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Discussion Mischief KronoLevel's Krono Give Away! Story Time Challenge! CHECK IT OUT! Deadline 3/20/2022 (1 Viewer)


The One And Only
Dec 9, 2015
Rating - 100%
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I was talking to Redbot earlier and I came up with a great idea! I am going to do a krono give away!

The rules are simple!

Tell me your FAVORITE EQ Memory! Any server, Any Era, Tlp Or Live As Long As Its EQ Or related to EQ WE WANT TO HEAR IT!

It Does Not Have to Be An Origin Story! But What is Your FAVORITE ABSOLUTE EVER EQ RELATED MEMORY!?

I will choose my favorite 3 EQ memories/stories about you playing EQ and those people will each receive 1 krono as their PRIZE via parcel in game to the character and server of their choice!

If I like more than 3 stories and/or memories of EQ than I will award Bonus Krono!

TELL US YOUR STORY AND OR MEMORY! SHARE! We cant wait to read it!

And I am going to share one too!

I will give everyone 7 days to post! Then I will choose my favorites! Please like your favorites as well guys and gals!

If this is successful and we all have fun I will start doing Krono Give Away Challenges once a Month at least!
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Okay should I mention all the swarm kiting I did on my Shadowknight with epic 2.0 and mortal coil infinity loop before they nerfed it? There are some great stories there. What about the beam kiting era You remember that? ohh yeah babay! How about headshot!? Ranger Danger! So OP back in the day! what about the Pbae Afk PL On the TLPS! SOOO FUN BLEHHH! ;) Oh god I remember being a kid with just a druid to my name and those beautiful lowbie Thorns runs. God that was slow exp. But it was sooo fun! (I've been a power leveler most of life so of course I have years of these experiences! And I miss all these strats! RIP MY LOVES!)

I'm KronoLevel! I have been playing EQ since for as long as I can remember. I was just a kiddo when I started and it was love at first sight! I rolled a ranger and named him Stryder because Strider was taken. I was so excited to play my big brother had the game and he let me play on his account. His character was named Sunflash, or Matthais or random Redwall Novel Names, we loved those stories! My ranger was hot garbage and I couldnt kill anything it was brutal. One day I was watching him play (I loved to watch him play he was high level and usually played his Cleric or his Bard and so good!), I only got to use the computer when he was not on it, and I saw him with this weird thing he was using to kill everything.

I was like, "What is that!?"

He responded, "Thats my pet."

A PET!?!??! WTF!!!! I WANT ONE!!!! OMG! The next time I got to play I deleted my weak ass ranger (I was only allowed to use one character slot big bro said) and rolled a mage! I got into the world i was like YES YES YES! I go kill stuff to get some loot to sell for my spells. I go to the vendor and there is no pet!!! WTF!?!?!?!?! I run to my brother! DUDE I HAVE THE GOLD THERES NO PET! Hes all dude what level are you? Im like level 1 man this game is hard! (Back then exp was really really slow and getting coin as newb was hard af and you had to med and stuff it was really fun!)

Bro was like dude you dont get a pet until lvl 4.

I think I blacked out after that I dont remember much.

THE GRIND IS REAL! This is the origin story of the Best PLer in the world! :)
So I stopped playing in either 2004 or 2005, but I have a tie for my favourite that were both in EC Tunnel when the game first came out. You would to have needed to play back when the game first came out to truly appreciate this. I played an ogre and learned how to run from Ogguk all the way to EC tunnel so that I could buy/sell things because that was the place to be! If you died though.... you either had something like 30 minutes or depending on your character level to run back to your corpse, or get a res or you lost everything. This leads to me to a tie because of that. Not sure if things changed, but the damage you received in game/during combat was also the same text you would see if someone shouted in the game. What I mean by that is there was only ever 1 text box back then and if you took 6 damage from a skeleton while fighting it and someone used /shout "HEY" Both could come up on your screen as red and there was no differentiation. Now... because of that people would love to shout the following

/shout, "A Hill Giant has CRUSHED you for 90 points of Damage!"
/shout, "Sergeant Slate has pieced you for 90 points of Damage!"

