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Suspicious Should this feedback Tunalips left for Reach Gaming be removed? (1 Viewer)

Should this feedback Tunalips left for Reach Gaming be removed?

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Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 93.8%
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⚖️ This is an official feedback dispute, sponsored by the Ducat shop. After 7 days the votes will be tallied and the most popular judgement upheld. Official feedback rules are found here. 🧑‍⚖️

@Reach Gaming is disputing feedback left by @tunalips
Here is a link to the feedback. Note that this link may not work for non-moderators due to the user's privacy settings.

It reads:
Tunalips said:
"Did not deliver, strung me along and in the end, he just took my money. "
"Negotiated with seller for toon, paid half up front for delivery in one week. One week later, and a few days, he says his PC has issues. He disappears for a few days, then says he is still working out PC issues but will cut me a deal in the end. A week later, still PC issues but is willing to waive final half of payment and bump me up with some extras because of the delay. It's now a day later after his second promised delivery date and I have heard nothing from seller....To sum:

1. Did not have the toon requested in current inventory, as advertised.
2. Was unable to deliver requested toon in agreed upon 1 week time frame.
3. Was very spotty in his communication during that one week time frame.
4. When finally responding, offered a couple of options on the situation, one of which was a refund, but also a deal to deliver at half the original cost with some perks/bonuses on the toon (should have chosen the refund).
5. Still no toon and $90 gone.
5. Seller has since gone silent.

Message log has been downloaded and I am more than willing to share with whomever."

If you are a moderator or staff please do not vote or comment.
I'll upload mine and Tunalips' messages shortly. I have been dealing with a plethora of health and PC issues the last few months, and this customer was offered a full and complete refund in addition to the toon at no charge.
Last edited:
Tunalips went on a trip until the 19th and placed his order on the 10th, and I promptly responded to his message upon his return, as I said I would, telling him I was having PC issues and his toon was not quite ready. He was given an ETA of delivery on the 17th, but was not even in town to receive the toon's login info and change the e-mail address over (and again, this is a rough estimate of full completion time, as things happen and I never make guarantees) This is his next message.

Tunalips (prior to any feedback being left):

Feb 22, 2024
Please refund my money.


Feb 22, 2024
Hey there, I'm so sorry about the delays. The PC I use for my toons is in the shop, I have had a pretty catastrophic couple weeks with this PC. I have many many customers I've been in touch with trying to make sure things are sorted out, but it has been hard to keep up.

I can do 3 things for you, pick whichever you like best:

1. Finish the order as soon as the PC is fixed, I think I am nearing the end of diagnosing the problem, I am almost 100% sure I will have the PC by Saturday and the toon finished by Monday or Tuesday. I can put some additional bonuses on the toon to make up for the delay.
2. Offer you a refund.
3. Keep the toon as-is, deliver it when ready, and give you a partial refund for the delay.

Let me know what you'd like to do! Again, my apologies, I know you were worried about this already and it was very bad timing. But I will make sure you're happy in the end one way or another.

- Reach

At this point I was hospitalized and unable to respond, but a full refund had been offered and my partner was ready and willing to deliver the refund. Tunalips wanted me to continue working on the toon in lieu of the refund, but continued to get upset over delivery times that were clearly not guaranteed, as demonstrated below.


Mar 2, 2024
Hello, so sorry for the lack of communication. There has been a string of unfortunate circumstances on our end. The PC is back but still not fully functional. On top of that, the main person who runs this operation had an emergency and is currently hospitalized. We are not sure when he will be able to come home, at the very least it will be a week.

You are more than welcome to wait but I can't guarantee when your order will be complete and you have been waiting already I know.

I'm more than happy to refund your transaction as well. I would just need to know how you paid and what your username or email address is. If you go this route I can also reach back out and let you know when we are fully operational again.

Please let me know what works best for you, and again, I'm very, very sorry for the inconvenience!


Mar 2, 2024
Sorry to hear about the situation and thank you for finally reaching out.

Can you let me know the status of the toon in question, ie, what level he is at and amount of AA's?


Mar 2, 2024
I completely understand. For the inconvenience we can throw in a free epic for the character if you’d like and take 50% off the final payment bringing it to $45 instead of $90. We can have everything ready for you in 7-10 days.

If that doesn’t work for you I’m happy to issue a refund, just let me know what you’d prefer!

At this point I am hospitalized, barely able to respond, and Tunalips is extremely aggravated and I am doing my best to appease him as I'm able. He opted to take 50% off the final payment, the free epic, and started getting angry before the updated timeframe of 7-10 days was up.


Mar 11, 2024
Just give me the account login and let's move on.

Same day:
Ok, clearly you've sold the account for more money and at this point it is just easier to give me my money back. I'm pointing this out to document the next report I file on you.

Same day:
Please provide the account login information.


