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Discussion Do You Like Oakwynd Play Experience!? (1 Viewer)


The One And Only
Dec 9, 2015
Rating - 100%
520   0   1
I know it just launched not too long ago, but for those of you playing on it, what do you think so far?

I would love to know how First To Engage is going. Is it buggy? Seems like people found ways around it already!

How does /yell for help work when you have multiple mobs engaged? (I heard the are suspending or banning if you abuse this, is that true?)

Any epic stories of playing doing anything noteworthy good or bad?

Tell us about your experience/s on the new TLP server on this thread!

Anything interesting happen? Good story to tell? Weird Bug? What do you think of the rules?

Share with us please and thank you!
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I don't think anyone is actually playing on the server, just trading krono.
Im talking to people on discord who are playing on the server and they use this forum as well. They are just so into it with holiday weekend I am sure someone will share some stories with us once they get past the 50% exp bonus. This is the time to grind!
Dang no one wants to talk about their Oakwynd experience!? I have heard some stories on discord that are very interesting! That server seems like the biggest clown town yet.
Someone I know just got 7 day suspensions on over 6 accounts just for having his toons afk doing nothing in a zone. Yet people are full afk botting things like giants, high value camps, etc, with no issues. I heard people were getting in trouble for spamming /yell but this is how most of the 33-50 PL is possible... Why make the server FTE again? Is FTE a failure? What do you think about FTE? Seems like pet classes have a huge advantage over everyone else.
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Oakwynd is fine, the fte mechanic is no more busted then the rest of the game.

Ive gotta ask though, do you really think this is the appropriate place to be talking to yourself about other people's suspensions though?
I dont play on Oakwynd its interesting to hear some enforcement is actually being done, why would anyone care if I talked about their suspension anonymously? They werent named. They also were not cheating or anything they were just keeping a pick open while they slept by running auto clickers without performing any actions afk. So I found it really strange that other people were botting 24/7 for multiple days on end and not getting any suspensions while he did for doing nothing. This made we want to know if it happened to anyone else. I didnt think it would make anyone paranoid or get upset or anything. It is what it is. If you cheat you cheat get over it. The non cheaters have to since there is no real enforcement stopping people from running scripts and autoplaying when its clearly against the rules. Most of the players that run 6-30+ toons do like to have some help automating or farming etc that's life. Can a human stay up 7-14 days straight performing the same actions over and over again? No. I don't think so.

Personally as a power leveler and more-so as someone who loves the game and the community I would like all the people AFK cheating to get perma banned. Do you have a problem with that? We can all have our own opinion. Its pretty clear the majority of people are now cheating on the true box servers. This includes the power levelers. They are running auto pull scripts etc. One guy has like 4-5 crews, he VMs and scripts and ruins PL on every server. Besides that AFK Botting in general ruins the economy on each server and ultimately destroys the play experience for everyone. A lot of selfish people just do it to farm Everquest like its bitcoin or some online currency. Its really sick. It ruins the game, the server, and the economy long term for short term selfish greedy gain. Thats my opinion.

As far as talking to myself we all talk to ourselves constantly throughout each day. Whether you consciously acknowledge that or not is on you. If I want to do it on this forum so be it. I love everyone. Even the cheatahs.

Diary entry #69:
Dear diary,
I talked to myself again today. Someone thinks I am weird or something because I did it on a forum. No one was responding to my questions about their play experience on Oakwynd and I got lonely. Oh so lonely... why won't they tell me! I just want to be friends! I wanted to stay relevent but I am getting old diary. Dont they know its 2023 and so its illegal to make other people feel bad or say anything that could even be deemed offensive in any way whatsoever regardless of their intentions, the context, or their constitutional freedom of speech? I am a special snowflake and the world should know that. Now I am writing an entry about it on a forum. This has to be breaking the 4th, 5th, and 6th wall, maybe even the 7th which I know I am not supposed to do yet. Woops. This is next level stuff. My mind is blown. I think I might be stuck in the twilight zone. I sometimes hear the music in the back of my head. And the Jaws theme at times. Dun Dun Dun - Dun nuh Dun Nuh Dun Nuh. Why do people like scary movies so much? Are we actually trapped in hell and we don't know it. That would make a lot of sense. Anyways I love you. See you tomorrow diary. Muah.
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So, I rerolled on Oak as a cleric just for "smiles and grins", aka S&G's. The population is very interesting.

