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Idea a bumpy situation! (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
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I'm looking for some ideas on what to do with bumps, as the new "extra bumps" item in the ducat shop restocks once per month and sells out in about 10 seconds. I didn't imagine that demand. And I don't want to allow unlimited purchases, because a certain section of this site would bury everything else.

Should we even have this item? Should we increase the # of bumps for everyone, say from 3 to 7? Should we go back to a strict 3/bumps for everyone?

Keep in mind the goal of this site: to allow normal players to exchange directly with one another.
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I thought the 3 bumps for everyone was a solid move... but thought your idea for the "extra bumps" purchase was also a good idea, though 11 bumps a day for 30 days seemed a bit high *shrug* for only 250 ducats. It was still a good path to a resolution for those bigger sellers to have something to spend their extra money on effectively...

So I would change maybe the # of bumps daily slightly...

just my two cents.

Have a great day @Redbot !
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3 and only 3
This is a bad idea. Nobody remembers all the drama associated with a low bump system?

Bigger sups need more than 3 bumps, whether that means everyone gets more or whatever the case may be, regardless bigger sups need more than 3 bumps.

Krono is becoming stagnant getting bumped on by a supplier with 5 krono than only have 2 bumps left every 24/hours would be a huge hindrance on the site. customers would be getting punished and therefore the site becomes less relevant.
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I'm not saying big movers need to push down all the small guys, I'm saying that small guys don't need to sell as much krono, so buying extra bumps isn't first on their list, or on their list at all. Big movers have to.

One example:
If big movers can't bump, than they have to compensate for the mass krono building up, by lowering the price of krono. That will affect the entire market by lowering krono prices drastically, even for smaller suppliers.

What I'm saying is there are many angles that need to be considered. I've considered many of the results and in my opinion it is fine the way it is.
And while I agree with the "extra bumps" purchase, I just simply think that it could be "less"... 11 bumps PER DAY for 30 days is a lot... *shrug*... not to mention being bumped by replies as well... it all adds up to a crazy amount of "Top of Category" page AND "New Posts" and "What's New" pages uptimes...

Also for us small suppliers, I don't think we're living off these moves; that said, if the Krono market is being dropped lower, then it is a WIN for the customers, not a loss in any way...
And while I agree with the "extra bumps" purchase, I just simply think that it could be "less"... 11 bumps PER DAY for 30 days is a lot... *shrug*... not to mention being bumped by replies as well... it all adds up to a crazy amount of "Top of Category" page AND "New Posts" and "What's New" pages uptimes...

Also for us small suppliers, I don't think we're living off these moves; that said, if the Krono market is being dropped lower, then it is a WIN for the customers, not a loss in any way...
There is no longer a bump via reply feature.
Yes there is. It doesn't bump the "Krono (or other category) page" but it DEFINITELY bumps the "What's New" and "New Posts" pages...

I can provide an example if you'd like...

Just look at this thread alone in the "New Posts" and "What's New" categories....

Literally, EVERYtime we REPLY it bumps this thread to the top of BOTH those pages... it also does it for threads in other categories (i.e. Kronos)
Eqfree2play: "11 bumps PER DAY for 30 days is a lot... *shrug*... not to mention being bumped by replies as well"

A bump means that your thread moves to the top of the list.
Reply function does not "bump" anymore like it used to.

What your referring to is being put on the front page under what's new, this is very different. What's new spans every section, such as accounts etc.
If I would to guess the average time the front page is affected it probably 6 or 7 minutes. It is a non factor compared to thread bumping.
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If I would to guess the average time the front page is affected it probably 6 or 7 minutes. It is a non factor compared to thread bumping.

Case and Point. The reason the front page time is only 6 or 7 minutes is because EVERYONE is bumping; moreso for those who are doing 11 bumps a day EVERYday for 30days.

That said, what I love that @Redbot addresses here is
Keep in mind the goal of this site: to allow normal players to exchange directly with one another.

