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Policy Feedback is now sticky. It will not be removed. (1 Viewer)

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Can one of the dev's please lock this thread , this has gotten to the point id rather stick my shit in a bed of ant beds ,


please lock this thread this has went to far just a bunch of stupid bickering
"stick my shit in a bed of ants?" Wtf does that even mean???? LOL!

my point proven with this post , your just wanting to troll....


this is the reason we cant get things right and we have people fucking over people , were to busy ranting over dumb shit that we cant see and post on actual things that look suspicious to assist in helping others avoid false posts and getting scammed
I'm merging all discussions about feedback.

If you can show me 5 users who agree on a specific change to feedback policy, I will open a poll for the community.
I think everyone agrees that feedback should be absolutely only available to verified members.

reason being to avoid scams and forces use of identity. To aid in holding scams accountable.
Non verifiable members should not have access to leave feedback to anyone to keep things like this post ad bay.

That being said if anyone agrees just smash that like button so red can see
I was thinking about this. A lot of your customers might be unverified -- and you'd be denying yourself a +1 to your positive if they cannot provide you with that feedback.

I think this request stems from negative feedback, that any schmo that has talked to you can give you -1 feedback if they didn't like how you punctuated your sentences.

You could limit non-positive feedback to premium/verified members which would lend more credence to the negativity, but I'm not sure how that would be perceived. Praise us for free, pay us to shame us.

I don't deal with unverified customers anymore period, its just too much of a hassle.
Someone unverified with 0 feedback once asked me if I would sell him 20 krono. I said Sorry, you should probably get verified for 10$ if you are going to make purchases at 200$ to protect yourself and the seller and or community.
He gave me negative feedback for that.
It almost stuck.
With the new system, I can't even message people back to suggest they get verified ( In the past has actually ended up in them getting verified *good for community* ) anymore who are to low feedback, because I am afraid the feedback will stick. So in turn I am forced to completely ignore them instead of being courteous like before. I feel like i'm sending a message to new people to the site that we ignore people and don't move the community forward.

Let only verified members leave feedback period please.
@RickyJT that feedback was removed because it wasn't related to a transaction or failed transaction. We'll be issuing warnings to users who abuse the feedback system like this.
I still agree that feedback should be sticky, I just think only verified users should be allowed to drop feedback. I still won't respond to anyone who I will not sell to.

I just simply won't take the risk, as much as I want to be courteous.
I have been a member of this site on and off for years now. I'll gladly say I'll be a member that wants a policy change.

I've not ran into issues besides me fucking up a transaction years ago and that is on me. But I agree with @RickyJT that if I did get into selling on the site again I wouldn't respond to non verified members nor would I recommend to anyone to get verified, The possibility to screw my feedback is there if they choose to even if the deal went threw exactly as stated.

If the deal went threw and they left bad feedback still and @Redbot or mods wont remove whats the purpose of evening having a feedback system if its flawed?

I understand other systems like eBay and how it works but this is not other sites, this is ectunnel.com We need to do what's best for the community we have here but still be open to new people coming in. Non verified users with the ability to leave feedback could be abused to the point where with enough friends one could tarnish another persons reputation off deals that went threw fine but they felt under appreciated or like it could of been faster.

In the instance for Ectunnel.com I disagree with @Redbot saying it is how they made you feel. I could be having a shit day, the person did everything on their end but I didn't feel appriciated and now im leaving bad feedback. That's so fucked up it's not even funny. Feedback to a way to gauge if someone is trust worthy if they are not verified. If they are verified it show's that person had a lot of transactions and no one's complaining which lets you know they're a good choice if you spending a couple hundred dollars on a video game.
How about this: $10 per negative feedback removal, provided feedback is greater than 12 months old. We'd remove any and all criticism of you, whether it's warranted or not.
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How about this: $10 per negative feedback removal, provided feedback is greater than 12 months old. We'd remove any and all criticism of you, whether it's warranted or not.

I disagree with removing feedback if it warranted. Was the old rule not both parties had to agree to have it removed?
I personally don't think anyone should be allowed to leave bad feedback unless a deal took place, verified with feedback or not if someone made a transaction they should be able to comment on it. Now you cannot just leave someone bad feedback because you feel someone spoke to you in a condescending manner or someone didn't want to give you the deal you were looking for and responded to you in a way that made you feel insulted, that is your opinion and others may feel that it wasn't insulting at all. What matters is if a transaction took place and you received what you paid for in a timely manner whether its a power level, in game items or krono you should reward the seller with good feedback in thanks for helping you out and vice versa. Judgement should be made upon the business transaction that took place not whether youre happy, sad or upset with life at the time it happened. This isnt high school, most of us that play this game are 30+ now and I would assume that the majority have learned to control their emotions a little better.
I think that's five people who are pushing for Verified-only feedback. That's enough to hold a poll.