As an ogre if someone shouted that at you while you were running through commonlands you didn't have time to scroll back and see if they were actually there. You also almost never checked to see if someone did type /shout. You would just immediately see the red text and start BOOKING IT. You either ran all the way to West Commonlands, or to the end of the tunnel to the desert of Ro like your life depended on it. Sergeant Slate was absolutely RUTHLESS, if anyone shouted that he was running to the tunnel you just ran and never looked back.

Side note.... I was very young and played on my older brothers account when the game first came out. He legit scared the shit out of me and told me that the giant Skeleton in South Karana that roams that land was one of the few creatures that wouldn't leash if you zoned. My brother convinced me that even if you zoned that the skeleton would zone with you and keep chasing after you until either you died or you killed it so I avoided fighting him at all costs :).

There might be some more memories, but this will always have a special place in my heart.
I would have to say my first experience with EQ was back in 2000 or 2001. Coming home one day and seeing my dad playing, and remember seeing a naked barbarian sitting in the snow. He told me a little about the game but I left back outside with little interest at the time. When I got home later that day he already had an account ready for me with a barbarian named tettwo (he was Tetone) Didn’t take long of exploring Halas with him that I was hooked and never left the house again lol. At the time we had 3 computers that he slapped together and would have their friends come over for either quake 3 or counter strike. Once his buddies tried out EverQuest and they had 3 computers going dabad, dagood, and daugly. It was pretty much over for me at that point and I’d be pissed off cause they would show up first thing in the morning and play all day. I would have to stay up all night and wait for them to leave just so I could stretch tettwos legs a little lol. I havnt played in years and recently just got back into it a couple months ago, and I’d have to say I’m hooked again. Got a better understanding of the game now then I did back then and I don’t have to share a computer with anyone anymore lol
I have played EQ on and off for 18 years, and in that time I have a lot of memories from the game.

I'd have to go with my #1 memory comes from the camping of my original cleric 1.0

My friend and I had camped Lord Bergurgle for 12 hours (12pm-12am) with no luck of spawning him whatsoever. We decided to go to bed, but we set up an audio trigger and turned my speakers up as loud as they would go. Keep in mind, this friend was a real life friend of mine so he used to bring his PC over and we'd play EQ all night, or i'd go to his house vice-versa.

We heard the trigger go off because it was attacking his beast lord's pet and I've never seen either of us move as fast as we did to get back to the PC to make sure we got the drop. I don't know why this is my best memory, perhaps it's because it was before life got hectic and weekends and weeknights consisted of real life friends coming over to play video games (the last of "LAN" parties I suppose.

It does remind me of my youth , and how many memories we all made together just playing a "useless video game" as our parents would say to us.

Don't regret anything, in fact looking back over the last 18 years I've been involved in this game outside of some highnotes of child births, marriage, and "life" alot of my most fond memories and friendships have been developed in this game.
Back in my day 1999, I hopped on the Evercrack train and made my first character. Wood Elf warrior. I remember running into a dwarf paladin named Hanable. This was Prexus Server. He was amazing gave me a full suit of bronze armor. I thought I was a god. Looked all bad a$$. Well one day I was doing Lego pad and CB belt turn in for some exp. I had to run to my friends house down the street. Leaving my computer on knowing I wouldn’t be too long was the wrong idea. I get home to my little brother drowning me in the Ocean of Tears. I never saw that corpse and bronze armor ever again.

The End.

Muzicous - Mischief <3
I don't remember the year, Kunark was out and it was shiny and new so late spring/early summer 2000. My brother got me into EQ, he was in middle school and I was in high school during this time. We only had one computer in the house so we'd take turns playing. i.e. he'd play for two hours, log out of his character and then I'd get to play for two hours. We both were wood elf Rangers, back in the days were orc hill groups were the rage and if you got into a CB group that was intense. He got into some beef with some one person in CB one night and then used me as a threat that his big sister was going to come beat his character up. I don't know the exact exchange as I wasn't involved in it at that point and it's been awhile.

It gets to the point where he comes up to my room to get me and I log into my character and go to Crushbone because I always came to the aid if my little brother was being bullied. I get there and this guy wants to duel, we do and I smoke him by kiting him as he's a Warrior. He gets all pissy and then says it's because of my gear (I think I was in a mix of banded and ivy etched, I had a Short Sword of Morin and a PGT though so that was pretty badass) and because I didn't stand and fight him toe-to-toe. I do remember laughing and asking him why I would do that when I'm a Ranger. Words exchange some more because I'm an immature high-schooler and this guy was picking on my little brother.

