issues: Trade/Vendor windows and possibly some other events may cause some
    skills to fire when not appropriate and spam you


/createset <setname> slotname1|slotnumber slotname2|slotnumber2 ... (slotname21|slotnumber22)
Creates a set in MQ2Bandolier_<CharName>.ini using the selected equipment slots. If you use the name of an existing set, it will be over-written.
/deleteset <setname>
Deletes the specified setname from the characters ini.
/equipset <setname>
Equips all items of the specified set.
/createset ThisSet chest mainhand offhand
/createset ThisSet 17 13 14
Both of the above examples will create the following ini entry:
/deleteset ThisSet
Deletes the ThisSet section in the ini
/equipset ThisSet

-Swap in instruments as needed

    /bardswap - toggle swapping off and on 
    /bardswap melee - toggle using "Melee swap" delay

-Adds Information on the location you are bound

-Clicks off unwanted buffs (Beneficial buffs ONLY)
	/block "buffname" - blocks that buff
	/unblock "buffname" - unblocks that buff
	/block list - lists all buffs currently being blocked

-Bazaar search plugin
/bzsrch [params] [name]
    [race any|barbarian|dark elf|dwarf|erudite|froglok|gnome|half  elf|halfling|high elf|human|
	iksar|ogre|troll|vah shir|wood elf]
    [class any|bard|beastlord|cleric|druid|enchanter|magician|monk|necromancer|paladin|ranger|
	rogue|shadow knight|shaman|warrior|wizard]
    [stat any|armor class|agility|charisma|dexterity|intelligence|stamina|strength|wisdom|vs cold
	|vs disease|vs fire|vs magic|vs poison|hit points|mana]
    [slot any|ammo|arms|back|charm|chest|ear|face|feet|fingers|hands|head|legs|neck|primary|range|
    [type  any|1h slashing|1h blunt|2h blunt|2h slashing|2h piercing|alcohol|all effects|armor|
	arrow|bandages|book|bow|brass instrument|combinable|drink|flowing thought|focus effect|food|
	haste|jewelry|key|light|martial|misc|note|percussion instrument|piercing|potion|scroll|shield|
	stringed instrument|throwing|wind instrument]
/pricecheck - Does an item price check.
/bzsrch wedding ring
/bzsrch race any class any plate		| search for plate armor for anyone
/bzsrch plate					 | search for plate for me
/bzsrch slot fingers stat "armor class"     | look for a ring with armor class
/bzsrch price 0 100 type "flowing thought"  | look for some flowing thought
							  | stuff, ya cheap bastard

-Plugin based cast handler, with built in timer function.
 /casting [name|[alt|gem#|slotname|item]] [alt|gem#|slotname|item]
  -invis : Checks if your incis
  -focus|itenmane|slotname : Swarp up to 5 focus items in and out
  -targetid|# : cast spell on # Spawn.ID
  -recast|# : recast # times
  -kill : Cast spell on target untill dead.
  -maxtries|# : Max retry's when interupted / resist ect ..
  -setin setname : Require MQ2Bandolier swarp's set's in and out
  -setout setname : Require MQ2Bandolier swarp's set's in and out
/memorize [SpellName] [gem#] : Try to memorize spell name or spelled into specified gem#. (If no gem
 is given Gem 5 going to be used as default). If you're currently moving, mq2cast will try to stop
 movement and start casting within 3 seconds or it will give an error. 
/interrupt interupt / dismount if enough time 
${Cast}: See Cast Members

- Addon For MQ2Cast

- Clears MQ window

- Allows you to specify custom commands to execute on a key combination
    /bind command key - Binds a key to that command (example "/bind  INSTANT_CAMP SHIFT+C" will make
 you instantly camp when you hit shift+c)

- Allows you to edit memory offsets from MQ2DoCrack.ini.
/docrack [<docrack name> (on|off)]
/docrack list (For the full list/abilities please refer to the first post in this thread)

- Used if you do not wish to use the added xml UI window.
/docrack [<docrack name> (on|off)]
/docrack list (For the full list/abilities please refer to the first post in this thread)

- Used To Fix EverQuest Coding Errors To Prevent Crashes. Default MacroQuest2 Plugin.