Any other specific changes we can get five people to agree on?
I personally don't think anyone should be allowed to leave bad feedback unless a deal took place, verified with feedback or not if someone made a transaction they should be able to comment on it. Now you cannot just leave someone bad feedback because you feel someone spoke to you in a condescending manner or someone didn't want to give you the deal you were looking for and responded to you in a way that made you feel insulted, that is your opinion and others may feel that it wasn't insulting at all. What matters is if a transaction took place and you received what you paid for in a timely manner whether its a power level, in game items or krono you should reward the seller with good feedback in thanks for helping you out and vice versa. Judgement should be made upon the business transaction that took place not whether youre happy, sad or upset with life at the time it happened. This isnt high school, most of us that play this game are 30+ now and I would assume that the majority have learned to control their emotions a little better.

^^^ THIS ^^^ 100% Correct
I dont know if i agree that everyone should be verified to make a transaction but i do believe that everyone deserves one chance and if you scam someone you should be banned no questions asked. I've trusted many people on here that had little to no feedback that were not verified and new users. Turns out, they were all good people. The only person that did scam me was someone that I had a previous transaction with. Point is, give people a chance and odds are you won't be disappointed.
Feedback should only be left if a transaction took place.
Negative feedback should only be given when something deliberately fraudulent happens. (minor delays or complications are not fraud because there was no deliberate intent to cause harm)
Feedback should not be about feelings, being petty or unrealistic expectations. It should be based on facts and fairness.
Negative feedback from unverified, non-premium members should be able to be removed. This will also give more of an incentive to become verified to create an accountable system.
The whole feedback system should be based on reasonableness and not because some keyboard warrior chooses to be petty, pedantic or take offense.
The small population is a significant issue because someone being unreasonable can cause unfair reputational damage that impacts someone's business and sales.
Negative feedback should only be given when something deliberately fraudulent happens. (minor delays or complications are not fraud because there was no deliberate intent to cause harm)
Feedback should not be about feelings, being petty or unrealistic expectations. It should be based on facts and fairness.

No point in feedback then, as people who defraud are banned.
No point in feedback then, as people who defraud are banned.

Point taken, yes I would hope that someone who for example steals money or accounts simply gets banned. But there are other less obvious forms of deliberate fraud that cause harm for example advertising something ready for sale that hasn't been prepared yet, taking payment and then leaving the customer waiting while the sale item is prepared. In that case the transaction takes place and both parties could be seen to have received what they asked for however the deal was based on deception. That is what negative feedback is for.

On the other hand if the customer is clearly told it will take time to deliver and there is a small delay then that does not constitute fraud. It is about reasonableness and fairness.

If this is about "feelings" we will start getting negative feedback for ridiculous scenarios like someone misinterpreting your communications, taking offense at the wording of a response or even typos and spelling mistakes. Where is the line drawn?

We are already dealing in a black market economy and there are unintended risks and complications that can arise. Ruining someones business reputation because of an innocent unforeseen complication is not fair or reasonable given the environment we are operating in.
I haven't seen evidence that a few negative feedbacks ruin someone's reputation.
one and final thing im going to say to all this ,

For those that block there feedback , I feel that gives them more room to fuck people over because we cant see who sold or did what that being said , id like to see those type of things , feedback is there for a reason to see and ask questions from those that have left feedback before.

So for me example -

The turd bucket that left redbot a feedback calling him an asshole because he wont remove his negative feedback is a tool. #rantoff
one and final thing im going to say to all this ,

For those that block there feedback , I feel that gives them more room to fuck people over because we cant see who sold or did what that being said , id like to see those type of things , feedback is there for a reason to see and ask questions from those that have left feedback before.

So for me example -

The turd bucket that left redbot a feedback calling him an asshole because he wont remove his negative feedback is a tool. #rantoff
Redbot isnt a seller his feedback doesnt matter also hes Redbot so therefore his feedback doesnt matter regardless.
i think everyone should be able to leave feedback, thats not the problem. In my opinion the problem is people shouldnt be allowed to leave feedback unless a transaction took place giving them the opportunity to bad mouth others that didnt give them what they wanted which is unacceptable. This way if someone leaves someone bad feedback and you check the logs, see that no transaction took place it should be automatically removed and a warning given to the person who did it.
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I'm fine if non premium members can leave feedback after they have received 20+ positive feedback or something...

Then make it so non premium members can only leave feedback if a verified/premium member left them feedback first.
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