Anyways, have played many MMOs since then and hey, I'm back in EQ again, but this is still my favorite gaming memory of all time.
One of my fondest memories from the Nostalagia era;

I'd been playing the game casually for a month or so - didn't really know what was going on other than being told "When you log in, put your LFG tag on and people will tell you where to go to play with them". I had religiously done this and this particular time was no different. I recall I was under 50, and above 46 and I got invited to a hate group. Was told some pretty sweet rogue gear drops and it'd be fun, and they would have a Wizard port me up (WTF is a port? To this point I had only sailed the big ol' boats). So like usual they tell me what to do, and I do it. I end up meeting a wiz at the zone in to Innothule, in South Ro. Before we go up he asks me:

"Have you been here before?"

"OFC, No problem!" You know since I'm a rogue i aint gotta do shit but backstab whatever they pull in. So.. up we go!

I see the other guys all huddled in the corner immediately upon zoning in so do the same. *Great, they think I know what I'm doing!*

Well, after a minute or two there's nothing going on, so I peek out the little cubby. I see some cool looking statues, a big golem dude.. and that's all I saw before they all charged at me (us?). Instinctively I ran away to the group for help... who proceeded to get absolutely STOMPED as a pile of monsters come in.

So, after lots of sorrys, and an explanation from the group, I realize that there is potential for aggro immediately upon zoning up, and that it's gotta get split correctly before it becomes easy. So, after about 30 mins we've been collected, and ported back up, bodies looted. The guys there start trickling mobs in packs of 2-3 for awhile and all is well. Until....

They start asking me about my epic quest (WTF is an epic quest?). The bard tells me to come follow upstairs, stay stealth. I follow. He leads me around the map, up a set of stairs, and tells me "see that counter over there? your epic book is there you jsut gotta grab it and run when its clear" and off he goes back to the group. Didn't really know what he meant, so waited a good 15 seconds, ran over, and picked up the book. I run back to the group, who upon seeing me, start cursing. They kick me from the group immediately as I bring back yet another proportionally large train. Now, I don't necessarily remember old Hate, but I understand there is a boss of some sorts upstairs where the book is (Maestro? Corrupter of Life??). All I remember is getting blasted for pulling a boss to the camp, wiping everyone, and for being a shithead.

That was the death of my rogue. It is rumored to this day that the rogue's corpse still haunts the halls of Hate. I never played that toon again.
So I'll jump into the fray - I have quite a few awesome memories of this game. I've been playing since I was 11 years old, watching over my Uncle's shoulder during beta until I felt brave enough to face the big bad orcs by myself...
I played around, scared to death - so it took 2 full years for me to get my first character past level 30, even though my level 20 had something like 300 played days in the first two years...lol. I made the 'mistake' of making my character on Rallos Zek - my Uncle and his friends all started there, and they were talking about how it was the 'Manly' server, unlike the 'blue' servers... I had no clue wtf they were talking about, I just wanted to be part of the club...

That is until I met Jookie. This level 10 rogue in Flowers of Happiness that had de-leveled with full epic 1.0 and other raid gear just to 'gank' the low level people (aka, me). They especially loved to do this, because gear used to drop from your corpse - any one piece they wanted after they killed you. This alone was scarier than all the orcs of crushbone combined. Emperor Crush was nothing compared to this jookie A-hole.

So 2 years pass, and I'm finally out of level range of these Flowers of Happiness fellows, I'm above level 30 (something like 35ish) and I'm running a bard instead of a monk so I can zoom away from the PVPers, and so I can run my resist song to keep them from rooting me and ganging up on me... Since I was so over-confident, I pooled ALL my plat from the past 2 years of sitting around buying and selling in Kelethan (RZ's version of East Commonlands) to save up and buy myself one of the original Fungi Tunics. I also had full blue diamond gear, hp rings, you name it - I was DECKED out. Quite the proud 13 year old. I didn't think anyone could root me with my 170+ MR, not including my song. I didn't think anyone could kill me before I could take off my 75hp rings and kill myself....so I was feeling great about exploring and getting into the game FINALLY!