-This plugin allows you change your target's name. NOTE: this is client side only.
/funnyname newnamehere - sets your target's name

- Head up display
    /defaulthud - Loads the default HUD
    /hud normal| underui| always - Adds additional functionality to the MQ2 HUD
    /loadhud hudname - Loads a HUD with the name hudname from the ini

-Adds Information on the location you are bound

-allows you to instant camp
	/icamp  -- camps you to char select
	/icamp server -- camps you to server select
	/icamp Desktop -- camps you to desktop
- MQ2IRC is the plugin which provides the ability to connect to the IRC in game.
    /i help 

- Displays item information in the item window. This is a default MacroQuest2 file.
/inote <add|del> <itemno> "Comment

- This is a default MacroQuest2 Plugin.

- Used for logging information in the MQ2 window into MQ2ChatWnd.log

- This is a default MacroQuest2 Plugin. It pretty much runs MacroQuest2

- Ingame Map Viewer
    /mapfilter help
    /mapfliter npc
    /mapfliter npcconcolor
    /mapfliter target
    /mapfliter targetline
    /mapfliter chest
    /mapfliter trap
    /mapfliter ground
    /mapfliter pc
    /mapfilter spellradius, has been added for a 2nd circle on map.
	  /mapfilter custom npc range 40 65
	   Displays all npcs of level range 40 to 65
	  /mapfilter custom npc range 60 65 radius 50
	   Displays all npcs of level 60 to 65 within a radius of 50

- Remote control plugin that responds to tells
    /setmasterkey - Sets Master
    /resetmaster - Resets Master

-Current goals of MQ2Melee is to provide
intelligent use of SHORT TIME REUSE MELEE ABILITIES and PET HANDLING during combat depending on current game
conditions and plugins configuration
   /melee - Tell the plugin what setting you want on, this is the main configuration entry points for the plugins.
   /killthis - Tell the plugin you want to engage current target, if your feigning this should stand you up,
 it's also reset all his internal value. (If your play your toon manually you dont need to use that command at all,
 just press the attack button!) 
   /throwit - Tell plugin to perform a ranged attack on current target
   /enrageon <TARGETid> - Tell plugin to react like their was an enrage events being detected. If target id is
 given it will make sure it's matches internal killing target id. (This is designed to be used with 3rd party
 plugin or macro ie: mq2events with mq2eqbc, create trigger on to detect that target goes on enrage state, then 
set it to broadcast via mq2eqbc "/bca //enrageon ${Target.ID}" it will allow casters that might be too far from melee
 to detect that mob is enraged and back up their pet!) 
   /enrageoff <TARGETid> - Tell plugin to react like enrage events is complete. See Also /ENRAGEON
   /infuriateon <TARGETid> - Tell plugin to react like infuriate was detected. See Also /ENRAGEON
   /infurateoff <TARGETid> - Tell plugin to react like infuriate event was complate. See Also /ENRAGEON

- This plugin records your movements and allows you to play them back.
/record on <recordname>
/record off
/record delete <recordname>
/playback on <recordname>
/playback off

- Movement Helper
    /stick - /follow-like command, works for any pc/npc, default distance is melee range ("/stick help" for more options) 
    /circle - autofaces character to run in a circle 
    /moveto - moves character to a specific loc, such as an anchor spot

- Whenever an NPC pops, a message is sent to the MQ2 window "Pop > Mob's Name < Pop"
If its name contains #, the following message is sent instead NAMED > Mob's Name < NAMED
	/popfilter <on|off|named>


 /removedet -- Automatically Removes Detrimental spells

- Select Task Reward
/reward #

- Rez utilitys
/rez - displays settings
/rez accept on|off - Toggle auto-accepting rezbox
/rez spawn  on|off - Toggles going to bind point after death
/rez pct # - Autoaccepts rezes only if they are higher than # percent
/rez loot on|off - Toggle looting corpse when opened and when rezzed
/rez help - Shows help
/rezme -- Immediately respawn yourself without a rez. You will *not* regain any experience.

- Mq2Source's own Packet plugin
/gank -- grabs an item must use /itemtarget to target item.
/switch door# -- activates a switch
/saytarget ""  -- sends a message to a distant target
/sopen -- opens a distant object
/sumcorpse -- corpsedrags a distant object

/slientgk - Reduces chat spam from MB.