Mar 11, 2024
Alright, well how about I just reimburse you and give you the login info, the toon is not complete and this has been a disaster. Your call.

Login: edit
Pass: edit

Mar 11, 2024
I do not appreciate being accused like this, I have gone out of my way tremendously to try to make this right for you while dealing with being emergently admitted and having all of my electronics come crashing down around me.

Let me know how to make it right, and let's move on from this.

- Reach

At this point, I am unable to respond further, I am completely caught up in emergency situations. Tunalips was given a full refund as well as the toon, and my partner dealt with the rest of the accusations, name calling, and anger.

There is plenty more to our messages, further misunderstandings mostly, I understand his frustration that the toon was not delivered within the timeframe I approximate (and it is just that, an approximation).

For his points above:
1. My inventory of toons is constantly changing, I do not update the post every single time inventory changes, but I always inform people of an approximate timeframe for a toon to be in stock or if it's out of stock when they reach out.
2/3/4. Tunalips was offered a full refund promptly when it became clear that my PC and health issues were going to prevent me from delivering the toon in the approximate given (again, I never make guarantees for situations just like this one).
5. Tunalips elected to continue to push for the toon, and my partner and I always try to make customers happy, especially when things are going wrong, so we did our best to continue trying to deliver the toon despite the emergencies. As you can see, Tunalips became very agitated even before the NEW approximate 7-10 day timeframe given on March 2 had even expired and began making accusations and leaving negative feedback.

I am still dealing with health issues and PC issues, so this is not as clearly laid out as I would like, but I will add more info if people request it. Tunalips became so agitated so quickly at every turn of our interactions that at one point I questioned whether or not he was underage and using his parents' cards to buy video game characters. However, he was offered a full and complete refund multiple times, given the toon for free, and was still extremely agitated and made many ad hominem attacks throughout our interactions.

I never made any guarantees on delivery time for this customer, I quickly and clearly offered him a full refund as soon as I realized he was upset about not getting the toon as quickly as he wanted, and then continued to try to work with him to resolve the situation in a manner detrimental to me while dealing with accusations and verbal abuse. I feel this feedback should be removed, the customer got a full refund, has the toon, and was not given negative feedback himself.

- Reach
I edit out the user name and pw.

Just cuz I'm nosy.... Why where you in the hospital so long... Feel free to pm me or tell me to fuck off lol.... It's personal so you 110% don't need to let anyone know... I'm just wondering lol
I'm confused as to why the buyer wouldn't just accept his refund and move on.

I understand leaving negative feedback because a deal went sour, but it almost seems like he's refusing a refund to make this a bigger deal then it needs to be?

I'm on the side of voting for removal for now, but I'll wait to hear @tunalips side before casting a vote.

Glad you're "alright" Reach, hoping for the best.

EDIT: Wait... so Tunalips did receive the refund and the toon? And he's claiming he didn't?

Derp- This feedback was left back in February. Voted to remove. Again I'd understand if the negative was left solely based on a bad business deal (which personally I think is kind of crap given the emergency circumstances) but making claims of what equates to a scam when one didn't take place? Nah, remove it.
I'm confused as to why the buyer wouldn't just accept his refund and move on.

I understand leaving negative feedback because a deal went sour, but it almost seems like he's refusing a refund to make this a bigger deal then it needs to be?

I'm on the side of voting for removal for now, but I'll wait to hear @tunalips side before casting a vote.

Glad you're "alright" Reach, hoping for the best.

EDIT: Wait... so Tunalips did receive the refund and the toon? And he's claiming he didn't?

Derp- This feedback was left back in February. Voted to remove. Again I'd understand if the negative was left solely based on a bad business deal (which personally I think is kind of crap given the emergency circumstances) but making claims of what equates to a scam when one didn't take place? Nah, remove it.
He essentially decided I was a scammer after being offered a full refund because he didn't get the toon as quickly as he wanted it. That's the crux of the issue.
Character creation and PLs are not the same as krono transactions. When life happens during this line of work, it is much more difficult to deal with.
Reach cleared everything up professionally.

Voting to remove.
Thanks y'all. I was like dying and this was one of my main concerns for a bit. The price of being OCD...
He essentially decided I was a scammer after being offered a full refund because he didn't get the toon as quickly as he wanted it. That's the crux of the issue.
Yeah to me that feels pretty petty / shady. From my view, there's really nothing else you could've done to make this right. Good business practices all the way man.

Voted to remove.
Me when I saw the feedback:

Staring Episode 2 GIF by The Office
@Redbot It's been 12 days! Close this thread! Close this thread!

Voted to remove because "Did not deliver, strung me along and in the end, he just took my money. " is dishonest if he received the character and his money back. It just seems unnecessary.
People really need to consider being less hostile and using neutral feedback.

Hope you're getting around to feeling better, Reach.
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