I'm playing with my best friend, who is playing a druid at the time, and we're goofing off in Dalnir trying to level up when all of the sudden a rogue comes in, all shroud of stealth'd up, and starts hitting me when Im fighting a couple Sarnaks. No big deal I think to myself - I tell my friend he needs to succor us asap. He does and we poof to the zone-in.

... Did I mention I was 13? Well that means it was the time of Dial Up internet. I was playing EverQuest while running NetZero, because my parents were broke and didnt want to pay for internet, and I was saving my money for something cool...like a big stereo lol. Back to the story...

So by the time my friend and I zone back in at the zone-in. That fucking guy is ALREADY at the zone-in just waiting for us.

Immediately he starts attacking before I even see my character screen.

My heart is pounding, my hands are shaking, im trying to take off my gear as quickly as possible and put it in my bags. BUT WAIT! THE BAGS ARE FULL FROM XPING! So I'm drastically trying to throw things on the ground/delete them so there's room in my bags for my gear, all while running to the zone-line to zone.

Loading...please wait.

I come out of the zone...he's already there before me. Fucking netzero. I turn around, and zone again. I yell to my friend playing in the other room "PORT ME WHEN I ZONE IN! PORT PORT PORT!"

my friend says something but I'm not sure what he said.

I load in, hoping to have the port spell half way through casting... and instantly see two large ogres just waiting for me. They both target me, and hit Harm Touch.
I instantly die, fungi tunic still on...

I started crying IRL. I was DEVISTATED. Two years of work, taken in a few minutes of gameplay. I decided that day, I'd quit EQ. (of course, I came back after about six months to a year).

... 15 years later, I'm 28 and on a sales call for one of my early companies. I sit down at starbucks waiting for my client to show up (I was selling Credit Repair services at the time, and needed to know more about the situation and packages etc - that doesn't really matter though). After about five minutes this young man shows up, about my own age, and we start chatting. Weekend plans come up, general hobbies etc - and somehow, out of the blue, he tells me he played Everquest. I was shocked to meet someone else who played - so excitedly I asked him what server? I've played for years!

He says Rallos Zek, he used to have a badass rogue but got tired of raiding so he just PVP'd. We start telling each other fun RZ stories, and then he tells me this one crazy story about how he made a couple hundred dollars in one day by killing this twink with a Fungi tunic on and selling it the next day. He goes on to tell me how he was in Dalnir, and zoning back and forth, but the guy zoned sooo slow (he laughs) but he still couldn't get the kill, so he had to call in friends to help but he still got it! It was one of the best days of his young life....

I just smiled and said "I was that bard". and then I told him the name.

I think we both just stared at each other for a good two minutes not believing the coincidence. The awkward silence being the only thing that felt right.

I glance down at his credit report, see the bankruptcy and missed payments racked up and realize one of the best lessons I've ever learned...

Sometimes, your worst moments exist - so someone else can have a moment they desperately need - and absolutely everything works out in the end.

I bought his coffee and said no hard feelings. I cried as a kid over it, but I'm not upset over the way things went down.

That one lesson taught me to save and to value my time more than a preconceived value of what my time had gotten me. That's what made me decide to never wear/use my products again if it risked a devaluation or even worse, risked the product entirely - instead, id work to let someone else wear it, use it, and enjoy it. I'd live vicariously through their enjoyment, but my payout would be the selling of that item/thing/widget/whatever... And that's eventually what lead to me being where I am today.
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So I'll jump into the fray - I have quite a few awesome memories of this game. I've been playing since I was 11 years old, watching over my Uncle's shoulder during beta until I felt brave enough to face the big bad orcs by myself...
I played around, scared to death - so it took 2 full years for me to get my first character past level 30, even though my level 20 had something like 300 played days in the first two years...lol. I made the 'mistake' of making my character on Rallos Zek - my Uncle and his friends all started there, and they were talking about how it was the 'Manly' server, unlike the 'blue' servers... I had no clue wtf they were talking about, I just wanted to be part of the club...