/stealth [on|off|return|resume|reset|status|ghost]
/stealth ghost - allows you to range attack,taunt, loot,and other things while stealthed

- Automated message announcements for spell events. Uses an INI named hotkeys_charname_server.ini
/autohotkey < on | off | list <...> | reload | addchat <chatname> | remchat <chatname> | setpopups <...> | save  > 
/autohotkey list < all | state | chats | popups | hotkeys > 
/autohotkey setpopus < all | NameOfPopUp > < TRUE | FALSE >
Here are a few entries an enchanter might use:
; Filename: hotkeys_uberenc_veeshan.ini
; In the Default section, the chat's must be labeled in order.
; Doesn't matter the physical placement, just the numbers without skipping.
; If there is no "chat" label at all, then any unformated hotkeys below will
; not be sent.
; Next section is all boolean values for spell pop up reporting
; These are just what to pop up, DoPopUps must be enabled in the
; section for that spell to show pop ups.
; Popup messages enabled for resists and wear off messages only
; Here are the spell / hotkey combos
; The section heading [...] is the name of the spell.
; There are 3 different types: OnCast, OnHit, and OnResist
; There can be multiple messages for each category as long as no two have
; the same exact name. They all have to start with one of the 3 categories.
; One field can be DoPopUps which enables popup messages for any of the
; categories allowed in the PopUps section. If not included it's assumed FALSE.
; Remember for items to use the name of the spell that will be casting.
[Forlorn Deeds]
OnCast0=! Trying to slow < %t > !
OnResist=! < %t > resisted Slow !
OnHit=! SLOWED < %t > !
[Howl of Tashani]
OnHit=! I have tashed < %t > !
OnCast=! Mezzing < %t > !
OnResist=! < %t > resisted mez !
OnHit=! < %t > has been mezzed !
[Koadic's Endless Intellect]
OnCast=! Casting KEI, stay near me if you want it to hit !

- Used for looking up spell information
/spellsearch - Used for looking up spell information
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