How I fit in:
I started playing back in the day when Kunark had just launched. I think it was like 3 days old when I started. We literally had to walk uphill in the snow both ways to school back then. I am an old school raider and was in one of the first guilds to kill Quarm back in the day. My play time is very extensive and I have played on many many servers over the years. In my old(er) age, I have slowed down to server hopping on new release stuff and try to not get too serious. Of course, I have 5 boxes setup on my desk but I only play 2 typically.

However; on Oakwynd I decided to just play a cleric and nothing else (for now).

Here are my thoughts:

There has been some, but the population is so busy in the leveling zones, most people just pull around the mage that is sitting afk. It really has not been an issue.

This is a great server for us with character A.D.H.D.

There are TONS AND TONS of groups and people. My thoughts may be skewed because I am a pure healing class but I messed with a bard and monk first and those guys had groups right away too.

Eh... people suck as I get older... how do you judge people when they have real things going on in their lives too. No need in saying this guy was good or bad, he may have just had an off day. They invite you, you play with them, they do their job and keep politics out of the conversations and all goes well.

Honestly, I like the server. Can I call it home?? No... Innoruuk will always be my home even though its been gone a very long time. Can I play there, sure... for now until something else shiny sparkles and I jump again.

Have a great one peeps,
Guess its not specific to Oakwynd but I got a 7 day suspension due to violating their name policy lol.

Botting and hacks are going on 24/7 without punishment, but a wrong name gets you a 7 day holiday.

Yes I am bitter while writing this.
Guess its not specific to Oakwynd but I got a 7 day suspension due to violating their name policy lol.

Botting and hacks are going on 24/7 without punishment, but a wrong name gets you a 7 day holiday.

Yes I am bitter while writing this.
How can you share this without sharing your banned name !? lol JKJKJKJK

I grouped some, solo'd some.

People are nice, not alot of high quality xp groups, but what can you expect with pugs and no guild.

Economy tanked about 2 days after the Memorial XP bonus, so I just pop on for an hour or so here and there.

The FTE makes the experience alot more chill, if you didnt tag it first, no one to blame really. And scripting to tag first doesnt really work, ( i dont use scripting) rather what I mean it wont work. When a mob spawns, it has a universal lull for like 3-5sec, so no one can agro it, but everyone can target it. So I think its just a latency battle if 2 pullers are spamming attacks/in agro range. It definately favors people with Harry Potter eyes that can see which spawns next, but thats nothing new. I think there is still a way to by pass the FTE lock out, but I haven't looked into it yet, nor do I really care to know completely how or if the bug works. All of my FTE pulls I kept and no one attempted to bug it out from me.

Everyone I ran into seemed quite chill if they lost the FTE. I do see a bit of over pulling if there are contested camps, but again, nothing new. The main difference is, if you lose FTE, you just look elsewhere, no one is oocing "We called CC! Don't make me bring me lvl 50 here!" none of that epeen nonsense (although some players enjoy that sudo PVP battle in PVE kill stealing).

Trains are pretty much not a threat. If you FD no one can tag off you out of group until after they clear agro, so i guess technically you could make a trickling train, but not a huge one that would one shot anyone. I have yet to see anyone do that.

Overall, FD resets a lot faster and is easier to clear, which imo, makes that mechanic much more enjoyable instead laying on the ground for up to 3minutes like it could on other servers.

I highly suspect after more bugs are cleared in FTE that this will be updated to all servers. The experience isn't' too much different.

Edit: Grammar
WOW!!! Huge update on my weekend of playing. Did you all know that if you "Yell for help", /yell , it will drop the FTE????? That is insane. I was part of a group that had an out of group puller and all he did was pull mobs back and then /yell. That is so interesting. I was in a group almost 3 hours yesterday and it worked flawlessly. Of course, he had to yell multiple times just to avoid agroing them again but it definitely works!

Food for thought!
just with every system, FTE has it's issues, but also has some decent perks...here are some notes on FTE as it stands:

  • There is a small random timer on fresh respawn before an NPC unlocks. This seems to range from 3-6 seconds.
    • There is at least 1 way to bypass this lock on fresh spawn.
  • By using /yell (or /y) it will semi-unlock the NPC. The person who engaged first can still fight, but others not in same group/raid can assist.
  • A locked NPC can be unlocked if you become #1 on that NPCs threat. This was added so if someone aggro'd a locked NPC and the NPC started attacking that person, they were able to defend themselves.
    • This is currently the easiest way to snipe locked NPCs from players who tag it first.
  • for PLing - have the group you want exp on in the raid. Pull all the NPCs, have a char in the group getting exp dmg the NPCs down. Disband the full exp group from raid, let the tank's DS kill the mobs. All NPCs will be "locked" from the group getting exp, but since that group did all the dmg, they still get full credit. This bypasses the need to /yell all NPCs during the pull.
  • If someone trains NPCs through you, those NPCs won't attack you or assist NPCs you are already fighting. This is also true for when the NPCs are pathing back. Even if they show they have unlocked, they will not engage you (99% of the time) until they have fully "gone home", unless you purposely engage them first. This is nice for getting free NPC pulls as you can grab them 1 by 1.
  • There were some bugs, but June's update fixed the ones for charm pets as previously after your NPC charm pet left combat you would get no notification that it broke and the pet window would persist even after a break, so that was fun for awhile...
This isn't everything, but it's the bigger stuff and most known stuff. The server in general is ok, decent population (already starting to drop quite a bit). The legacy character thing is keeping my attention the most. just finished up my 4th lvl 50 on a single account, so now this account has a permanent 40% exp bonus which is cool. The heirloom change for no drop is pretty solid knowing that you will have lots of max lvl toons on the same account. You can farm on a main and just shared bank loot to other toons (planar gear in classic to lvl 1s is nice).

There really isn't any super hardcore raid guilds. There are 3-4 "top" guilds that are competing, but no crazy shenanigans that I've heard about yet...will be interesting to see if anything happens on Kunark launch for that. I think a lot of folks are just tinkering on this server and beginning prep work for the 25th anni. server next year. As long as that ruleset is half way decent, it'll be a banger for sure.
Honestly, I enjoy it for the most part. Ruleset is ok- Mischief made things much more fun imo. But overall, FTE works now. Population is fine. We had decided to mostly do things as a single group of friends and skip guild/raiding this time, and the server seems like a reasonable fit for a chill experience for that.

PL groups are a little excessive and was annoying at lower levels, but can mostly avoid them for now.

My biggest dislike is that there are significant amounts of bot / farm groups. I've seen entire mage armies. I've seen a large number of camps where people are AFKing with triggers on locking down rare static spawns. Someone literally AFK farmed a droga named 24/7 for weeks and GMs never did anything. Honestly, on other servers in the rare cases things like this occurred, I'd just train them out, but that's the downside of FTE here. The farm groups (often made up with bots) just cheapen the experience.

Also, there are a significant amount of people cheating. I know its occurred on other servers, but it just seems way more blatant / common here. DBG did a 1 week mass ban for a lot of folks which seemed like a warning, but haven't since. I feel like I'm one of the rare people not using Eyes. Love having mobs pop across the zone and seeing the melee (with no tracker in group) race for it. Or rares left up only because they have poor (non-visible) loot.
I hadn't played in decades and came back to the TLP experience and Oakwynd a few months ago. It has been a great experience jumping back into the game. I found that the early leveling nostalgia wore off fairly quickly as most groups were boxed or setup in the same few zones, and so set about leveling with the wife in a duo until we were in our 50s. We both bought a kr and paid to get pl'd the rest of the way, as luclin coming and guilds really wanting you to raid required us to level up fast. Raiding seems to be where its at on Oakwynd, and the old experience isn't present in ther same fashion. Of course there are moments, and that is why we tell each other we will continue to play, as there just aren't any other games out there that we have played that can provide such moments. Its in our blood I guess. EQ.

Oakwynd is turning out to be a reintroduction to lots of new mechanics we weren't familiar with, and also a lot of qol improvements we are happy to see. I think that the next TLP and 25yr anniversary combined will result in our finding a final resting place in the game. For now, we are riding this train all the way to PoP and loving every minute of it so far.
I've got a lil box crew i leveled pretty much alone 95% of the time there.. got to 50 when it was max and pretty much haven't played since. I logged back in when that dupe sht was happening and logged Straight back out like yea, maybe eq just isn't for me anymore. Seems like a chinese dominated cash farm where i just can't compete. Plus just didn't feel like i belong anymore, seemed like theres either guys who have more knowledgable/ more boxes/ part of the cool crowd type shit; Or people who just dont want to associate because I box and I just always found myself playing alone.
I got 6-8 damn accounts and all pretty much worthless at this point. Don't remember exactly what level they are, 50's or so on oakwynd, all got 65-70s on yelinak or whatever the xpac before that was. i can't freakin remember, been to busy with life/kids/work to care.
Always figured i could sell an one, resub a few and keep rolling but man i feel like this game pace and all the cheaters are just beyond me. I did come here to buy a kr and resub an account because i miss it.. But after browsing around for a bit, i'm not sure what i really miss about it.

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