That is until I met Jookie. This level 10 rogue in Flowers of Happiness that had de-leveled with full epic 1.0 and other raid gear just to 'gank' the low level people (aka, me). They especially loved to do this, because gear used to drop from your corpse - any one piece they wanted after they killed you. This alone was scarier than all the orcs of crushbone combined. Emperor Crush was nothing compared to this jookie A-hole.

So 2 years pass, and I'm finally out of level range of these Flowers of Happiness fellows, I'm above level 30 (something like 35ish) and I'm running a bard instead of a monk so I can zoom away from the PVPers, and so I can run my resist song to keep them from rooting me and ganging up on me... Since I was so over-confident, I pooled ALL my plat from the past 2 years of sitting around buying and selling in Kelethan (RZ's version of East Commonlands) to save up and buy myself one of the original Fungi Tunics. I also had full blue diamond gear, hp rings, you name it - I was DECKED out. Quite the proud 13 year old. I didn't think anyone could root me with my 170+ MR, not including my song. I didn't think anyone could kill me before I could take off my 75hp rings and kill myself....so I was feeling great about exploring and getting into the game FINALLY!

I'm playing with my best friend, who is playing a druid at the time, and we're goofing off in Dalnir trying to level up when all of the sudden a rogue comes in, all shroud of stealth'd up, and starts hitting me when Im fighting a couple Sarnaks. No big deal I think to myself - I tell my friend he needs to succor us asap. He does and we poof to the zone-in.

... Did I mention I was 13? Well that means it was the time of Dial Up internet. I was playing EverQuest while running NetZero, because my parents were broke and didnt want to pay for internet, and I was saving my money for something cool...like a big stereo lol. Back to the story...

So by the time my friend and I zone back in at the zone-in. That fucking guy is ALREADY at the zone-in just waiting for us.

Immediately he starts attacking before I even see my character screen.

My heart is pounding, my hands are shaking, im trying to take off my gear as quickly as possible and put it in my bags. BUT WAIT! THE BAGS ARE FULL FROM XPING! So I'm drastically trying to throw things on the ground/delete them so there's room in my bags for my gear, all while running to the zone-line to zone.

Loading...please wait.

I come out of the zone...he's already there before me. Fucking netzero. I turn around, and zone again. I yell to my friend playing in the other room "PORT ME WHEN I ZONE IN! PORT PORT PORT!"

my friend says something but I'm not sure what he said.

I load in, hoping to have the port spell half way through casting... and instantly see two large ogres just waiting for me. They both target me, and hit Harm Touch.
I instantly die, fungi tunic still on...

I started crying IRL. I was DEVISTATED. Two years of work, taken in a few minutes of gameplay. I decided that day, I'd quit EQ. (of course, I came back after about six months to a year).

... 15 years later, I'm 28 and on a sales call for one of my early companies. I sit down at starbucks waiting for my client to show up (I was selling Credit Repair services at the time, and needed to know more about the situation and packages etc - that doesn't really matter though). After about five minutes this young man shows up, about my own age, and we start chatting. Weekend plans come up, general hobbies etc - and somehow, out of the blue, he tells me he played Everquest. I was shocked to meet someone else who played - so excitedly I asked him what server? I've played for years!

He says Rallos Zek, he used to have a badass rogue but got tired of raiding so he just PVP'd. We start telling each other fun RZ stories, and then he tells me this one crazy story about how he made a couple hundred dollars in one day by killing this twink with a Fungi tunic on and selling it the next day. He goes on to tell me how he was in Dalnir, and zoning back and forth, but the guy zoned sooo slow (he laughs) but he still couldn't get the kill, so he had to call in friends to help but he still got it! It was one of the best days of his young life....

I just smiled and said "I was that bard". and then I told him the name.

I think we both just stared at each other for a good two minutes not believing the coincidence. The awkward silence being the only thing that felt right.

I glance down at his credit report, see the bankruptcy and missed payments racked up and realize one of the best lessons I've ever learned...

Sometimes, your worst moments exist - so someone else can have a moment they desperately need - and absolutely everything works out in the end.

I bought his coffee and said no hard feelings. I cried as a kid over it, but I'm not upset over the way things went down.