- Spawntracker with notify and run-time modifiable HUD display. Uses same syntax as the /where command.
     /watch add guild
        - Show everyone in your guild in current zone
     /watch add damlin lingering npc
        - Show when damlin in CoA pops
     /watch remove damlin lingering npc
        - Remove damlin from HUD tracking
     /watch list
        - Lists the current targets being watched for in current zone
     /watch show 10
        - Change the HUD display to track the 10 nearest targets
     /watch x 200
        - Display the leftmost edge of the HUD list at screen x position 200
     /watch y 50
        - Display the topmost edge of the HUD list at screen y position 50
     /watch increment 20
        - Change the spacing between spawns in the HUD to 20 pixels
     - Search strings are saved per zone
     - Replace "add" with "notify" and it will do a popup for each spawn
     matching your search string
     - Can add as many search strings per zone as needed
     - Each HUD spawn matching the search shows distance, Z 
     above/below, direction, and an arrow showing relative direction
     - Default is 5 spawns show, can modify using "/watch count <NUM>"
     - HUD will highlight spawn if it's the current target
     - Guild members highlighted in HUD
     - HUD list sorted by distance ascending
- Telnet Server
You must enable the telnet server in mq2telnet.ini's [Telnet Server] section. Set a valid Port=### and 
in the [Users] section, add <USER>=
, where <USER>and 
are the username and password you need enter to access the telnet server. Also, please set a "Welcome=message" 
Using telnet Use a real telnet client. (Putty works well for this) 
Connect to the system running EQ/MQ using the port you have in your ini. You should see your Welcome
 message and a password prompt. (Enter it ;) 
Anything you type into the telnet session will be sent to the client and executed directly (like a macro statement) 
Any chat output will be sent to your telnet session. 
Displays a list of all remote IP addresses for open telnet sessions.
- This plugin allows you to have a window that gives you timer countdowns for events.
/mqtimer - ?
/timerlist - ?
/targetNotAffectedBy - ?
- Insert a timestamp into incoming chat.
/timestamp [ help| on | off | reload | default | format <format> | loc <0|1> | maxlen <length> ] 
Will toggle on/off with no arguments 
help   - displays usage information 
on/off   - enables/disables timestamps 
reload   - reloads the ini file 
default - resets your format to default(only changeable via ini) 
format   - sets your timestamp format to <format> 
loc    - sets timestamp location: 0-append, 1-prepend 
maxlen   - sets the maximum length of parsed timestamp.
- Provide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters
    /track [off|help|target] 
    /track refresh [on|off|toggle|<TIME seconds in>] 
    /track filter [off|<SPAWN search string>] 
    /tracknames [<VALUE>|reset]
- This original MQ2 plugin adds a /tribute command in game with automatic
tribute status management capabilities.
/tribute < auto | manual | on | off | forceoff | enabledetrimental | disabledetrimental | show | savesettings >
auto:  Automatically turn tribute on/off as you go in and out of combat.  If you enter combat and tribute
 is not on, it is activated immediately.  If you are not in combat when the tribute timer is going to expire,
 tribute is deactivated.
manual: Do not automatically turn on/off tribute. (default)
on: Turn on tribute but do not change auto/manual state.
off: Turn off tribute when current time left is going to expire.  This option should not be combined with 
other options that change the operation mode.
forceoff: Turn off tribute immediately, ignoring any remainder of current time left.
enabledetrimental: Enable turning on tribute when casting a detrimental spell and in automatic mode.
enabledetrimental: Disables turning on tribute when casting a detrimental spell and in automatic mode. (default)
savesettings: Saves current settings to INI file (which will be loaded the next time the character logs in)
show: Show the current mode.
Multiple options can be passed as one command.  
/tribute on auto 
would turn the tribute on immediately and would automatically manage the state from then on.
  (ie, good before engaging a big named)
- Bard Song Twisting Plugin
    /twist # # # # # - Twists in the order given. 
        Valid options are 1 thru 8 for song gems, and 10 thru 19 for item clicks. 
        These may be mixed in any order, and repeats are allowable. Up to 10 may be 
        If a song is specified with a duration longer than standard (ie, selos) 
        that song will be twisted based on it's duration.  For example, riz+mana+selos 
        would be a 2 song twist with selos pulsed every 2.5 min. 
    /twist hold <GEM #>- Pause twisting and sing only the specified song 
    /sing <GEM#>- alias for /twist hold 
    /twist stop/end/off - stop twisting, does not clear the twist queue 
    /stoptwist - alias for above 
    /twist or /twist start/on - Resume the twist after using /twist hold or /twist stop 
     /twist delay # (10ths of a second, minimum of 30, default 33 
    /twist reload - reload the INI file to update item clicks 
    /twist slots - List the slots defined in the INI and their #'s
- Resets your viewport to 0,0,1,1 (black screen) on any background running EQ session.
Resets it back to normal when it's the active window.
/autovp - Toggles resetting background view on and off.
- Reports to your window exact xp made on each mob.
Usage: /xptracker - Display time tracking was started. 
/xptracker reset - Reset all events and begin tracking as if plugin was just loaded 
/xptracker total - Display total gains since tracking start 
/xptracker quiet - Toggle output of tracking messages 
/xpevents - list the events/timestamps of the events we've tracked 
/xpevents [#] - lists the events tracked in the past [#] seconds 
/xpaverage - lists the average (mean) xp per-kill
New Commands
    Source Exchange     
/exchange (exchanges your money from anywhere... aka 13 gold goes to 1 plat 3 gold) 
/exchange auto (this makes it so it auto changes your money around as you get it)

    Source Mem
/memspell (instant mem a spell)
/memset (instant mem a spellset)
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

- MMOGK.DLL is our Ghostkill
     /gk on/off
Fully Customizable INI So after you turn the GK on and off you can then you can updated your character in the MMOGK.ini file.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

is this fully working gk? previous version was only pri/sec attack. previous was not posted by you thou

thanks for compile, redcs inc
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Well our gk allows for you to have primary / secondary / range and a couple other things. Like Backstab and so forth. Can add more upon request for people but nothing yet.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Well our gk allows for you to have primary / secondary / range and a couple other things. Like Backstab and so forth. Can add more upon request for people but nothing yet.