I think the idea of "normal players" is subjective. For those that come looking for cheap goods and services, their idea of normal would be the cheapest or free Krono they could get a hold of LOL... cheaper the better... therefore, even if the big suppliers had to lower their prices, THE CUSTOMERS WIN...

And again, I was onboard with the "Extra Bumps" sales... I just think it could be refined a notch or two... 11 Bumps PER DAY is a lot for only 250 ducats.
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Simplest solution is to just increase the number of extra bumps available from 5 to 15 next month and see how it goes.

Let me add, I would also increase the price from 250 ducats to 1500 ducats. The price increase is important.
1000% agree here... IF they are selling like hot cakes and ONLY the big suppliers are buying them... then make it worth YOUR WHILE @Redbot ... then you can keep the supply @ 5 per month so not EVERYONE is buying them and if they are truly a BIG supplier, then they will be able to afford the 1500 ducats... like @klesko said :)
1000% agree here... IF they are selling like hot cakes and ONLY the big suppliers are buying them... then make it worth YOUR WHILE @Redbot ... then you can keep the supply @ 5 per month so not EVERYONE is buying them and if they are truly a BIG supplier, then they will be able to afford the 1500 ducats... like @klesko said :)

Knowing the number of big suppliers on here pretty well 5 might not be enough. Its why I say do 15 available. With the new price, only people who really need them will buy them and I think that number will be north of 5 but less than 15.
Knowing the number of big suppliers on here pretty well 5 might not be enough. Its why I say do 15 available. With the new price, only people who really need them will buy them and I think that number will be north of 5 but less than 15.
How can you justify raising the price if you're already raising how many are available.
How can you justify raising the price if you're already raising how many are available.

Because at $40 people will buy them just to screw other people over or people who just dont really need them such as low volume sellers. At $240 it far less likely and only the people who can justify the expense should buy them.
Because at $40 people will buy them just to screw other people over or people who just dont really need them such as low volume sellers. At $240 it far less likely and only the people who can justify the expense should buy them.
Exactly @klesko !

And to the point, I could not possibly imagine how much the bigger suppliers distribute to justify it, period. One can dream though LOL
I'm looking for some ideas on what to do with bumps, as the new "extra bumps" item in the ducat shop restocks once per month and sells out in about 10 seconds. I didn't imagine that demand. And I don't want to allow unlimited purchases, because a certain section of this site would bury everything else.

Should we even have this item? Should we increase the # of bumps for everyone, say from 3 to 7? Should we go back to a strict 3/bumps for everyone?

Keep in mind the goal of this site: to allow normal players to exchange directly with one another.

To be clear here is what I would do

- Increase the number of Extra Bumps available from 5 to 15
- Increase the price from 250 to 1500 ducats

See how it goes, but be open to changing again if needed based on the results.
To be clear here is what I would do

- Increase the number of Extra Bumps available from 5 to 15
- Increase the price from 250 to 1500 ducats

See how it goes, but be open to changing again if needed based on the results.
Yeah. To be frank. I was unaware of how many "big suppliers" there were; quick count for a small guy like me is roughly 4 Krono dealers and 3 ish SERVICES types that I see ALL. THE. TIME. That said, I have to believe they do move A TON. Nevertheless, 250 ducats scares me away or encourages me to be competitive with pricing because the cost of buying the bumps vs losing dollars/cents is a LOT less...

For those that are buying the 5 bumps super fast cause $40 is nothing to them is a crazy dream to me LOL... so if the purpose is to mitigate how many people are bumping 11+ times a day for 30 days... then I think raising the price will definitely mitigate that...