That one lesson taught me to save and to value my time more than a preconceived value of what my time had gotten me. That's what made me decide to never wear/use my products again if it risked a devaluation or even worse, risked the product entirely - instead, id work to let someone else wear it, use it, and enjoy it. I'd live vicariously through their enjoyment, but my payout would be the selling of that item/thing/widget/whatever... And that's eventually what lead to me being where I am today.
This one is gonna get first place and a krono guaranteed lol! LOVE IT! EQ made me who I am as well. And I rock IRL! GREAT SHARE BRO TY SO MUCH! We Still have 2 krono up for grabs anyone who submitted can win and if I like more than 3 enough to award bonus kro I ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY WILL! MAKE IT RAIN BABAY!
I think one of my funny memories was early into planes of power, back before we had the rez release screen.

I thought it would be funny to bind my brothers character at the top of POK library, I was around 16 years old and he would of been about 14 at the time.

I fondly remember watching him log his character in, peeking through the door to see his reaction. As soon as he pressed enter world he fell to his death, I was literally laughing out loud and walked into him room (wow you've died already) he was like fuck sake Im not sure what's happened, As soon as the load screen loaded he was dead again. More laughing from me until the third time and he had lost a level, we had no way to stop this.

I really didn't think it through and he lost something like 6-7 levels until we realised we should turn the PC off. Back in those days levels didn't come easy, this was probably a week of levelling again.

I had to take the lift to the top / 3/4 of the way up and he logged in and didn't die, I cant recall what happened exactly but im sure the corpses would of been rezable so he may have only lost a level in the end. Still great times to look back at and often gets brought up when we have family get togethers.


One of my personal early achievements was my first ever EQ raid. I was a level 40 warrior and had been levelling for months and months, I was in a feeder guild to my main guild on the Venril Sathir server, our leader said we had enough to do a small trial raid to see how we get on as they were trying to teach us how to play EQ better and showing us what to expect. We cleared the whole of crystal caverns down to just outside the Queen. The next message in raid say OK Chunky, you're tanking. I was like omg omg ok dont fluck it up! As I went in and held the best agro I could we fought with the queen, it died and lots of people congratulated me on tanking so well at such a low level with practically no real gear. I was chuffed and couldn't wait to level up and join real raids! The mob dropped a Paladin 2 hander which noone needed, so they let me have it to sell. This cemented the fact I wanted to be a tank in EverQuest, my first ever MMO and the only one I am still playing today!

Great idea for a giveaway by the way, really enjoyed reading other peoples memories!
I want to thank everybody for sharing their stories! We had some great ones! And they all add value to our community here! I enjoyed reading them!

They are all my favorites tbh. That being said I did have 3 most favorites!

Will the following winners please Private Message me to collect their krono reward! Make sure you include the server and character name you want the kro delivered to!

Spellzorz: His story was amazing. Go check it out if you havent yet! Ultimate Revenge story! MUAHHAHAHA And its clear our boy loves this game! My boy lost his fungus amungus and came back IRL with The Bankruptcy clap on the ganker! Thats A real Batman POW! Holy suckering shitsoo batman this guys credit report is Foaming At The Mouth!

SKwanted: For always having your bros back! I love it! I have 2 brothers and we gotta stick together yo! Much Love! Crushbone has so many memories for me and I did finally get my own account and the family got another computer. my brother powerleveled the shit out of me there. Trainer hill man. Slaver Caves, Throne Room! Ill never forget.

NhuBuk: My dad is my best friend and this is the ultimate father son duo beginning when I heard your dad was getting you to play my heart swelled then when you said tetone and tettwo it melted! My heart grew three sizes that day. And I collapsed to the floor in pain. I think I had a fucking heart attack bro, thanks. IRL that shit hurts! GRINCH ME! P.S. I personally fucking hate Halas.

If you did not win the krono prize thats okay! AND IM SAYING EVERYONE WHO TOOK PART NOW GETS TO BE A WINNER! Anyone who participated gets 10% off their next krono (5 max) or Powerlevel on Mischief purchase from me! SO THERE! YOU STILL WIN BABAY BOY! LETS GOOOOO!

We appreciate your story! And just because the competition is over does not mean this thread has to end!

Keep sharing your stories! We love to read them! I will have another krono reward challenge coming soon! Be sure to participate!

Love you all!

-KronoLevel (The One And Mother Fucking Only!)

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