So the question is :p

How many people on your forums mentioned being banned thus far for using it?
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Our compile for GK hasn't had a ban for anyone in the last like 4 months as long as people are being responsible and not leaving things run for 80 hours straight. Its ok to EXP but don't do it during certain hours and you should know what those hours are. Otherwise well there is no chance my forums have a auto afk macro's and so forth.
We have certain checks we put into things that run off these macro's and well help keep our people secure.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Hrmm let me check but my members are not saying its from this Massochist check which one of the compiles you downloaded of mine. I haven't heard anyone complain yet. Don't know maybe you are loading the 3/12/10 not the 3/14/10
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

It was the 3/14 compile ... I only get to play a few days a week so normally am a bit behind. By the time I get to a compile, its normally already bug free =P.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Redownload and install in a new seperate folder after you reboot. I have tested and its working for me.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

<<< Needs admin permission to post the afk macro for Ghostkill for ya all... If so can do it with the autoassist and the gk :)
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Go for it. Just make sure to put a disclaimer of some sort. "This Plugin/Macro is to be used at your own risk, NotAddicted/CodeCompiler/Whomever is not responsible for how it is used or the outcome/banning of your account...blah blah blah."
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Ok one of my members did this for you all so enjoy. Strictly for your enjoyment folks. Just remember if you like it red cent it.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

good work on the compile i love your version.

any ETA on next update?
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Ohh.. I didn't know if you all wanted my compile or not. Sorry not given much love lately :) So yeah let me get my team started I gotta update the old lib file. And fix a couple things.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

CodeCompiler if you would post a current working mq2 that would be so awesome. I guess every one else gave up on it
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

I will get something out for you all here today. :) Just gotta go pay a dev and you will all have a compile. :p
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 3/14/10

Being worked on now will be out in about 2 hours for you all. :) enjoy and also I know some of you can't donate and I am not going to ask you to but if anyone willing I run a search engine optimization program that if people willing to help out the more the better and its no more utility then a webpage being loaded. So if you want instead of donating either donate back to RG or can op to email me and help with the SEO engine I run as a donation. :)
I normally include this with my compile but dont for RG cause don't want to upset people me loading my SEO stuff but eh. :) I will add the EXE and people can choose to install or not.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

thanks a lot man :) will surely donate when i can trust me!
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

Well you can choose to send to [email protected] or you can choose to click on the Fluxseo.exe I put in my compile. The more the better. But it does cost me money to have my devs update stuff for everyone. But we are working on some new toys and got some access to some new things that a couple people are aware of and well once everything is done and if everything pans out then I will have some new toys for people. But Please people remember some of the stuff in my compile comes with a risk. Everything has a risk including running the compile. Obviously so enjoy it and I appreciate those that gave a red cent its pretty cool. Thanks.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

thanks for the compile!

about the fluxseo.exe

I'm just not sure what it's doing. is it suppose to monitor my activity for advertising use or is it using some of my processing power to hit other sites making other peoples advertising seem more profitable. i know you tried to explain it lol but i just don't get it lol.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

Well pretty much what I have done with the fluxseo.com is I set up my system that you will pull a xml off my server that says go to google and bing and yahoo and aol and so forth and type in keywords. Then when it puts in those keywords like dental design in Phoenix Arizona then I can make a dentist off be the unique click. So it seems to google and all the other search engines that a user is specifically looking for that site with those keywords. Thus allowing them to be ranked higher for that keyword which in turns moves them up the organic placement location.

So in theory if your on page 3 cause you are only getting 15 people to visit your site for the keyword "haxxor" but the person on page 1 in position 1 is getting 400 people to visit a day. So now we go and do 30 days were your keyword haxxor is now getting 10,000+ a day the next time google caches the system you will be in position 1. :) And now you retain the 400 ppl organically that the previous person did. So you are now since we are already pissing on Sony with a product we can piss on Google with one too :)
Which then cause you are a dynamic IP separate states and so forth are creating a diversified system against Google. And the best part is they don't know who is doing what and how :)
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

