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Scam "Sean Patrick Fitzgerald" & "Ryan Fitzgerald" of Southbridge MA / North Smithfield RI (3 Viewers)

Can you elaborate on the best way to deal with the inevitable CB that's coming?
Do not respond to the case at all. There is a [relatively high] chance that Paypal will find in your favor.
The twins rely on people seeing the case and hitting that refund button. Just pretend that you didn't see it.

@ipc and @Jugogo are the two that Teichou has banned
They also sent me messages. Because I was at work, I perfectly avoided losses
Haha these retard brothers havnt had to practice fulsom karate yet? God they scammed me way back in the day and id figured karma would have caught up to them by now and they got luke garret’s disease….
Ryan has offered to pay users back.

If you've been scammed by a Fitzgerald account please let me know. We can verify by the paypal / cashapp id you sent money to.
Well today they called my home and thought it wise to threaten me trying to get the post removed. I simply informed them I was armed and body bags would be involved. Kinda funny when I think about it. Because he called from a "private" number and then went on to tell me his name and this whole scenario this thread goes over. Wasn't really tracking all this drama because I don't participate here. I'm all caught up on the thread now. Looks like this isn't the first time they've said they would pay people back. So guess we'll see if it happens or not. Paying back people would be a good place to start from. Hope it ends up working out for people who have had the misfortune of being scammed and they move on like they said they would.
It worries me that people are letting them into their homes and places of business without knowing who they really are. I also sincerely doubt those two have enough cash on hand to repay even half of what they scammed. Hopefully they know the second hand junk won't cut it. With that said, I hope for the best for anyone here that was done wrong.

P.S. - "We always helped people, but how can you help people when you can’t help yourself, right?” -- From the news article, gave me quite a laugh.
and with that response, that kind of rhetoric is exactly whats so entirely wrong with this situation....there has been an absolute disgusting, gross, creepy fixation/fascination/obsession with ryan and myself...we dont play everquest, we havent in a very long time. we dont want anything to do with the people of this community or any gaming community for that matter as its an extremely toxic/dysfunctional and very non productive space. we're like big foot in a sense, nobody sees him but everyone has a story about him. that is what has been going on for far too long on here. People have this idea that they "know" us...nobody on here knows anything about me or ryan. you know absolutely nothing. we go on games, we do mass giveaways, people dont like it b/c they want the "drama twins"...they want us to flip out, freak out for your entertainment pleasure. we used to stream here and there made some money cool great. then we went away from streaming....when were on there its attacks, its bullying, its hey what can i say or do to the twins to get a reaction. and then you GET a REACTION. its such bizarre behavior from people in their 40s and 50s. you guys beg for us, then you shit on us. its like a sick love hate relationship you people have with us....we go away for years on end and people still talk about us as if they know us. its fucking creepy bro...its odd...people on here could only DREAM of living a healthy, positive, constructive life free of alcohol or any other kind of addiction. im very proud of myself and all of my accomplishments and all the demons ive conquered.
and with that response, that kind of rhetoric is exactly whats so entirely wrong with this situation....there has been an absolute disgusting, gross, creepy fixation/fascination/obsession with ryan and myself...we dont play everquest, we havent in a very long time. we dont want anything to do with the people of this community or any gaming community for that matter as its an extremely toxic/dysfunctional and very non productive space. we're like big foot in a sense, nobody sees him but everyone has a story about him. that is what has been going on for far too long on here. People have this idea that they "know" us...nobody on here knows anything about me or ryan. you know absolutely nothing. we go on games, we do mass giveaways, people dont like it b/c they want the "drama twins"...they want us to flip out, freak out for your entertainment pleasure. we used to stream here and there made some money cool great. then we went away from streaming....when were on there its attacks, its bullying, its hey what can i say or do to the twins to get a reaction. and then you GET a REACTION. its such bizarre behavior from people in their 40s and 50s. you guys beg for us, then you shit on us. its like a sick love hate relationship you people have with us....we go away for years on end and people still talk about us as if they know us. its fucking creepy bro...its odd...people on here could only DREAM of living a healthy, positive, constructive life free of alcohol or any other kind of addiction. im very proud of myself and all of my accomplishments and all the demons ive conquered.

This doesn't read like someone that is looking to right their wrongs. You are talked about here because you scammed users out of thousands of dollars with no remorse to fuel your drug addiction.

You're a low life piece of shit. Always have been, always will be.
oh? i am? why? because YOU say so? who are you exactly? what have you done with your life to put you in a position to cast judgment on others so harshly and nastily? you sound like a very angry/hateful person.
This doesn't read like someone that is looking to right their wrongs. You are talked about here because you scammed users out of thousands of dollars with no remorse to fuel your drug addiction.

You're a low life piece of shit. Always have been, always will be.
scammed people out of THOUSANDS of dollars? holy shit i want whatever you're drinking over there pal. you are fucking delusional. absolutely wild animal you are. get checked for rabies bro, you sound unwell.
see just a laughing troll, that's why nobody should ever take you for more than a grain of salt. you're a troll, you're a shit stirrer, you're a provoker..you come with 0 facts..you're just a gossip girl. you're just talking to talk and yet you haven't a clue.
look at half the fuckin community here that was once considered "top tier sellers".....theyre all BANNED....notice that? this entire place is infected. its filled with scams and stories, its like a wannabe 4 chan on here now. people doxxing people. its fuckin wild. am i the 400 accounts that have been banned for scamming? am i all those people? you wanna just fuckin blame me for everything thats ever happened on this site? lmao.
I'll leave this right here. It seems these forum members need to brush up on what they're experiencing:

A parasocial interaction (PSI) is a psychological connection between an audience member and a performer in mass media, such as on television or social media. During these interactions, audience members may feel like they know the performer personally, even though they've only had limited interactions with them. PSIs can feel similar to face-to-face communication and can lead to the development of a parasocial relationship, which is a one-sided sense of connection with the performer.
Why do you continue to show up and post here then? Things on the internet are written in ink; hence why your names will forever be posted here. You wrote your own history here, don't get upset that people still choose to read about it.

I don't care about various forums / games I used to be apart of, I don't continue to try and reconnect.

Also, you were banned from Twitch for your content. Not sure how that's "went away from streaming" as if you had a choice in the matter. You are not a persona, a celebrity, or a performer, you are scam-artists, nothing more. It's actually hilarious you guys have decided to label yourselves as such.

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