Nice Idea @klesko ! :)
I personally dont think anyone should have more bumps for any reason. Why would anyone need more than 3? Dont answer that I dont care what their reasons are. Keep it the same for everyone. The larger suppliers have their own networks and make a ton of their sales through their warm market. Listening to them bla bla bla is a waste of everyones time. Im not even a large supplier anymore and I sell out of krono as fast as I can make it without even using the site. Make it the same for everyone. Lets get some fucking equality. I dont care how big someones wallet is. How big their heart is is all that should matter. And some of these "Large suppliers" are just heartless pricks who dont give a shit about anyone except for themselves because they are selfish assholes who truly just want to rip off everyone that they possibly can and use them for their own ends. And Redbot told me I am allowed to have a personality. Love it. Love you. Love the site! Let me know if there is anything I can do. Hope you all are well. God Loves us all.
I personally dont think anyone should have more bumps for any reason. Why would anyone need more than 3? Dont answer that I dont care what their reasons are. Keep it the same for everyone. The larger suppliers have their own networks and make a ton of their sales through their warm market. Listening to them bla bla bla is a waste of everyones time. Im not even a large supplier anymore and I sell out of krono as fast as I can make it without even using the site. Make it the same for everyone. Lets get some fucking equality. I dont care how big someones wallet is. How big their heart is is all that should matter. And some of these "Large suppliers" are just heartless pricks who dont give a shit about anyone except for themselves because they are selfish assholes who truly just want to rip off everyone that they possibly can and use them for their own ends. And Redbot told me I am allowed to have a personality. Love it. Love you. Love the site! Let me know if there is anything I can do. Hope you all are well. God Loves us all.
Lol, not to be rude man but it appears you don't get the argument being made.
I don't think he needs them tbh, because he isn't putting in the time to generate and supply krono.
It's a bias opinion coming from someone who does very little if any sales anymore.

We all did 3 bumps already, It did NOT work. Klesko's idea makes perfect sense, we all agree.
How big your heart is has no relevance here what so ever.
I personally dont think anyone should have more bumps for any reason. Why would anyone need more than 3? Dont answer that I dont care what their reasons are. Keep it the same for everyone. The larger suppliers have their own networks and make a ton of their sales through their warm market. Listening to them bla bla bla is a waste of everyones time. Im not even a large supplier anymore and I sell out of krono as fast as I can make it without even using the site. Make it the same for everyone. Lets get some fucking equality. I dont care how big someones wallet is. How big their heart is is all that should matter. And some of these "Large suppliers" are just heartless pricks who dont give a shit about anyone except for themselves because they are selfish assholes who truly just want to rip off everyone that they possibly can and use them for their own ends. And Redbot told me I am allowed to have a personality. Love it. Love you. Love the site! Let me know if there is anything I can do. Hope you all are well. God Loves us all.
I always thought that competitive pricing was the BEST WAY period. I will agree whole-heartedly that IF they are a BIG supplier, then their pricing will ultimately BOTH sell their bulk AND save the customer money... Glad someone else sees this! For the small-time suppliers, we price it to sell, then we're AFK for weeks at a time until we have a resupply, so for that entire time, the big suppliers are free to sell as they please so-to-speak...
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How big your heart is has no relevance here what so ever.
I believe this is entirely NOT TRUE... we're here to give "normal players" a better option, cheaper option, than buying them directly from the in-game store... that said, if you're heart is in the right place... then we care that CUSTOMERS WIN! :)
Yeah let's just give everyone krono for free. šŸ˜†šŸ˜

If I had agreed to become a mod I wouldn't even let these threads exist tbh. Some of the arguments are so rudimentary, I equate it to people feeling the need to vent and letting them just so they don't explode into small pieces.

boom smile GIF
Competitive Pricing > Extra Bumps , plain and simple; however, if @Redbot is looking to find a strong resolution and, simultaneously, make money off the said "Extra Bumps" then @klesko provided a great alternative, the price point matters to discourage everyone spamming 15 bumps a day, like he said... :)
Competitive Pricing > Extra Bumps , plain and simple; however, if @Redbot is looking to find a strong resolution and, simultaneously, make money off the said "Extra Bumps" then @klesko provided a great alternative, the price point matters to discourage everyone spamming 15 bumps a day, like he said... :)

What is your reasoning behind lowering krono prices. What is the goal of that about.
What is your reasoning behind lowering krono prices. What is the goal of that about.
I believe this is entirely NOT TRUE... we're here to give "normal players" a better option, cheaper option, than buying them directly from the in-game store... that said, if you're heart is in the right place... then we care that CUSTOMERS WIN! :)

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