And Villageidiot there is a difference when you control a application like a URL submission keyword tool which is probably in the top 5 best things you can do on the behalf of SEO. And you only let certain people use it. And so forth its what ever. Wow 3 people complained and 9 people are clients because of it. So can't always make haters like yourself happy.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

CC, your company owns botnet with 3,5mil zombies? so you have nr 2 world largest botnet that could probably dos down a country or few and you posting compiles for redcents?
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

The thing is I have access to the bot-net but I can't miss use it or well it can get me in trouble and has to be with our opt-ed in users. The problem with having a huge bot-net is bot-nets are frowned on alot!!! Cause they are not used for beneficial things 99 percent of the time. Meeskino the basis of having access to this was from one of my partners I took over his which well I can't say what he does but he is well well retired and well wants a hefty % of everything I do cause well his system is what runs this. Our system can and will be put into a full gaming link system for people. We are currently going to be releasing all compiles and hacks for about 20 games to the world for free cause our software kit will be with these.

The point is I started with EQ so it gets my time. I have posted sources to the WoW Bot system which if you take a look is more indepth then anything else that has been created but is also a injected bot system. So yeah... EQ been my baby started me off in this world and im staying with it till the end.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

Thanks for the compile, CC!

Can you please explain what mq2mmoReach is? It's loaded by default, but I can't figure out what it is/does.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

type /mmohelp and it will give you a full breakdown.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

The thing is I have access to the bot-net but I can't miss use it or well it can get me in trouble and has to be with our opt-ed in users. The problem with having a huge bot-net is bot-nets are frowned on alot!!! Cause they are not used for beneficial things 99 percent of the time. Meeskino the basis of having access to this was from one of my partners I took over his which well I can't say what he does but he is well well retired and well wants a hefty % of everything I do cause well his system is what runs this. Our system can and will be put into a full gaming link system for people. We are currently going to be releasing all compiles and hacks for about 20 games to the world for free cause our software kit will be with these.

The point is I started with EQ so it gets my time. I have posted sources to the WoW Bot system which if you take a look is more indepth then anything else that has been created but is also a injected bot system. So yeah... EQ been my baby started me off in this world and im staying with it till the end.

yeap, that explains
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

Just suprised they've lowered themselves down here so much as to let you spread your shit around.

Go ahead whine and get this modded. I use to have respect for this site as it's where i started. Meh not so much anymore :( it's too bad. "use" to be a good place.

and btw, i didn't say anything in my last post but showed a link on some feedback and your getting all pissy.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

I'll chime in here (Sorry for any mis-spellings because of me typing from my phone). Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. We are a site devoted to free speech and expression. But we also have to make sure that someone doesn't feel threatened for posting their ideas/compiles/whatevers/etc.

Whatever it is that CodeCompiler did to piss anyone off on his own site is his own problem. I personally have never had a negative run in CC, so I feel I can be unbiased about this. While there has been some drama here, CC has NEVER done anything HERE at NotAddicted (and RedGuides) to cause harm to the community. In fact, he has openly shared quite a bit with everyone here, including another compile with active hacks that the community here is FREE to use. He also has been offering help and advice to the members here wherever he has been able.

Think of what has happened on other sites this way: You have an employee at your company. He is one of the best employees you have had. One day, you hear one of his co-workers say that they heard that this employee drinks and parties almost every night. Still, that employee comes to work the next morning and outshines most of the other workers and produces positive results, above and beyond what most others are producing. Do you fire that employee because of what he does outside of the four walls of the workplace? No. You may talk to him and offer support, but as long as it's not affecting anything on your end, you don't care.

CC isn't an employee here, nor does he have to post anything. But he's been one hell of a contributer over the years to these forums. Whatever business practices he partakes in outside of NA is none of our business IMO. No one, not CC, nor Meeskino, nor anyone else here deserves to be flamed for stating opinions, asking questions, or offering up free compiles and/or advice.

I'm usually very laid back and easy going. But consider this Jmo laying the smacketh downeth on anyone trying to stir up drama here, especially when it could make someone else feel unwelcome. The admins, mods, and Redbot will decide if and when someone shouldn't be a part of the community here, and that is that. I care about our little site and all that it stands for, and will not stand by and watch people try and tear it apart from the inside out.

