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Discussion Old Account Sales and Other Forum Posts That Are Sold/ Unnecessary/ Not Viable/ Outdated/ Need To Be Removed. (1 Viewer)


The One And Only
Dec 9, 2015
Rating - 100%
517   0   1
Some of these are near the top of lists on various servers for lots of different things.

If the account is sold then why is the creator of the post updating the account to sold and leaving the post up? It clutters up the forum and makes it hard to see whats even really available. It also makes searching for accounts much more difficult which is exactly the opposite thing we want to do to buyers. AND PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE STUFF FOR SALE also would not want SOLD posts up! We need to set a mandate for deleting a post when the sell is completed. No one needs to know its sold if its not available. Just take the post down when it sells. Post a new post when you have something for sell again. I cant think of a reason the post would get updated to SOLD


Guy is selling a level 70 shaman only.

He makes the post: "WTS Level 70 Shaman 320 AA's Epic 2.0 GEARED!"

When he sells this character he then goes to the post and updates it instead of deleting it: ""WTS Level 70 Shaman 320 AA's Epic 2.0 GEARED! SOLD"

Okay so if its no longer available. WHY DID YOU GO AND MARK SOLD AND LEAVE THE POST UP!?!?!?!?

Guys look at the forums its all over the account creation. I have money burning a hole in my pocket for something I really want and the buyers are forced to look through posts that should not even be up.

Can you give me a logical reason why someone is going into the post after they sold it and its no longer available then wasting their time and ultimately everyone else who has to look at it marking sold and leaving it up!? What is going on with that? Is it validation? Is it for attention? It baffles me.

Now if you have multiple characters for sell and you still have some and you only sell a few of course youre going to keep youre post up. DUH. But please at least delete the characters off of the post that are no longer for sell.

We use searches to find specific things and we cant buy sold characters so we dont need them advertised to us. Its a waste of everyones time and it makes everything cluttered.

I am open to other peoples opinions on this. Lets talk about it! Hopefully we can do something about it.
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I am guilty of changing mine to SOLD, and I leave it up for the notification if I getting shafted from another user I can provide that SOLD
I understand that and I have a very easy solution everyone can do very quickly.

Take a screenshot put it in a folder on your hard drive or ssd etc use the tools please.

Now delete the post you dont need it.

dont clutter up the site.

Thats my take.

It takes a few seconds.

Thank you for joining the discussion.
Well, I mark my threads as SOLD whenever I'm completely sold out of something, however, these threads slowly make their way to the bottom of the forums (which I don't think is what you're talking about). If people are bumping out of stock threads, yeah I agree; that's definitely annoying. BUT, I leave mine marked as SOLD for a couple of reasons; First more of a convenience thing, when I do have something to sell, I like to just be able to update the inventory, keep everything the same and know I don't have to worry about crossing my T's / dotting i's.

The second and ultimately to me the most important, is I have had numerous previous customers who can't remember my exact name or w/e, and I've found about 99% of the time, they use the thread they purchased out of to contact me. I just prefer full transparency; after I sell the account I screenshot clip the exact forum I had posted, save it in a separate folder, then delete it out of the thread. This helps keep receipt of everything while maintaining updated inventory.

Basically in my opinion, deleting the thread that someone made a purchase out of is ultimately closing a line of communication between you and your customers. I'm not about that. =\
The flipside to this, is I would be ok with an automatic deletion after ZERO activity after a set amount of time. IE; no ones responded / bumped / messaged me through it. Go ahead and delete after 6 months.

EDIT: Or an annual purge of old threads. Expansion gets released, person who made the thread hasn't even logged in to the site in X amount of time. Purge it.

Last edit; you did just motivate me to look at my old threads and yes, I found x2 that were made that I absolutely should have deleted years ago. xD Just never noticed them.

And just for fun, a good ole Brac' analogy; Imagine buying an Xbox from a store and two weeks later, the Xbox isn't working so you drive back to talk to the guy who sold it to you, only to find the entire building has been demolished. xD

Alright last edit I promise, then I gotta go to the gym. But I found this post to be interesting because I always try and see the counter-argument. And another issue I have with the idea of deleting your threads, is what is the threshold? For instance there are plenty of big-name sellers here who will run out of stock after a big purchase, and it might take them a day or two to rebuild their inventory. If we require they delete threads once sold out, that also means they're deleting the reviews people have left for them, the entire formatting of their post, etc... Just seems like a ton of a headache and work for it.

The biggest pro I find though is yes, it would definitely reduce some of the clutter on ECT; and again, I can't remember who (and wouldn't say if I did anyways) but someone was bumping out-of-stock threads a ways back to "line customers up" despite them having no inventory, on the pretense of HOPING to fulfill their orders. Then offering discounts to help make future sales etc... COMPLETELY against that.

Dammit, this is the last one. xD Would there be a way to "suspend" a thread? IE; I run completely out of inventory, I go to the top, click a little drop-down box that says either Active, or SOLD. I can click sold and it automatically throws my thread to the very bottom of the forum until I reactivate it (which costs a normal bump to do). That would both reduce clutter, and maintain sellers threads for future inventory updates. Best of both worlds. Alright for real this time, Cheers!!!! xD
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Yeah a lot just type sold so if they have a issue they can put the thread sale in the post of the issue and it helps people understand alittle better what’s going on but at same time a screen shot can do that same thing and can not be edited and can be put in a post about an issue just as fast I delete all my posts
Is there a way that an "Archive" category could be made for this very reason? Old posts after X amount of time without activity could be moved to here, or manually by the post author as needed. If people need to research for any reason, they have all of the archived posts in the Archive forum. Thoughts?
Yeah seems like something could be done if it makes sense to do so to clean up the forums of the older (outdated and unused especially when regarding posts that have nothing for sale and are merely marked 'Sold' which negates the posters original intended purpose in order to sell something instead of being taken down) posts, that are outdated and convuluting the search feature from working effectively and effeciently, that people want to reuse or have for proof (screenshots) but are not currently "active." Its also a pain just to sift through them at times when there is an overabundance of these 'Sold' Posts.

Giving the people option to keep the post but remove it from the active forum search (archiving it) might be useful but overly complicated to put into action. Maybe the Posters can just stop being lazy. Take a screenshot if you need proof. If you need to save your type, Open a wordpad copy your post so you dont lose your precious work and save it there then remove your post from the forum because the item is sold. Then if you want to use your type again when you have something to sell that relates to the previously used ad simply open the wordpad where you saved it, copy and paste with a new post. That way you dont lose your previously written and extremely precious ad, type, work, or words. Then we keep the forums nice and easy to navigate where people can search through ads and posts that have the things for sell not the things that have been sold already. :)
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