If anyone has a problem with any of the other members here, I will gladly moderate a discussion between the two, or be the middle man as needed to work things out, but if it's for something that has nothing to do with the community here, then simply take it outside and work it out. I don't care what CC or anyone else has done on their own sites, it doesn't concern me or anyone else here at NotAddicted. And until it does, we don't need to hear or worry about it. No more endless bickering.

With that said, I love you all equally, and I told you to use the bathroom before we left the house. Word. :ripperjack:
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

MQ2Melee semi-works for me but not as it does normally. It doesn't seem to be working with MQ2MoveUtils as it does normally. My melee toons won't stick to the mob like they normally do.

I've inserted a "stick behind 10" command into my assist hotkey to fix it about 90%. Not all of my toons will be affected by this.

Any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong?

(Thanks, CC, for this compile!)
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

I'm not using this compile, I don't need to be added to someones bot army. Welcome the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

I'm not using this compile, I don't need to be added to someones bot army. Welcome the wolf in sheep's clothing.

dont worry milfman. CC is not that good to hide trojan in mq.exe. he probably found random trojan kit off the internet and trying to make something work. generated some form of exe that doesnt even work all the time.

he has unknown 3.5mil bot army, which would make him millions a month and he is posting trojan himself, manualy? - Well you can choose to send to [email protected] or you can choose to click on the Fluxseo.exe I put in my compile - trying people to run it. rofl? a genius? hahaha, fucking idiot trying to impress 13 years old boys on the blackhatforums.

CC, you're a joke and more you explain yourself or do, shows how fucking stupid you are. 3.5 mil botnet. good joke. that's possibly the best wannabe talk I ever heard on the internets. it's even better then breaking into FBI servers :)

amazing. that is just amazing lol
Re: MMOPlugins.com Compile 4-15-10 RELEASE

I'll chime in here (Sorry for any mis-spellings because of me typing from my phone). Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. We are a site devoted to free speech and expression. But we also have to make sure that someone doesn't feel threatened for posting their ideas/compiles/whatevers/etc.

Whatever it is that CodeCompiler did to piss anyone off on his own site is his own problem. I personally have never had a negative run in CC, so I feel I can be unbiased about this. While there has been some drama here, CC has NEVER done anything HERE at NotAddicted (and RedGuides) to cause harm to the community. In fact, he has openly shared quite a bit with everyone here, including another compile with active hacks that the community here is FREE to use. He also has been offering help and advice to the members here wherever he has been able.

Think of what has happened on other sites this way: You have an employee at your company. He is one of the best employees you have had. One day, you hear one of his co-workers say that they heard that this employee drinks and parties almost every night. Still, that employee comes to work the next morning and outshines most of the other workers and produces positive results, above and beyond what most others are producing. Do you fire that employee because of what he does outside of the four walls of the workplace? No. You may talk to him and offer support, but as long as it's not affecting anything on your end, you don't care.

CC isn't an employee here, nor does he have to post anything. But he's been one hell of a contributer over the years to these forums. Whatever business practices he partakes in outside of NA is none of our business IMO. No one, not CC, nor Meeskino, nor anyone else here deserves to be flamed for stating opinions, asking questions, or offering up free compiles and/or advice.

I'm usually very laid back and easy going. But consider this Jmo laying the smacketh downeth on anyone trying to stir up drama here, especially when it could make someone else feel unwelcome. The admins, mods, and Redbot will decide if and when someone shouldn't be a part of the community here, and that is that. I care about our little site and all that it stands for, and will not stand by and watch people try and tear it apart from the inside out.

If anyone has a problem with any of the other members here, I will gladly moderate a discussion between the two, or be the middle man as needed to work things out, but if it's for something that has nothing to do with the community here, then simply take it outside and work it out. I don't care what CC or anyone else has done on their own sites, it doesn't concern me or anyone else here at NotAddicted. And until it does, we don't need to hear or worry about it. No more endless bickering.

With that said, I love you all equally, and I told you to use the bathroom before we left the house. Word. :ripperjack:

JMO, one thing is contributing, another thing is posting compiles with trojans inside.

nobody wants to pay monthly to get a trojan into PC. CC will kill this site. putting trojans into his compiles probably a good way to get rid of people.
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